who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
>Goddammit I can't believe these fucking kids are back at it again
>Motherfuckers I told you to keep it quiet not one century ago, can't a brother get some peace? For fuck's sake you fucking NIGGERS
the hero we dont deserve
Groudon was just chilling on his tiny ass island until that fat fuck decided to bitch about it for no reason.
Reminder that both giant creatures somehow got into Sootopolis (a city with only one way in, a tiny hole underwater)
I am now picturing rayquaza as a grumpy, old, but caring adult constantly breaking up two well known neighborhood kids from their continuous bickering. Thanks user, that made my morning.
>be earth
>have way more fucking water than land.
>Like, a fuckload more
>most of the ocean is fucking empty too
>You got a Magic Dinosaur that can make more land and less water
>You also have a Magic Orca that can make more water less land
Groudon is clearly in the right. It's the only solution to the inevitable problems of the pokemon world e.g. that human population will eventually require more development on limited amounts of land and pokemon habitats will have to be destroyed. The delicate balance of humans and nature in the pokemon series is a temporary one.
God, gen 3 is the best gen
Groudon is only 11.5 feet tall. Its pretty small (though its "original", primal form is double that height). Kyogre is 15 feet long, considerably smaller than an actual killer whale.
Fitting through that small hole isnt an issue.
I still don't understand the Volcano section in saphire blue. Team Aqua wanted to enlarge the water mass by cooling down the volcano and let it be filled up by rain water ?
Most of the world is already water. Kyogre and Team Aqua can fuck off.
Reddit get out get out
I hate how all pokemon are manlets
When I first saw Groudon I imagined it as this huge skyscraper tall pokemon
The trumpets.
Key word is underwater homie. Groudon isn't swimming any time soon.
Don't know about skyscraper tall, but I certainly imagined him near 50ft
Why user...
>We'll never go back to sprite pokemon
They said we would never get crash for switch and look what happened.
first time I've ever wanted to fuck a bug
Nigga clearly burrowed there and made an island to burrow out of, underwater volcano style
Groudon could have just climbed in from the top, Sootopolis is basically inside a crater.
Yeah but everywhere outside is water. He has to have burrowed.
>Climbs Sootopolis' walls
>Leaves no evidence
>Is seen standing only on a little ground rectangle in the middle of the lake
>Also this
He had to swim somehow
It surfed with his small ass island
still salty about the shit remakes
>thrusting that huge dick up a girl and taking her virginity
>she's humbled by it, going "sacred dragon..."
mother of FUG
I have been rustled.
>be groudon
>surround yourself with your weakness
>aldo provoke your enemy that specializes in your weakness
Groudon is a fucking idiot.
Groudon probably just climbed the volcano structure
Yeah, it was a good sfm.
>Fitting through that small hole isnt an issue.
Tell that to my wife. Ha! Ha!
More like chad as fuck
dude doesn't give a shit
Even better in Primal, he becomes immune to that shit anyway
Yeah, but ORAS tells us that he originally was his "Primal form", which in-the games makes him immune to water (making his only weakness ground ironically), to the point that in battles Primal Groudon completely shuts down Primal Kyogre.
It was neither of those guys man. It was all me. I'm sorry I'm a piece of shit...
>actually attemps to battle to the King of the Sea on a tiny island
Yeah, Groudon deserves to die here
Its from the official manga.
mods are asleep
post fug
>have way more fucking water than land.
>average ocean depth is 3.5 km, deepest point 10.5 km at marianas trench
>earths crust is 35 km thick
What the fuck. Is the manga usually that violent?
But Groudon probably raised that pebble in the ocean, he can raise more if he needs to.
Why is that yellow creature nibbling on a soggy donut?
More or less. Its fairly imfamous for pulling shit like that quite a bit.
There was that time Blue's(?) Charmeleon cut Koga's Arbok literally in two.
ffs user, this wasn't the user who asked for sauce. by the way.
