This is suppose to be Mass Effrcts idea of a handgun.
This is suppose to be Mass Effrcts idea of a handgun
why do you add a crossguard to a ranged weapon, isn't that more pointless weight
Jesus that would be painful to ads.
Why Couldn't Bioware design real guns? Whats the purpose of making it look so autistic?
Halo vermin at it again
Mass Effect babby seething. Not my fault Old Bungie knew how to design good sci-fi shit.
How is this acceptable? Who looked at this and said to themselves "yeah this is totally the future"?
>space opera gun doesn't look realistic
wtf bros
>le space opera meme
Is that an excuse to make such tacky, generic, toy looking garbage? Some of the shit in Mass Effect is difficult to even call it a gun.
Is this the same gun that was being held backwards initially in a trailer?
ME guns look fucking dumb, but you've been posting far more generic shit, user.
I've been posting actual guns of the future user. Nothing colored white unless winterized or has a retarded fucking shape.
To be fair that thing has the lowest bore axis imaginable. must have virtually no recoil
How do Mass Effect's "Accelerate a projectile the size of a grain of sand to lightspeed" guns deal with recoil anyway? Is it just handwaved away with "DUDE EEZO LOL"?
I on't know much about ME, but I think they use ezo to reduce the mass of a tiny speck to virtually nothing and then launch it with magnets or something. I have no idea how that would generate recoil if it has no mass and is using magnets, but I guess guns don't look cool unless they have big bangs and flashes.
Frankly if the materials are light enough it could be made even bigger. The larger the surface area the better fore the gun cooling. And heat management is the only reasonable limit on how many shots ME guns could put down the range. Their batteries allow something like 10k+ shots before they need recharge.
This is supposed to be fallout's idea of a assault rifle
Such a tiny bullet fired from barrel so short shouldn't do diddly to armored 3 meter tall musclefreak aliens.
ME guns have absolutely different considerations during design compared to firearms or even "normal" electromagnetic launchers.
It doesn't. SMG is fucking garbage.
Why are Mass Effect aliens even using projectile weapons? Shouldn't they be using majority energy weapons? Why has Halo been the only game to make unique alien weapons like the Beam eifle, flashes out a condensed beam of light that can put a hole in your head.
Thanks for reminding
Isn't that why it takes 40+ of those caseless 4mm bullets?
It takes upwards of an entire 32 or even 60 round magazine of 7.62 Real Freakin' NATO to kill most of the enemies you face in the Halo series.
The SMG was meant for non-Elite and Brute aliens. Grunts and Jackals are easily hosed down with the Smg. Why it was the main fucking weapon in ODST when the main enemies were Brutes who ignore a full fucking magazine emptied into their face I'll never know.
Trigger/handle and barrel arent even aligned.
How do you hold it properly and aim?
Please, we both know the pistol was the main weapon in ODST.
>like 500 years into the future
>have magical fusion reactors and hand held laser cannons and super ai and shit
>most small arms are basically just modern guns some of them literally still using 7.62 real fuckin' nato
you know, besides the fact that their designs are retarded
ME laser weaponry hit the wall with their effectiveness and development of good anti-laser armor. Kinetic weapons based on mass effect just have much better efficiency. In-lore lasers are used as AMS systems.
with the sights, dummy
That and the Smg is really meant for the more common Covenant aliens. Grunts, Jackals and Drones were easily killed in 5-7 round burst with both.
how do you even fucking aim with this
Is the ejection port mirrored or is it supposed to shower your face with hot brass?
>hand held laser cannons
Doesn't a single Spartan Laser cost as much as 10 Warthogs? The 7.62 AR was probably a cost-saving measure.
They can also fold up because they have no mechanical action apart from the projectile being shaved off the ammo block
It reduces their mass but not to nearly nothing. ME firearms are miniaturized railguns and railguns have recoil because momentum must be conserved
They're not accelerated to lightspeed. They're not portable relativistic kill vehicles and their projectiles don't cause that kind of city-glassing impact
Yeah, no.
Why the fuck would they be featureless.
Also most space battles in media are just shapes shooting lasers at eachother? I don't get your point.
They wouldn't be spheres btw.
I'm not really a gun person but this thing really gets me.
>Halo babbies think their games have good looking guns
>anime poster with retarded opinion
Like clockwork.
Muhfugen neato NATO. Whitey gun pay.
Titanfall 2 had some nice guns, if a bit overdesigned.
NVGs and a laser pointer.
See that little two nubs on the top? That's where the scope is, weapon is mostly made for Jackals so they can use the Scope because of their headshape but it'd be difficult for humans.
Would shooting lasers even look like that and not just a single straight line from the spacegun to the target
Sniper rifle without a stock or a bipod seems like a bad idea.
It makes no Recoil.
I mean laser weapons wouldn't be visible iirc.
You gotta keep it stable. It's hard to be precise when the entire thing wobbles like mad.
The BFR is still an ugly block, though.
>gun that you can hold in your hand
>shoots "lasers" but doesn't meet specifications for guns based on ballistic physics
Bioware and Mass Effect deserve to get shit on, but not for trivial bullshit like this.
Never made any sense, the sheer monstrous power you could get out of a laser with mass effect tech even just using modern knowledge on lasers (mass produced antimatter and ignoring waste heat, specifically) would BTFO the guns they use in universe even before getting into the ability to straight up bypass all shields. Its just a case of the writers suddenly realising that with the setting they set up lasers would dominate but they didn't want that so they handwaved.
