What fuck happened to Steam for people and curators to do whatever they want? Also the funny thing about this is that the user is a mudslime yet he complains about child pornography
The game in question he got to remove was this
Steam user manages to revome a game from the store through a false claim
Other urls found in this thread:
Based Allah
literally /ourguy/
It wasn't a false claim. Under Canadian law it's considered cheese pizza, he didn't lie at any point in his report about the content, and he didn't misrepresent who he was.
You can bitch and moan about his reasoning and Steam pulling it but he didn't lie to get it done.
>Caring about the age of anime girls
>this game violates the law of one country
>therefore we're going to ban it for every single one
Wow this place really has gone down the gutter to defend shit like this
>waaaaaah I'm a retard and literally incapable of 4th grade level reading comprehension
Wait a second, is this why you're attracted to little girls? Because they're your intellectual equals?
>SonoHana removed from Steam
What the fuck?
Nobody is defending it, he was refuting your false claim you turbo-autist.
Also getting something deleted through lies and deceit sounds exactly like something old Sup Forums would do, stop pretending you newfaggot.
Kudos to those guys removing garbage from steam one at the time