So does he mean "overrated pile of shit"?
Newell: "Artifact is to trading card games what Half-Life 2 was to single-player action."
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While HL2 is indeed an overrated pile of shit, Artifact won't even be that. It'll be a shitty game nobody gives a flying fuck about.
How do you go from wanting to make games to making shitty cashgrabs in a few years?
>inb4 "I hate this game I have not played because of my bias towards it's developer"
>thinking he can compete with duel links
uh no sweetie gabe.
I still don't know how the fuck they are going to do their card economy right and apparently Valve doesn't know either
Post art
you were like 4 years old when HL2 came out, don't act like you could have experienced how unique it was for its time
But HL2 was nothing special compared to the original. Sure it looked nice but beyond that everything was inferior to the original.
There are clearly many people (who are not you) who give a fuck about the game.
All card games are shit. Period.
I was 14 when HL2 came out and knew it was total dog shit compared to Deus Ex.
And I mean Invisible War, because that's how much HL2 sucked.
Shitty FPS sequels most certainly weren't rare in its time
>opening a pack is a spectatable event
we want the gambling 12 year olds crowd
was he a programmer or an artist to begin with? I always thought that Newell was just a businessman.
He wants to make a card game where you run around the room jumping around and throwing shit while other people talk.
How will a b2p card game with steam market even work
>game industry misunderstood the vision of the half life series
>makes interactive movies instead of game with seamless gameplay, good game mechanics, story that blends well in a game.
>instead plays games with anime waifus that is objectively garbage and games that follow the statement above
>blames valve just because of it and MUH NO HALF LIFE 3
fuck off nu-gamer OP
He was a programmer. He ported Doom to Windows 95 for Microsoft.
Is every online mutiplayer game a cashgrab now?
That's nice. It is really a shame.
>good game mechanics, story that blends well in a game.
Top zozzle.
Yes I certainly liked being locked in rooms while annoying characters talked through me and not at me.
shadowverse is pretty good though
yeah bro it should have been epic cutscenes instead
They are cutscenes, that's the problem. You can't even skip them.
>yeah bro it should have been epic cutscenes instead
Yeah that shitty Deus Ex having all those cutscenes. Not an immersive game at all
Its basically the same thing but you get to walk aimlessly around while being talked at and the visuals are worse
I'm sorry you have ADHD. Go play angry birds.
>Artifact will be an unfinished disappointment looked back on by its few remaining fans with immense regret
What did he mean by this?
I'm sorry you have shit taste. Go play HL2.
>And I mean Invisible War, because that's how much HL2 sucked.
Christ you've been lucky to never play an actual bad game.
>innovating another genre and pushing the whole industry forward
wizards of the coast must be squirming. They were planning on charging $20 per draft and then this happens
I hope this is not supposed to be an idle animation
An abandoned franchise?
Some of us like skipping cutscenes on replays, thank you very much. Especially in a game series with such an inconsequential story as Half Life
Oh but tell us more about how you're impressed with HL2's LOST style asspulls
Don't worry I've played Doom 3.
Means the game will be dead? kek
I hope it's fun. I want a new card game that's complex and doesn't rely on p2w card packs. I don't care if gwent and shadowverse give you tons of cardpacks for free, I want all cards to be available to everyone so everyone us on equal grounds.
>implying anyone will play this
Damn your taste is shit
Yeah it's the fault of gamers they didn't make half life 3 or games like it. Wtf bros we should have bought the game three thousand times.
Yes my favorite game Deus Ex certainly proves I have shit taste
As opposed to your favorite games of... Doom 3 and Half Life 2
shit taste.
Did my post state that we should blame the gamers for having no Half-Life 3? No
Nice strawman desu
But artifact won't have that. They already confirmed that it has a mandatory starter pack price, as well as packs and individual cards being sold by valve and on the market.
It sounds like it will basically be a physical card game, but digital. Physical card games don't have free cards either.
>game modes will be based on packs
wtf how does anyone fall for this scam
literally pay per play when you already bought the game
>oh you want to play random mode? that'll be $15 please
Can't wait to see Valve's own game being trashed in the review section of their own fucking store.
>implying people wont defend that
>implying that other people then true valve drones and twitch crowd will play it
They fucked up big time
Paying for the game while also having to pay for cardpacks while your game looks like an inferior, poor version of Hearthstone with even shittier art
Why would anyone choose this over Hearthstone?
This isn't even dead on arival, this is worse than that
>have the money, ressources and freedom to make any game you want to make
>make a virtual tcg
What does it matter?
