Who is gonna win?
Who is gonna win?
no one cares
best jojo
both of these are awful
where's my 2d arcsys naruto game
the one that can pucnh
Not vidya, take this to Sup Forums
>Link vs Cloud
>Link has all the gear from every Zelda game
>Cloud has his starting equipment from FF7, just the Buster Sword and Fire/Lightning materia
I don't know how they're going to fuck up Jotaro and Ken, but they WILL find a way to fuck it up.
>OPM will never get a second season
Why live?
There is enough FGCuck garbage in「The World」
>Link has all the gear from every Zelda game
He most certainly did not. FD would have destroyed cloud
Star Platinum is fuckin overpowered, super strength faster than light w/ time stop and 'super precision' or whatever
>Jotaro will have the Over Heaven Upgrade but Kenshiro won't have his post Raoh feats
>Jotaro's durability being randomly realistic or as much a vampire as DIO (No sells Ratt melting but afraid of weapons) isn't addressed
>But Kenshiro can't see stands XD (in universe where no spiritual expertise outside a single alley ever exists)
>Kenshiro having easily ten times the endurance of any of Jotaro's opponent won't be important
Calling this. Just like Toph and Gaara.
Ken should be able to see/fight with/damage Star Platinum because of all the spiritual energy bullshit they do in HnK, but I know they're going to overlook this.
What happened? did it got canned?
*freezes time*
*stops your heart*
Yare Yare...kid
>But Kenshiro can't see stands XD (in universe where no spiritual expertise outside a single alley ever exists)
he's saying that's how death battle is going to fuck it up
Yeah, they're gonna overlook the fact that Ken and Jotaro have been able to fight in the same games together too.
>non canon vidya where the player can clearly see 「sutaa purachina」
good job
Is this Jojo?
I like Kenshiro more, but I think he's gonna lose. Star Platinum has no pressure points for Ken to hit. It's much stronger, as it easily shattered giant teeth as hard as diamonds.
This whole thing is non canon.
Yeah but Jotaro is just a single nerd, and unless he can kill Kenshiro in stopped time no one can stop him.
what's the point of these?
They have used non-canon stuff in their research. Android 18 does not have energy absorption. It was something she only had in a non-canon game, but they still included that when she fought Captain Marvel and that's why she won.
I think you motherfuckers forget that jotaro can STOP FUCKING TIME. He wins automatically
i don't see the fun in making two dudes fight that would have no reason to fight
Ken can probably withstand a few time stopped Star Platinum barrage before he makes Jotaro's head explode, but who cares?
Cause you’re autistic user . You see no fun in anything
>It's much stronger, as it easily shattered giant teeth as hard as diamonds.
Diamonds are fucking easy to break crushing-wise, they're hard to chip and cut into unusable sizes.
speak for yourself, i had a lot of fun watching bayofags cry for weeks after she lost against dante
nah i just think it's pretty autistic to watch a youtube video on some fags who probably don't do enough research
But he can only stop time for, at the absolute most, ten seconds, and Kenshiro is one of the toughest motherfuckers who ever lived. If Jotaro can't kill Kenshiro within those ten seconds, he's dead.
That's really what the fight comes down to, whether or not Kenshiro can survive ten seconds of Jotaro's wrath.
>stop time for 10 seconds
Yeah , but user. I’m telling you.. you’re autistic man. Sorry
i dunno man, i wager if they didn't do enough research, Wolverine would've won against Raiden.
Yeah Kenshiro has durability on his side. A skyscraper fell on him without hurting him. He then casually walked through it! He was hit by huge rocks and steel beams without even flinching.
You're only argument is "You're autistic!" Pathetic.
didn't they have to redo the tifa vs whatever the fuck
didn't they make doomguy for some reason slow as absolute ass?
Why ? Because Ken can't fucking see Jojo's stand and Star Platinum is nearly as strong as ken and it's probably faster
kys OP
There’s no argument though
lol, you're literal proof that death battle will fuck this up
stands are just spiritual energy
and HnK is all about fighting with spiritual energy
musou tensei makes the spirits of dead guys appear, ken has multiple moves that are literally spiritual energy LASERS
In JoJo part 6, Raoh beat literally every single fictional villain, then Ken came by and kicked his ass.
ken can take all star platinums punches but jojo wont survive exploding head
i'm not defending them, i'm still mad they used Doomguy being unable to look up (a game mechanic) as a reason for his loss
nah i know i was just adding onto your comment mate
I really want to see a redone Doomguy vs Master Chief. I want to see the world's greatest soldier go up against a berserker packin man and a half.
when has a non-stand user ever been able to see a stand, let alone fight it?
