Stardew Valley

this game is pretty fun

I found myself overwhelmed by the options and it made me anxious to the point where I didn't enjoy starting up the game anymore

after the first year is boring as hell.
but the first 15/20 hours are good.

Nothing compared to Rune Factory or Harvest Moon. Despite being compared to HM, it's more of a RF clone considering there's a focus on combat. Just play Rune Factory 4.

It's a decent substitute, but everything that makes HM games special is gone here, especially when the character designs were redone until the artist stopped on the worst revision.

Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons are boring though, RF4 was great but since the company went bankrupt, SV is the closest thing to scratch that itch

Agreed. It's kind of a "best of both worlds" between Rune factory and Harvest Moon. However, best doesn't mean "most complete". I am playing it well beyond the 4th year, but it's beause i love the game and i don't mind not having new stuff every single day. However, it isn't potentially infinite as other similiar games, i made it so by autistically collecting precious items and fagging over my husband Sebastian, but after a good chunk of time you have almost seen it all.

I don't play these types of games for exactly this reason, game's too big to comprehend or jump into.

I found it boring. What the fuck are you supposed to do in it? cut tree repeat. Cut tree repeat

How long did you actually play the game? The fact that you don't know what the game is about makes me wonder.

I felt the Community Center helped focus your goals and lessen that anxiety.

Somewhat agree, year 2 is also fun, until you get your gramps evaluation. There's a few extremely expensive buildings as '''''endgame'''' but i'm not motivated for it. Still lots of fun , and hopefully he keep releasing contents .

t. guy who started the game, played literally 5 minutes and is 100% sure that what he saw is definitely all of the game.

2 hours. It boring as fuck

exactly this.

hahahahaahaah this is such a loser nerd game for VIRGINS

who would want to place such a boring fucking game


I played about until winter but Christ is it boring. Game would be much better if sprinklers would actually be effective.

Stay mad faggot.

it's supposed to be a relaxing game. Idk what you expected, cowadoody action? You play the game to wind down and to relax, and it's perfect for that. No one has ever claimed anything else. Of course you're bored if you expect action.

"haha u mad"
great comeback straight outta preschool 2005 mate

Didnt expect action. I knew what i was playing. It was still boring.

sdv is a game you gotta play for like 6h or so to really "get" what makes it so addictive.

you just proved what i said.
Lurk more fag

Sprinklers are effective. You gradually unlock better ones until you get ones that water 24 surrounding tiles.

It's still really hard to get them. You're pretty much stuck to watering your plants for the first year, or that was my case at least.