Faggots here will literally never be statisfied even if they released 3 versions of HL3 in 3 different genres at the same time.
How old are you? Only 14 year old losers could possibly have your shit tier taste
tfw constructed is boring and r*ddit and everyone uses the same decks
tfw draft is pay per play
Anything would have been better than this lame 2014 card game trash, even ricochet 2 would've been more interesting
>trading card game simulation
Is there a more retarded genre?
We play with trading cards IRL because we don't have real wizard and dragons and vampires so we use cards and card systems to simulate fantasies you otherwise can't have, but why the fuck would you simulate card medium itself? You can just portray wizards, dragons and vampires and if you want to tie shitty gacha to it be my guest. Fucking lazy ass developers
*shuffles for five minutes*
*asks to read your card*
*is confused about what the card does and asks the judge*
*rolls dice and shuffles 5 times for random effects*
>pile of shit
You were probably too young during release.
it was amazing back then.
>We play with trading cards IRL because we don't have wizards and dragons and vampires so we use cars and card systems to simulate fantasies you otherwise can't have
Nigger, you what? That's DnD/Tabletop RPGs. Card games are just that— card games. I can't think of a single fucking MtG player I know who uses the game to "simulate fantasies", they just enjoy playing the fucking game.
No, its always been a shit sequel and an exceptionally mediocre game at best.
HL2 fanbase is equivalent to RE4 fuckboys.
They have never played the original release (HL1 and RE1)
>he unironically thinks artifact won't make Valve billions
Its going to be top 10 steam concurrents as good as it launches.
>"digital" trading cards
so, you never actually trade cards then, yet hes claiming its bread to butter of trading card games?
how to shoot own foot, see above.
like, the whole point of trading cards is collectability, you cant collect cards if they are digital. and no one point out fucking hats like thats the same thing, some people take cards SERIOUSLY.
Some people take TF2 unusuals and CSGO knives seriously too though, homeslice
We should remember to organize a review bomb when the day comes. Gotta teach Valve a lesson or two about being greedy assfucks who makes cashgrabs.
It wasn't, the only good thing it did was make physics based gameplay mainstream.
Oh boy can't wait to send this to my good old Hawaii Senator so he can use it to fuel his campaign against vidya.
>games in genre's I dont like are bad by default
Please do. We need to shower Artifact with bad publicity to increase its chances of flopping.
since it says there are drafts and sealed as game modes, the packs become a game piece and not a loot box, its the same way mtg gets away with it without any worry
HL3 will never be released because HL2 wasn't developed as a proper game it was developed as a tech demo to the source engine.
They're just doing it because it's a lot easier and cheaper to make.
The absolute state
There better be big anime tiddies.
>Its our fault for not buying a game that doesn't and will never exist.
HL2 is garbage you fucking losers.
>have to buy the game
>and even then its still P2W because you have to literally buy card packs for it to be worth playing
where did it all go so wrong bros
I mean look at him, does he even give a shit anymore?
Completely irrelevant?
Here comes the Valveshills to shill their garbage game. Sorry your favorite gimmicky FPS didn't pass the test of time, gramps. Meanwhile, DOOM is still great to play.
>Purchasing a pack should have positive externalities
>Opening a pack is a spectacular event
>Gamemodes will be based on packs
jesus christ imagine the stream of dosh if this thing takes off
i wonder how long governments will keep permitting this digital "totally not gambling" schemes
Every single thread ever
>x is shit
>y isn't shit
>woah ho ho here comes the y shills! 5 cents have been deposited in your account
>x is shit
>y isn't shit
>woah ho ho here comes the y shills! 5 cents have been deposited in your account
>x is shit
>y isn't shit
>woah ho ho here comes the y shills! 5 cents have been deposited in your account
Does it get boring?
>Implying it won't happen naturally.
There's more likely to be damage control from the fanboys, or valve could just hide the negative reviews like they do nowadays.
does the shilling get boring, faggot?
Is Artifact the new BOTW when it comes to seething?
Acquire reading comprehension
Who the fuck is going to be shilling for a 14 year old game that sells for like £2? Do people even know the meaning of words anymore?
But BotW is a good game, artifact is just Valve copying Hearthstone.
it looks not much like hearthstone
you could also say that botw did try to copy the ubisoft open world meme
Richard Garfield helped make Artifact, so I'm going to see what the fuss is when it's out.
is Artifact the Dark Souls of Skyrim with guns of trading card games?
>Gamemodes will be based on packs
not even a new thing
he probably means the draft/arena/whatever mode will probably need packs to enter so you can pass it to whoever else is playing
So something Valve and Gabe abandoned for hats?