>not jonathan
Now that I think of it what was the most damage kenshiro has ever taken? And hasn’t he shrugged off most if not all attack’s always? Even in time stop kenshiro should be able to withstand a barrage from star platinum right? If jotaro is even touched once he’s dead. It’s a matter of speed and endurance.. does star platinums pressure points line up with jotaros too?
If Tifa vs Yang would be remade Yang would lose. She won because her Aura (a form of energy shield) could take everything Tifa threw at her. Back then during volume 2 of the show, no one's Aura had even been depleted, so no one knew its limits. Volume 3 and onward has shown that Auras can break pretty fast.
silly user that wouldn't bring in the views like jotaro would
When has a non-stand user been able to summon the souls of his enemies and allies, and throw proto-Kamehamehas?
That's the most retarded thing I've heard from Jojo fans.
I bet DIO fags were bitter Sakuya could match The World when her realm is the supernatural myth recycle bin.
I don't think Star Platinum has pressure points at all.
Ken's survived stone columns being whacked onto the top of his head without flinching. It takes magic martial arts techniques to seriously injure him
i'm just gonna say it again:
stands are just spiritual energy
Ken summons the ghosts of all his dead friends and you're going to look me in the eye and tell me that he can't use/see spiritual energy?
>its another "kenshio pokes a guy and his head explodes" episode
trash anime
Lmao, if jotaro doesn't win they're retarded
Kenshiro is pretty strong and fast and skillful, but star platinum is far beyond the type of stuff that happens in FotNS. And if they allow star platinum to stop time, it literally is not a fight.
Then again jotaro does become a stupid useless bitch in part 4 who loves to a panicked rodent so what do I know
Tanks don't have pressure points either.
Jotaro made The World (and Dio by extension) explode just by punching it in the leg.
i'm sorry you feel this way
no, just more news in 2018. it's already confirmed for a second season. shit was popular af.
Ken's fighting style doesn't revolve around only hitting pressure points. He's strong as fuck. Sometimes he defeats kills enemies just by crushing their heads with a punch instead of hitting a pressure point and make them explode.
>he doesn't MUSOU TENSEI
Musou Tensei is a stand obviously.
Anywhoms't Kenshiro would mop his ass. Getting 10 seconds of free hits in doesn't make Kenshiro any less impervious to harm and in one single nothing personal's behind you touch he would detonate Jotaro's whole nervous system.
I fucking hate the top Gaara fight
Gaara is like a stupid fast inhuman anime ninja, toph literally is as fast and quick minded as an alert regular human
Gaara would like fucking dash up and slice her shit to pieces in an instant, he is a Naruto ninja
also, Ken has an attack where he literally shoots lasers of spiritual energy.
for that not to be able to injure Star Platinum, a stand made of spiritual energy, would be fucking STUPID, straight up pantsu on head retarded
Star Platinum can shatter diamond and steel at the very least and punch barrage at faster than light (apparently)
So even in the 2-5 seconds Jotaro can stop time for that's... uncountable numbers of punches
way to show off all you know about FotNS is NANI??? meme compilations off youtube
>he doesn't know MUSOU TENSEI
Hamon is spiritual energy, and yet a Hamon user may not be a stand user, and thus, not be able to see stands. Stands are a very specific thing. I agree it's bullshit, but that's the rules. I bet they'll make Kenshiro be able to see and face a stand like you guys want anyways so that there can even be a fight, so don't get mad.
see this is the problem is death battles all these niggers saying jotaro would win are only saying that because they never read/watched hokuto no ken
>that's the rules
lmao what rules
the death battle guys just make up whatever the fuck they want
there are no "rules" when two series with very different "rules" are forced to interact
Ok wait star platinum is WAY faster than anyone in the fotns series and kenshiro couldn’t even keep up with someone like souther for awhile . Along with time stop jotaro isn’t the most durable, but it won’t matter if kenshiro doesn’t even land a hit. If he does it’s over though, jotaros game plan has never been to just soak up hits. He’s been badly injured multiple times
>But Hamon/DUH RIPPLE!
Hamon's not even remotely as broken as Hokuto Shinken and a direct ripoff of it.
That's like using DBZ ki to say a post-ascension Wukong would be no problem to Amon from Korra.
>that there can even be a fight
and who says that has to be a thing?
there's the taokaka vs felicia fight where they do the build up and then it's literally "taokaka has metal claws so she cuts felicia to pieces. that's it, that's the fight, everybody go home"
>star platinum is WAY faster than anyone in the fotns series
lol what?
