I miss the times where vidya protagonists were muscular, sexualized men (yes I'm a woman) I mean LMAO do the beta male devs seriously believe we give a fuck about ''muh personality'' and similar memes? We always go for the confident and strong guys, no woman ever goes ''I wish I had an autistic boyfriend who watches anime in his 20's and will romantically talk about how the jews are the reason why he works at KFC''
fucking remove soy boy protagonists, even in nu-Doom the guy doesn't even show off his arms and abbs except for the very beginning on the operating table, in the sequel he will propably be turned into a vegetarian homosexual so the omega males playing the game won't feel too intimidated by a digital character
Brayden James
Tits or GTFO
Justin Sanders
if you play female characters in video games then you should be sent to a death camp. A healthy guy will never choose to play a female character over a male one if there is such option in the game. Only a mentally ill freak would do that, like a tranny or gay. Or a person who doesn't care about the game's setting and immersion, a retarded tryhard wannabe pro streamer who is interested only in mechanics and numbers. If you play female characters in games then do everyone a favour and cut your balls off with a rusty knife and die from gangrene, tetanus or some shit. >but i dont wanna stare at males ass whole day thats gay lol!!! The ultimate tranny faggot excuse used by retards in WoW. You are playing a game about a war in a medieval high fantasy world, if it even crosses your mind to look at ass then you should be euthanized. What does your father think of his son who plays some sissy shit online instead of some troll berserker, dwarf mountain king, orc warlord, etc? Jk, freaks like you grow up without fathers.
You are fkn gay
Jaxson Lee
Carter Fisher
>yes Im a woman you know the rules dont waste our time
Nicholas Collins
>and will romantically talk about how the jews are the reason why he works at KFC
Josiah Kelly
Juan Wright
Fuck off
Samuel Sullivan
I also want the want the muscular, steroid chewing macho guy back in games, but in that case, so should the sexualized women (a la classic Lara Croft). It's all about escapism, it allowed for fun and silly games that didn't need some sort of reality check.
Aiden Mitchell
we all know you are a r/pol repressed nazi larping white male tranny op
David Wilson
Of course but it ain't fucking happening because it give girl a unrealistic expectations.
Andrew Sullivan
I just want to kick ass and chew bubble-gum...but I'm all outta games cause some mentality unstable creatures negatively influence devs from making gameplay that doesn't suck mayor ass.
Christian Hughes
I'm a homosexual and I agree completely OP
Kayden Anderson
I never thought I had to actually live up to Arnold Schwarzenegger as a kid, but then it might have something to do with women's brains working differently, I don't know.
Samuel Hernandez
>"I wish I had an autistic boyfriend who watches anime in his 20's and will romantically talk about how the jews are the reason why he works at KFC'' Sounds like my fetish.
Jason Allen
Sam > Duke
Nicholas Cook
well he killed way more and way bigger monsters so yeah
Adrian Sullivan
Nathan Davis
They literally cut themselves when they can't get what they want. Guys either actually just work on ourselves or feel sad.
Jose Ross
No u
Hudson King
not true when I couldn't marry Chad after he fucked me I settled down for a beta orbiter who will provide for me and Chad's child
Luis Davis
Fag thread. & fags wonder why they're despised by everyone. Protip: pushing someone down doesn't make you seem higher.
Lincoln Smith
Only Serious post in this bait/pasta shit thread
Daniel Bell
Thread is dead. I don't know what group you were trying to bait. Guys are hot. Sexualized orcs when?
Luke Ross
No this thread either was trying to bait barafags into posting macho men or was trolling just for fun.
Benjamin Hernandez
Based Chad, would look up to him
Blake Jenkins
Jose Green
We still have a hope for a good FPS
Eli Nguyen
>The ultimate tranny faggot excuse used by retards in WoW
only gays go male human unless its a plate class. they look absolutely clown tier in leather or cloth in vanilla