Code Vein

New,improved gameplay footage!
>you can now attack faster
>new combo moves added
>your character now blinks when parrying,giving you exact timing
>no map will be provided
>Mia's special attack
>bosses can parry your attack

So far Code Vein looks promising.

Other urls found in this thread:

is there any loli in this game?


They also rectified the complaints about the Queen's Knight boss reusing Black Knight attack animations from Dark Souls. I swear the devs are lurking here.

Did they?His moves look completely same to me.



They smoothed out his attacks and made him less robotic. He's also much faster compared to before.

Compare this

to this

Release date when

Why are you posting 2 girls that aren't lolis?

If Twitter is to be believed, the game may come out after E3 this year. Still nothing official though as seen in this video, the devs are still tweaking the game constantly.

Louis fights much more actively,too.He was doing this weird presumably hit-and-run maneuver before but now his AI is much better.

What did he mean by this?

Man, I just really want to play this game.

Thank god it's Bandai Namco and not Square Enix. The PC port might be okay.

>jap stream


>very natural eye movement and twitching
The little things that they are doing in the gameplay sections means they're putting in considerable effort into the quality of this waifubait. I am pleased.

Even worse are the obligatory female member which goes SUGOIIII over the most mundane shit.

I hope they take their time with refining and play testing. I don't mind playing anime souls, but it better be at least half way decent.

It's normalfag appropriation where they start calling almost anything that's not explicitly an adult "loli" to try and be perceived as further down the slope than they actually are in a futile attempt to seem hip and "above their peers".
It's a symptom of the "ironic weaboo" culture that's sweeping the western internet right now. They want to talk the talk but can't walk the walk.
Just call him a fucking idiot and move on.

>You have a partner with you at all times
I hope that can be fixed

>Mia goes EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH?? during the start of the bossfight
I think I love her.

Damn, I can see a lot of people quitting the game from that boss fight a lot. Even with a partner, I dont think Gundyr, Last Giant, or Asylum Demon were as fucking punishing as this guy. The fucker can even parry your attacks, which is something I doubt shitters will figure out yet.

There are less variations of "good" for them so it depends more on their tone, and she wasn't shouting. Better than Mia sounding like an old smoker hag in EN.

>You have a partner with you at all times
Wrong, however you are supposed to carry them since its the focus of the game, hell even in fucking Coop you can bring a NPC with a buddy

I wasnt talking about Mia, I'm talking about the woman involved in the stream. I guess she's a voice actress or something.

The hitboxes do look good and sensible. One of those enemies in the cave at 5:00 missed the player despite being right in front of the player because its uppercut sailed over the player's head.

If they can make Weebsouls play better than actual Souls then it might be a hit.

>If they can make Weebsouls play better than actual Souls then it might be a hit.
They've still got a long way to go gameplay wise to measure up. World building aside if the game doesn't feel intuitive and natural to play, or if the assets in the game feel uncanny, nothing will save it.

I kept bitching about the framedrops and they fixed it too
Soon they'll add the milk option.

Eh, it still shows some promise at least. As it stands right now, it seems like the devs have taken notes from Nioh because you can actually make freeform combos with your skills in the game (like the claws in OP's vid).

I'm glad they decided to go full anime

>no Yakumo gameplay yet
Did they forget about him?

>mandatory obnoxious companions
>boring level design
>uninspired enemy design
>clusterfuck aesthetics
>forgettable boss music
>every single piece of footage makes sure that the player dies at least once because LOL PREPARE2DIEEE XDDDD

Still looks like shit. Incidentally, I really fucking hate most Japanese panels.

Congratulations! You've improved from trash to dust on a desk! Well done!

He's the most vanilla of companions sadly.

That boss looks pretty bland, he just looks kind of slow and very stiff when hes not attacking but not really intimidating, the big sword also lacks a lot of impact in terms of animations and sound, the short sword looks way more fun.
Im mostly nitpicking though aside from that the game definitely improved a lot of things, now im actually looking forward to it

>the big sword also lacks a lot of impact in terms of animations and sound,
It's still an improvement to what it was before, where it was basically just a reskinned short sword. At least you character now does a short stumble when doing an overhead attack to show an illusion of weight.

this dude reminds me of my oc when i was a little faggot.

happier times.


yeah its definitely improved a lot and it looks good when fighting small enemies, but it looks less impactful than the short sword when hes fighting the boss for some reason, maybe the lack of hitstop and the sound being weaker are to blame


It's the same problem with Dark Souls 3 imo. Because of how bosses have a higher threshold for staggering, most of the time fighting beefy bosses with a heavy weapon feels dull as hell since it feels like you're hitting a wall, whereas light weapons lets you be more dynamic in your attacks.

>"Cinematic" kill animations.

This looks entirely, 100% the kind of uninspired garbage ripoff of something better that God Eater was. Just steal someone's idea, dumb it down, add horrible retarded AI companions and a cheap as fuck generic anime aesthetic with vomited tropes on top with a dash of tits for every single inbred with a thirst for animu shenanigans and then profit away. Luckily it is bound to fail horribly just like GE. It deserves to.