Melted Pokemon corpses in the same issue
>Love Gen 1-4 with all of my heart
>Practically was the 1st generation of kids to play pokemon
>Personally feel like platinum was the peak pokemon game in all ways objectively not just nostalgically
>Tried to jump back into Pokemon back then with Black and white 1
>Found it only to be decent
>Stopped playing since
Is it just me or does Pokemon's setting and mysteriousness seemed to be more cheerful? Something feels like it's missing with gen 5 and up. I can't seem to figure it out and try to analyze things without nostalgia. Something about gen 1-4 FELT mysterious.
"Earth needs more water" will always be the most retarded motivation of any crime organization in Pokemon history.
It also fails to understand how water works.
This. 3D models look good I guess, but it's just not the same.
Doesn't the comparison in the pokedex make him look that big?
>it also hyper beams her point blank
>she survives this
>ORAS tells us that he originally was his "Primal form"
Fuck that shit, not canon.
Ballsy as fuck. Groudon knows Kyogre can't leave the sea so he takes the fight up to him.
I know they are children's games but the collective stupidity in the Pokemon universe makes me angry
>mainline remake
>canon story added
C'mon now.
It's canon, but a different timeline.
This a Fug thread?
>you will never join team magma
That's correct.
So the magma vs aqua conflict is a showdown between lunatics that want either a Mad Max or Waterworld style apocalypse?
you make it sound way to cool
holy shit aqua has bad taste
>pokemon get cut in two, literally
>that, or melted by acid attack
>trainer get hit by pokemon' physical attack head on, to the point of broken ribs, broken arm etc
>get hit by petrification, freezing, poison, electric shocked, burned, psychic attack to the point of mental breakdown, and similar on weekly basis
>did I mention getting hit by megaton punch, hyperbeam, and pikachu's 1 million volt shock?
>yes, one million volt, that was final move in the epic battle, and that's just in the second arc
>I think I forgot to mention Blue (the girl, Red's rival is Green, fuck you and you Western naming) get her boobs slashed by Kadabra
>often times trainer and pokemon ended up almost dying in big fight
>blood, blood everywhere
Welcome to official manga, you've been missing most of the fun
I agree, though I did enjoy gen 5. XY could've been great but they weren't properly realized at all. Like they put a lot of effort into the beginning of the game then forgot about the rest until a month before release.
honestly they should retcon pokemon heights and weights and up several ones
things like a Tyranitar should be 10ft tall at least and weigh several tons
gen 4 is shit
It is cannon but it's from a different universe - the one w/ mega-evolutions/where the meteor fell apart in.
It was part of Pokemon's identity, the developers failed to see that.
Sounds great. Is there an official English translation or do I have to wait for fan translations?
Didn't team rocket fight one in the anime? I remember it being fucking huge.
>It was part of Pokemon's identity
Except for pic related and the anime.
If you're human and you side with team aqua, you're literally advocating for your extinction.
Aqua is a terrorist group, magma is the natural reaction to it. Besides, Magma has better COs.
t. Maxie
Anime generally makes them look a lot bigger than their ingame bios say
just take the second movie: Lugia is a fuckton larger than it is ingame. Heck the only legendary that's properly sized is Mewtwo and it's one of the few legendaries that doesn't need to be large (things like Groudon should be friggin kaiju size)
There are official English translation you can get your hands on, plenty you can buy from sites like EBay
It is known as Pokemon Adventure, but just refer to them as Pokemon Specials, which is official Japanese name
Of course, you can also find fan scanslation of the series
Pic related is Yellow getting hit by Boomerang right square in the rib "he" is actually a she
Still, remember that sfm were he fucking decapitates a female trainer and came inside her destroyed vagina and the jizz came out of her esophagus
I think you mean admins. But yeah, Aqua is just a bunch of Alolan terrorists.
a classic fug
You decieved me...
I like you
I want to fug Groudon
You can always just replay the best Pokemon game Black 2