give me a reason why this nigger shouldn't be in smash
Give me a reason why this nigger shouldn't be in smash
not even the main character
maybe in playstation all stars, because they don't know that overall portrayal or bringing a series' personality into a crossover matters
Because his brother is the better option.
he can't take a hit
it would spoil the game.
Secret boss, not the main character, dead meme.
Because his game is for earthbound nostalgia faggots
Brawl's use of Porky.
I think Frisk could have a better move set if they make the whole Pacifist vs Genocide thing into a mechanic.
eh i cant think of any interesing move for frisk
Because he isn't even the best indie shit on the block.
smash is autistic enough already
would work better as a Ness alt. costume
Because he should be in a stage instead
Let's be real this is Aeris dies level of spoiler literally everyone knows. Most people got into Undertale because of Megalovania.
Cos he's only a pixel gif with no model
What would any character in undertale look like fighting? Because it's only ever shown as abstract shapes happening in a box
They were able to make it work for Game and Watch.
add fish instead
But that was the gimmick for that character
I fell to see how they couldn't just give Sans bone projectiles, gaster blaster, etc. It could still have the properties of blue/orange projectiles in undertale, shield could be the one you get for undyne's fight, etc.
He's FAT!
What are you on about? Nes will be in the game like he always is ¦~)
Shit character from a shit game.
He isn't a nigger, he is white.
Because he's a lazy motherfucker who only does shit when he has to
Because Undertale is a game that makes a big deal out of avoiding fighting whenever you can. It'd be kinda hypocritical to include someone from that game in Smash Bros.
His moveset wouldn't match what he actually does in Undertale
In the game, not in roster.
Sans undertale doesn't even have a moveset
Undyne would be better just to BTFO bandanadee and kyrstalfags as the first spear user
He's too damn lazy to fight when literally everyone else isn't already dead or hiding from an omnicidal killer
That's the joke, user
The whole point of Undertale is unless you are fucked up in the head, you'll go for all the endings. Toby is rich from all these people who are fucked in the head, user
Wouldn't work. However I think Chara with his knife would work, though. A character with really short range, but big damage would work just fine.
Other than that, honestly it goes against the premise of the game to put a character from undertale.
It goes against the premise of the game to include a character from Animal Crossing, and they still did it.
Not saying Sans is gonna be in though. If Quote couldn't get in than there is no way Sans could.
Why'd they have to make her a lesbo. It's not fair bros
He'd make a great assist trophy with his Gaster Blasters. Don't see how you could make him a playable character though.
Because Undertale is tumblr tier shit.
Because only Flowey would fit in
>Implying he isn’t
ouwet ded
ad dod douwa deuwa
You'd be astonished by the lack of porn.
You know, an indie brawl fighter would be a pretty neat concept. Good luck getting all these spergs to agree on a roster though and not fuck each other over with copyright legalese etc.
Actually she wasn't going to be originally since Alphys was supposed to be a dude. Don't really know why Toby changed his mind.
Because indie trash does not belong in a game of this stature. His precense would devalue Nintendo's tier-one stars.
>the two biggest dorks in the game isn't the canon ship
Because he doesn't want to fight.
The whole point of Undertale is to see the characters as more than toys to play with but as characters that you got closed to and could even consider friends. Smash completely goes against what made Undertale standout so much. You're literally just playing with toys in Smash.
Because it's literal autism?
>The whole point of Undertale is to see the characters as more than toys to play with
But they literally are as evidenced by Flowey running out of lines with the entire cast and getting bored
why cant people just be friends
>implying they're not friends with benefits
>implying Undyne doesn't invite Papyrus over so he can watch her peg Alphys and give her constructive criticism on her technique
>ctrl+F "western"
>0 results
It's because he's western. Western characters have no place in Smash and will never, ever be in Smash thankfully
No, Diddy is not a western character.
good points actually
Because the obvious and most common sense pick is Frisk. She could fill the role of Ness/Lucas blended with Toon Link and make it very intresting. With all her attacks being references to the items she gets and things she does in the underground.
Make him an assist trophy.
He just sleeps there though.
>Made and designed by a British company
>Somehow not western
Nice arbitrary thinking, retard.
Neither are any of the Pokemon.
Kill yourself, waifufag.
What are you talking about? he was in since the first one
Fem-Frisk is the superior choice to Masc-Frisk or gender neutral Frisk. Sorry you have shit tastes
Like I said, kill yourself.
No movesets
fuck off back to
you haven't dug deep enough
and trust me, you don't want to see it
>not bone
God dammit user
characters have to have debuted in a video game to be considered
Not enough punches and he relies on being able to break the game for his fight to work.
Brad would be a perfect choice in the "indie game inspired by Earthbound" category (even if his game is dark as hell)
why do people keep shilling this trash game?
Because we don't like the fanbase and it's popular, thus it's the highest caliber of shit
If you beat genocide route on console, is the game like permanently fucked like it was on PC until you reinstalled the game, or how does that work? How did it work on PS4?
>Anyone from LISA
I love the hell out of lisa but there is no way anyone from it is even gonna get a trophy or something. The game is just too obscure.
Too lazy. You literally have to go on a genocide to get him to fight.
>this thread is clear evidence that this fandom still exists somehow
you've got all the mascots and shillmon, i'd say they're pretty main
How dare people enjoy a game.
yes, how dare people enjoy bottom barrel 2008 creepypasta shit that gets ripped on all the time here and spawned fanart of Alphys eating brain matter with her feet
oh this is delicious
Alphys spiky head and yellow skin made her look like Lisa, so that's why Alphys is a grill.
At least, I feel like that's how Toby thinks.
Post more fem-frisk
I don't get why people say that game is fucked once you become partners with Chara
That's like saying that title screen looking different once you beat the game is game being fucked
because novelty
His entire character hinges on his personality and unless they're implementing a ton of voice acting/jokes it won't matter.
sans is stinky
no u
name the worst fanbase
silent hill
smash by a longshot
Fuck this game and everything it did to the community. Lazy, low effort pixel art garbage seen as transcendent despite ripping off countless other games that came before it.
dark souls