Engineer is a good cla...
Engineer is a good cla
Classic TF2
that's what you get for building so much shit together
Credit where credit is due, the demoman wasn't the only one shooting at that clusterfuck of mistakes
Somebody post the webm
>when every time a team could've won if the engy wasn't using the fucking eureka effect
He didn't get an assist for killing the sentries, it was all him.
I don't understand what's wrong with this. He jumped in front of two sentries. Wtf did he expect?
A rocket hits from Soldier 1 FIRST, the demo shoots ONCE and dies, killing ONE sentry.
Then a SECOND rocket from a SECOND soldier hits and kills the second.
I'm not seeing it. It only takes 3 grenades to kill a sentry and he landed them all. The sad part is he could've done it in 2 grenades if he used the loch n load.
The demo only shoots two pills, which wouldn't be enough to destroy the sentries on their own.
he singlehandedly sealed the defender's fate and then got autobalanced to defenders
is there a class who doesn't counter engineer?
after a vote for auto balance failed, and the game decided to autobalance anyway
assists on destructions are only granted to spies who sap and medics who uber.
*saps your sentry*
*backstabs you*
Overwatch will never let you do something this fun. If they did it would be a keypress with a cooldown and require zero understanding of movement physics.
>Overwatch lives in user's head rent free
>fellow engi keeps following me around and placing his sentry right next to mine.
are you sure you looked at it with your eyes and saw the bright ass rockets hitting the sentries
>Bad engineers done in by the class that counters them the hardest
wow so surprising jeez oh man
>TF2 is better than Overwatch
This is the last time I believe Sup Forums's lies
>you are now defending
Name a mechanic in Overwatch that can't be mastered within 5 minutes.
>there are people who want autobalance back
t. team stacker
>Not TF2 Classic
Okay, this really is the last time i listen to Sup Forums
he fires 3
Spy is ironically the worst class to take out an engineer nest other than maybe the pyro. Even scout can easily bonk past the nest and fuck with their tele forever. If you can wait the 20 seconds it takes to build an uber you can just uber a direct hit soldier or loch demo to 2 shot the sentry and the engineer can do nothing about it except rescue it to a shittier spot while his other 2 buildings die.
actually he can hold it out if he wrangle toggles it and hits it with a non shit wrench, but that effectively puts the sentry out of commission anyway and lets others pile in to outdamage everything
It's one of those things where you hate it until it's gone. The new system is shit and you know it.
Yeah, he is. The people playing him here are morons.
Depth is fun yeah. Why continue playing a game you've mastered?
Name a game which gameplay can be master within minutes and has replayability.
you can't
Better than autobalance. I don't miss it one bit. Though team scramble should probably come back.
Checkers, tetris, certain fighting games, etc.
New opt-in team switch should give you crits for a few seconds, so you can stop the snowball you were probably part of.
Don't forget, if the game was autobalancing, they were also most likely rolling the defenders, anyway to the point that they were all bailing. An engi nest isn't going to do much when your team is running around disorganized or spawning into a lost cause. They also placed their turrets in a crappy spot which is like, half of an engineer's job.
>Its enemy team refuses to kick obvious hacker episode
>Master checkers within minutes
Doubt it
Master checkers mechanics.
Hey Sup Forums,
>medic uses vaccinator with bullet mode on hacker
>both teams have hackers
>ask them to kick theirs
>they do
>our vote fails and we roll over them
>hacker on your team takes advantage of people having no fucking clue what's going on and calls a successful kickvote on you after you attempt one on them
based ugleh poster
Team scramble is arguably the best solution, but fuck both for the whole herpaderp what the fuck do you mean you got friends with you on that team?
>you kill the hacker
why has this phrase become so popular with dumbasses recently? yeah i know what overwatch is, you got me user.
Post nerf bonk leaves you extremely vulnerable after tanking a lot of damage
Doesn't really matter when the enemy team has to choose to chase a scout who has a head start and is probably behind a corner back to spawn or defend the cap.
you're a brainlet, enjoy your completely unbalanced cancer matchmaking matches