It's March 10th, which means it's Mario Day. Happy MAR10 Day!

It's March 10th, which means it's Mario Day. Happy MAR10 Day!

Mods pls sticky.

Other urls found in this thread:

dae love epic puns


damn we japanese now an shit

What about Yoshi day?

Shut the fuck up faggot


As a Sonicfag, I was going to lament over the fact that Sonic will never have his own day, but then I remembered we already have Autism Awareness Day next month, so that's cool.

Is this really the first time this idea has been suggested? Otherwise, fuck it, if May 4th is going to be forced on all of us by msm then I don't see why this can't be a thing too.

Every day on Sup Forums is mario day
Proove me wrong

Why is David Bowie dressed as a clown?

Still waiting on that sticky from the mods. Maybe they're too busy celebrating?

But its 10 march, not march 10


only in third world countries

Whatever you say achmed

Where'd u get my pic???

and a happy bing bing whaoo to you as well

Is it autism if I actually care about this? Even bought spaghetti to celebrate

I'd say that's pretty respectful, user.

Who wants to play some Mario Kart 7?

I left my WiiU at a friend's house lol

Nice. Time to play some more Odyssey and MK8D, been spending too much time on Night In The Woods and Splatoon lately anyway.

Drawfag here. I wanna sketch some cute stuff with Mario. Gimme your ideas.


Draw Mario as a cute girl.


Super mario run is the only event so far

Nintendo sent me an email telling me to buy Mario Run.
Does it still require a persistent online connection to play? This is the reason I never touched it so far.
I'll happily give it a shot but not if it has always online DLC, I mean, what the fuck?

best girl

>all those women's day retweets
>charlie's never been married

>tfw Martinet is literally our guy
>he just bing bing wahoos all day and never got a gf

that gif is beautiful

>every country except US is third world
>american education


This is more pathetic than May the 4th.

Ok pajeet

Who is it supposed to be?

>implying it's wrong

Watch the greatest story ever told

>being this booty blasted because you have no clean water

Today is march tenth
now who is martin?

Legalize it

Say that to my face, faggot.


Exactly. He's just trying to score some poontang by letting everyone know he's down with women's equality.

Reminds me of GaloSengen.

the video is made by the same two guys.

>numale glasses
He may love stick these shrooms in his pussy too

Koizumi answering the important questions on MAR10 day. But the most important one:

>Peach or Pauline?

KOIZUMI CONFIRMED /OURGUY/. Peach is old and busted.

670 power moons or so. Gotta keep on collecting.

I wish you at least got an unlockable outfit or something for getting them all.

Dont you dare to talk about my wife that way, i may hurt you





happy bing bing wahoo day, Sup Forums


Mario Run is 50% off.
What excuse do you have to not own the best mobile game ever?

Post your favorite Mario game

all these "day celebration" and "month celebration" things need to be gotten rid of. its already been saturated to the point of meaningless. fuck anyone who does this shit.

Bing bing

>this thread
So you guys have no games to play so you're celebrating the day of a fictional character?