Why is Nintendo promoting yuri incest in the latest Wario Ware?

Why is Nintendo promoting yuri incest in the latest Wario Ware?

It's not incest if they're ninjas.

They finally got some taste

Also they made them super fat for it too.

about time

yuri loli incest is alright with me

my wife ashley is looking cute

It worked in Xenoblade.

they literally crave cock 24/7

They know their audience is a bunch of faggots

OP here, I'm a straight male and I love yuri.

Cute, time to buy Wario Ware.

Yuri is a shit tier fetish my man

You don't show affection to your family? What are you? A sociopath?

To each his own.

Is Wario Ware ADHD the game?

Yuri makes everything better.

because it's HOT

She just needs a game where you do witch things with her and she gets a rival girl and they end up holding hands.

wouldn't that be selfcest



you never see that hagrid image much anymore, just the ashley image pretending to be the hagrid version

So this is what magic is capable of.

lv 9 illusion spell

After Green Lex Luthor, this is the best filename image.

The original, laughing elf man. Is the best