Kamiya is betraying yet anither company I see

Kamiya is betraying yet anither company I see...

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Take this (you), that's all you deserve. This meme was already outdated yesterday

That's right nerds. Bayonetta is coming home.

Can't believe Kamiya actually said that. Let alone over Twitter. Kamiya should actually want to develop games for PC instead. But here he is bitching about virtual console of all things. Not that I own a Switch. Because it's terrible. But hey. There's more in the world than bitching on twitter. It's not going to change a thing.

Why can't a joycon just have a dpad and buttons?
I don't get why people are freaking out over a half decent idea.

>All the people replying getting mad at him.

He's clearly just fucking bantering holy shit. Are people really that autistic?

Phew, thank God the Nintendo Defense Force responded quickly to that Tweet.
What ever would have happened should they have not gotten there in time?! I'm glad I'll never know.

>Not that I own a Switch. Because it's terrible

Subtle, very subtle.
Nice try 7/10


>kamiya wants nintendo to uphold their own idea
>"waaah he is betraying nintendo, crucify him"

I pity people like you. So insecure. Don't know what for. It's just someone's opinion. The majority of people do not own a Switch. You're in the very minority of people that do.

Where the FUCK is my virtual console?

It's a banter you mongs

Blackmailing is illegal. Nintendo should sue that bald ass desu

>i-i-is just a banter i-idiots!!1!

Oh look, the kamiya apologist are here

t. idiot

They should just cancel Bayonetta 3. His games suck anyways.

>It's okay when Japanese people do it
Literally the Japanese Phil Fish

Banter is an exchange of playful remarks, that shit was one direccional it just seems petty

Why Japanese developers have such retarded apologist, like with Kamyia and Kojima?
I don't remember seeing this with any western developer.



> Joycon multiplayer

no one does this and even if they did, design games so the 2nd player makes do with the d-pad

a Nintendo handheld without a dpad is retarded

How would selling a separate joycon with a dpad hurt the sales of anything?

It wouldn't. That guy's just a retard lol

Well, this confirms best girl won't be in Smash.

>Nintendo gets sick of him
>they drop the exclusive contract
>Someone picks it up seeing as how it would be stupid of them not to
>Bayo3 becomes a multiplat and everyone gets to enjoy best girl's game instead of having it locked behind a meme machine like the switch or Wii u
the best timeline

Keep dreaming, fags.

This salt mine never runs dry jesus

>nintendo gets sick of him
>micro$ picks up the contract
>Bayo 3 goes the way of scalebound
Fixed it for you.

>kamiya makes a joking statement
>fucking nerd internet tough guy takes it seriously and starts sperging out about controllers

Oh no, what will the world do without yet another shitty Bayonetta game.

holy shit this would be cool as fuck

>$50 each

of course they are, remember the switch emulator announcement outrage?

This is correct. A d-pad used as buttons would work just as well as buttons used as a d-pad. It is very rare for a game to expect you to press A and Y or B and X at the same time. I would guess they went with the buttons simply because it makes it looks better from a marketing perspective when showing off the multiplayer rather than having any concern for function.

>defending no d-pad on a handheld
state of Switchlets

What would a d-pad offer that the joy-con can't already fulfill?

This fucking ingrate really needs to be put in his place before his head gets too massive. Nintendo and Nintendo fans have supported his games for so many times and yet this little shit actually thinks he's such a hot stuff to make such demand. Kinda glad actually that Bayo2 Switch bombed in Japan as a reminder to him.

He is a idiot, nintendo would of have tested the idea of dpad as buttons and they were probably shit to play with as a separate joycon controller.

>If they put a d-pad on it, then you're left with a controller without buttons for single Joy-Con multiplayer
I don't understand what he's trying to say here. Every Switch comes with two regular Joy-Cons, so why is he sperging out about the possibility of an extra version with a d-pad for those who want it?

Time to move on gramps. A dpad is more often used as 4 extra buttons instead of movement. Ninty invented the dpad by the way so they get to call the shots.

Being able to play 2D games without my hands cramping up as much.

What a moron. Why does Nintendo still keep him around?


Why do people even like this loser again?
All his games were fucking terrible.

I don't understand how a d-pad would alleviate that.

Reminder: if your not blocked by this bald manlet u should leave Sup Forums forever.

The reply is retarded because no matter what you will always have two Joy cons for multiplayer because the fucking system comes with them. Offering another Joy con with the d-pad doesn't change that.

whenever I come to Sup Forums, I start to really think

rekt, eat shit ninty. bayo is a trash series tho

Nintendo fans are the absolute worst
He wants a better dpad option and they're literally telling him he's wrong and it doesn't need another option.
Fucking manchildren

to sony? sweet

>t. blocked by Kamiya

What the fuck did Kamiya mean by this?