>He dies.
>Mia heals him up from 0 HP.

They werent trying to make a hard game.

t.Soulsfag SEETHING

If it had the most generic tolkien fantasy art ever made you would suck the devs' dicks. Pick back your worthless hypocrisy back up and fuck off back to reddiera.

GE had a more researched setting and plot than any Monster Hunter games.

That's a far larger problem than the likelihood of staggering an enemy.

First, most of these weapons don't do enough damage to compensate for their slow speed. If that alone were to be changed they would function fine. Secondly, bosses in Souls tend towards dealing boatloads of damage per hit and player armor is almost never good enough to make any significant difference. This leads to evasion being a player's #1 priority when fighting ALL bosses, which instantly makes slow startup and recovery weapons an automatic handicap. If one could make builds or have weapons with special effects to tank a boss, then big weapons could have a role in killing a boss fast in exchange for the risk of eating its attacks, even if the first issue about their disproportionately low damage were to remain.

>sixth day of the 30th month

Man, Louis' voice sounds deeper than I expected. I thought he'd sound like a femboi bishie.

Wow, and it still looks like garbage.
Quit shilling your bootleg souls here.

>the ai on that enemy before the boss
The boss itself looks fun as fuck though

It also didn't fail at all, and there's a 3rd game coming as well. The GE staff grew so much that they can develop 2 quasi-AAA games at the same time now.
What a deluded cuck. I don't even like GE and wish the dev did anything else, but it certainly didn't fail.

Think they admit they fucked up on that one, hence they immediately ran away instead of staying longer. She looked fun to fight at least if her AI actually worked.

There are games other than souls, you drone.

Or maybe some people simply call it June 30, 2018.

This shit is literally recycling animations from Souls games. But what can you expect from a dev that can only poorly imitate actually decent games?

>Dev can't make their own games but with anime
Soulsdrones, everyone.

Is that the game that was being developed by just one dude until some megacorp took over?

>Getting a third mainline game, multiple revisions, has an anime, mobileshit
>"""It failed horribly"""
How do you guys become so utterly retarded

nah,this isn't kickstarter game

>companion AI

not a fan of this

No, that was the FFXV clone that has DMC gameplay. It was made by a chinese guy

>generic post apocalyptic city ruins
>generic monsters that look like trash mobs from a korean mmo
>plot is nothing but anime tropes and cliches
Is GE the only media you've consumed in your life?

what the fuck is up with the constant moaning? holy fuck these gameplays are unwatchable why invite girls to these previews?

Oh nice, new footage. Glad to see that they're putting in some effort.
Io lewds when

Welcome to Japanese panel streaming. They always have one bitch who fawns over the most meaningless shit to hype up the game.

solusfags are literally the worst. You fags are oblivious to how much Souls itself copied from other franchises like MH etc.

that's lost soul aside or some shit like that. It's a dmc clone with noctis

combat looks very stiff

nioh did better (for a souls clone)

>they gave Mia tits now


Good,now she will no longer be mistaken for her brother.

I will never not be amused of Jap engrish.

the AI gives up their life to res you, which usually leads to chain effect when then wipe right after that

That girl has a very cute design. Short hair like that always looks amazing in anime artstyles.

i wonder if they make fun of us trying to speak japanese

>720p compressed video

Eh I dont mind. Jap engrish is always so cute sounding. A jap trying to speak French and German is fucking cancer though.

She's always had modest tits. It's hard being clear best girl while mouthbreathers only care about Io's milkies.

>player fists with tall monster girl up the ass when her AI was bugging the fuck out
Instant buy desu

Still better than "here have some dinosaurs in a jungle with "you're a hunter" kid power fantasy"
>anime tropes and cliches
You're a living cliché trope.


That was strange since that monstergirl enemy worked fine in older footage.

>that girl companion's pained noises when she gets hit
muh dicc. I think I'm just going to let a bunch of monsters wail on her so I can fap to her moaning.

>the boss music in the new video

this looks fucking terrible but im sure retarded weebs will lap it up

I hate it so much. I'd rather listen to a garbage dub than engrish.

On topic though I don't think this game will be playable after experiencing Nioh. The combat looks too basic.

>I don't think this game will be playable
Yeah, clearly when you press jump your character will not jump.

>month day year
dumb burger

this, god eater was fucking trash without any of the nuance of the monhun games, this looks the same but with dark souls, which was already uninspired to begin with

Don't be pedantic you know what I meant.

Monhun is about the combat, who gives a fuck about that shit. A hunting game with bad combat is a bad game. Furthermore an action game with bad combat is a bad game.

What you just posted is burgertime. That guy was a dumb europeen.

and terrible terrible combat
this, "whoa user you are the epic new god eater ^_^ go kick ass omg what happened in Alisa's past :O", it's trash designed for edgy teens and has 0 depth or refinement

post milk

Holy shit OP, that a big Karen.


That fucking resolution and horrendous bitrate, what is this 2005? Where are the god damn fucking quality standards you god damned millennial slacker monkeys, do you take no pride in your work ethic you hedonistic gypsie fuckers. fucking