You wouldn't see the laser but if you could it would be a straight beam, although at longer ranges it would look like a really long projectile, see webm related.
That's why you hold it with two hands.
Doom's guns don't seem to like proper stocks.
Given sufficiently advanced technology, a sphere is the best design.
If the biggest isssue is overheating, couldn't the crossguards be there to prevent the hand from slipping or idiots putting their hand on the red hot barrel?
I mean, in the lore there is a rifle that only shoots in bursts because the soldiers were stuppid and wasted ammo.
There's not enough space for the worky bits anyway.
This is a French Canadian's idea of a rifle.
I prefer the reliable M3, high fire rate and capacity, doesn't look like dog shit. Equivalent to the modern day Beretta.
What specifications?
>a rifle that only shoots in bursts because the soldiers were stuppid and wasted ammo.
Didn't we have a rifle designed that way for the same reason?
Shit profile, you want to present a small heavily armoured section to your opponent while lightly armouring everywhere else whereas a sphere would have to dedicate a shitload of its mass budget to armour because its always present loads of surface to everyone, also easier to hit at long range, which is very important.
>the scope is on top so he can't reload fast
>just add a removable magazine then
>that almost makes a little sense, how about a removable clipazine instead ?
>done, let's get the paycheck !
I like when games let me try to customize a gun. I usually try to make it make sense with what's available to varying degrees of success.
We get it, it looks dumb. Do you have to make the same thread every fucking day though?
Nice webm thanks
Best design why?
Personally, I like the gun design threads but OP could stand to use a different pic and post to start them every time.
>halo babby
>dislikes anime
user, real guns have the same grip as OP's gun. Are you retarded?
You can't ignore waste heat. Also antimatter is a good storage for energy but it doesn't make lasers any better. Unless you mean anti-proton beams but those technically are not lasers.
And authors are not the only ones who didn't want lasers to be prominent. Reapers specifically don't want developed non-kinetic weapons. Because otherwise they start running into things like Casaba Howitzer's and nuclear bomb pumped gamma lasers. Not much Mass Effect could do about it.
Whole society is steered in a certain direction.
i forgot how dumb mass effect was
>nuclear bomb pumped gamma lasers.
Wasn't something like that used in a Gundam series to annihilate entire colonies?
There is also another one, for even dumber people, that shoots an armor piercing shot for each 10 normal. It is supposed to be used mostly by vorchas.
This isn't WW1, you dumb faggot. Pistols haven't had a straight grip since a long time ago.
See any CROSSES in there, tard?
Good point re: reapers
I mean that ships in mass effect have some sort of magical heat sink system which they can just dump heat into and unless I misremember the only time heat is ever mentioned as a problem is the normandy having to hold onto heat inside the sinks so it stays in stealth.
Antimatter to power the lasers, I mean.
This user gets it good.Lasers could be better and more powerful, but there is so much mass effect ancient tech that development in that direction is way easier and cheaper. Why the hassle of inventing and retrofitting a whole army with a new and kind of unreliable tech, when you can just continue investigating cooling systems?
The only retarded thing was changing the ventilation system for cooling clips. Makes unita less independent and more reliant on supplies.
Handguns should have been kept on the old sistem as a fallback gun.
Did they copy the bolt driver from planetside 1?
Love the way this sounds in 4
>draw animation has you flick the switch and it hums to life as it powers on
>meaty fucking fire sound
>great weapon to boot once you've modded it a bit, and as long as you can keep it fed with MFCs
not him but
You can do fun things with nukes.
Only ruined by having fucking recoil.
But that was on all fallout games
>magical heat sink system which they can just dump heat into
I like how they point it out and subsequently brush it off.
It doesn't make much sense given that kinetic barriers are completely transparent for visible light. How can you even protect physical armor from lasers? I haven't seen any obvious reflective armor elements in ME
About hit - yes. Normandy is the only ship that has problems with hit and only during stealth. Though for ships heat is never mentioned as that big of a problem (except for lasers which are much more ineffective than existing mass effect tech). Ships are mostly limited by the size of their reactors.
I was talking about space ships specifically desu
I think the codex mentions something about ablative armour and super heat resistant materials.
>playing a shooting game set in the future made by people who barely know anything about weapons, physics, chemistry, engineering, etc.
Lmaoing@yourlives. Enjoy your shitty flashy white LAHZER weapons with fucking hand guards
>Generic tacticool shit
>Wierd future shit
Congrats, both are fictional guns.
>I think the codex mentions something about ablative armour and super heat resistant materials.
Yep, probably specifically planted to make laser research unappealing for a long time.
>predator heavy pistol
For fucks sake. They acknowledge it's a stupid idea and still found the need to mock players who also found it stupid.
Best handgun coming through.
>that fucking kick
>that firing sound
>going fuckin akimbo.
>low bore axis
>front heavy which helps with recoil
>enough space for a 2 hand stance
except for the super high sights it's not bad. if the trigger is crisp enough this is a good gun.
>that center of gravity
That's not the HS010.
>Full Auto
>Fuller Auto
>Reapers specifically don't want developed non-kinetic weapons
They use the same handwave to ignore any fun and interesting sci-fi elements they didn't want to deal with in ME setting. The list includes: widespread AI, advanced human augmentation, mind uploading, any transhumanist elements in general, any radically alien aliens, anything that breaks kinect barrier status quo, including laser and plasma weaponry. And it goes on and on...