News flash
His games didn't sell well even on Nintendo platforms. You fucking Nintendo fanboys didn't buy them either.
Nintendo is investing in him because they need exclusives. They don't care how well the games do. I bet Octopath will also be a low-seller.
Just take a look at the list of best selling Wii U titles. Only the super generic
>muh mario
>muh Zelda
Games sold worth a shit.
Tropical Dong didn't sell well. Bayo didn't sell well. Wonderful 101 didn't sell well. Xeno X didn't sell well.
Face it. You share a console and interest with a bunch of 30 year old man children that only play Mario games

I love Kamiya

>Be developer in contact with nintendo
>Be japanese
>want thing from them
>dont ask
>make passive aggressive tweet in english instead

I don't give a shit how well they sell. I don't invest in Nintendo. The games are available for me to buy and play and that's all that matters to me.

It's just fucking bantz I swear to god you Americans get more soft every day. It's probably all the fat in your swollen heads.

>implying he didn't ask
do you work for nintendo

>Grown men will buy Splatoon and ARMS but not Bayonetta

Can you blame them for wanting to buy games that are actually good?

>Platty ever ever working with MS again

sure thing

Did the joke just fly over your heads or something?


>It's another "japanese Phil Fish being a cunt" episode
I still don't get how this guy keeps getting a free pass. Because he's japanese?

>Not realizing Kamiya is fucking with them
Will they ever learn?

because he actually made good games, unlike phil fish

The fucking mad man

>they invented the d-pad
I wish I could put you on display at a zoo.

Its pure marketing drama

with people like THIS i aint surprised

This man is fucking with the wrong fanbase. We are the most loyal and dedicated gamers out there. But stab us in the back and YOU WILL PAY.

We haven't forgotten Monster Hunter. And we know it would have sold better on the Switch. There will be consequences. And if this guy doesn't change his mind, he will face them too.

good grief what is wrong with toddlers


>And we know it would have sold better on the Switch

It's the best selling Capcom game of all time, just because it's not on a nintendo hardware.

Name one time Nintendo fans were able to handle banter.

I'll wait.

It also happens here. I asked in a thread about the upcoming CFW for the Switch and the fanboys almost eat me alive.

>Autists thinking he's serious and saying he needs Nintendo
>Other autists thinking he's serious and rejoicing because Bayonetta 3 is now coming to PS4


>This monkey thinks spamming wojacks is banter

>I don't give a shit how well they sell.
Ofc you don't. You don't care about videogames. You would rather watch how monster hunter would rot and die on the 3ds.

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

It's weird when you see someone decrying something like wojaks while posting an image of not even an eceleb, but a fake eceleb made by a marketing team.


I care whether I get video games and buy the games I want on whatever platform they're on. I don't have any influence over the rest of that shit so why worry about it?
I didn't buy MH on 3DS but World looks good so I'm getting the PC release.

Whats the point of showing the bottom tweet? Am I suppose to agree with this manchild like I know the inner working of Nintendo and the companies business relationship. The answer is no, you pathetic manchild 24 hours in paint mouth breathing cheeto stained hygiene dodging neck bearded fuck

>Getting triggered by reaction images
You're worse than the pathetic faggots that get triggered by anime on an anime website.

Did you forget what year it is? Yes, they really are.

goddamn autism, holy fucking shit, makes me want to throw my 3ds away

>Some eceleb's youtube video makes you want to throw away a 200 dollar device
Sup Forums - autists to the highest degree.

Name one time any console fanboy was able to handle banter

You can't

>You now realize Kamiya has probably created shitposting comics on this board

naw m8 fags like that are just following an easy as fuck business plan of modern day new media. Since it is all about intimacy and shit now a days. Imagine the show big brother but based on around a single person and they you pretty much have business plan that many a eceleb use to get mad fucking paid off of whatever online nerd watches that shit.
They are playing their audience and even though you are not getting the intended affect you are ironically also falling for it. Since you believe it is genuine and really instead of realizing just how fucking fake and manipulative it really fucking is.
In the modern day new media all these nerds online are just playing shit up to trick nerds into a fucked up sense of intimacy since it is so fucking easy and the fucked up part is that there have already been millionaires made through just doing that dumb shallow as fucking shit. Which in my eyes honestly is sad as all fucking hell.

Based Kamiya, get fucked nintendodrones

Fuck Kamiya, Nintendo doesn't need Bayo3. Bald fucking prick can flush his career along with Scalebound.

It's clearly a joke.

Funny to think that actual threats were made to the switch emulator devs. Those fanboys are really something else