>kenshiro couldn’t even keep up with someone like souther for awhile
lol what the fuck are you talking about?
the problems ken had with souther had NOTHING to do with his speed
Have we ever seen a Hamon user who wasn't a Stand user after the introduction of Stands?
>Jotaro punches Kenshiro
>Jotaro explodes 5 seconds later
nope, that's why "WHEN IS HAMON COMING BACK" is always a meme
Spin was the alternate way of doing Hamon but all Spin users have been Stand users too
Ken easy.
In Jojo multiple characters did survive a brutal barrage of various ora-oras and still fight.
Yes it's mostly stand users but their durability isn't much higher than of average human.
Kenshiro is a fucking tank. he can easily withstand 5 seconds of oras, especially cause Jotaro doesn't know he is such a powerhouse.
1 touch from Ken and Jotaro is dead. Star Platinum can't unfuck pressure points and Jotaro doesn't know about it.
Sure Ken can't hurt but can "sense" stands with supernatural senses
Also Musō Tensei
That was a one minute melee they dont do research
>lmao what rules
the rules in Jojo universe
if Superman can lift 8 octillion tons in a comic, then that's what they should go by, right? if he can fly, that's what they should go by, right?
"only stand users can see stands" and "only stand users can defeat other stand users" are rules in Jojo universe, so they'll need to nerf Jojo or buff Kenshiro to bypass that, otherwise there'd be no fight
>but Kenshiro is way more powerful than Hamon
and that's not what's the issue here, it's stands, the point was that Hamon involves spiritual shit and doesn't make one able to see stands
talking to dead spirits isn't using stands, even if they look visually the same, "stands" are a Jojo thing (part 3 onwards), maybe part of parodies if you want to count those
"only stand users can see stands", if you want to go that route you're going, you'll have to make shit up that was never in the series and was a possibility at best
well, if you think Kenshiro can fight an invisible spirit that can stop time and break through anything, then sure
also "only stand users can defeat stand users" is a Jojo rule, which needs to be broken for this
not only did we not but the introduction of stands implied it was an evolution of hamon
Star Platinum doesn't have pressure points, but it transmits its damage over to Jotaro, who does. Kenshiro might be surprised when the teenager's head explodes instead of the punchghost's, but that's it.
MUSOU TENSEI isn't just fucking "talk to spirits"
>Sure Ken can't hurt but can "sense" stands with supernatural senses
source on that? I don't remember any non-stand user ever being able to perceive a stand
actually, there's one character that might be the key here: part 4 Reimi Sugimoto, the ghost that was killed years prior by Kira, could she see stands of the main characters? she's a ghost, if a spirit can't see stands, then it's really "only stand users can see stands"
only stands can fuck up other stands, stand users aren't just fucking immortal to non-stand things, else part 4 wouldn't have fucking ended with fucking vehicular manslaughter. star platinum can't do squat that kenshiro can't handle and jotaro is just a dude waiting to get rocked at that point, he doesn't need to see his punchghost to fuck his ass up
>"only stand users can defeat stand users"
but that's not true at all
only stands are supposed to be able to interact with stands. that's the rule you're thinking of.
reminder that Ken literally has an attack for dealing with things he can't interact with
Souther has a bullshit ability that makes Ken just pass through him, so Ken shoots him with a Spirit Gun and it fucks him up
I dont want to go into Sup Forums, awful place it is, if i've never been into anime and manga where do i start, just read berserker 1-4 books and watched jojo 1-3 seasons, i like good stories and manly protagonists if possible, no schoolgirls
This is the only correct answer. Jotaro is cool but ken is a good damn monster. If he had musou tensei star platinum don't he able to hit him
Haven't seen Fist of the North Star, what are Kens best accomplishments?
the ripoff is going to lose
depends on your definition of manly
my advice would be hokuto no ken is a must
crows x worst
rokudenashi blues
Bebop highschool
so, how will Kenshiro get through the stand he can't see and not die to him, even disregarding Sta Pratina Za Warudo? please keep in mind I'm not some Jojo fanboy, I like it but I think the series is filled with bullshit and the only way to make it fair is to bring it down precisely because of that
I got into Fist of the North Star with Ken highlights on youtube so just watch some:
Most likely, yeah. They'll completely forget that Kenshiro could see Raohs Musou Tenei.
Honestly, I think Kenshiro would win this on sheer endurance. Jotaro can stop time and oraoraoraoraoroa but outside of timestop, Kenshiro can match him for speed, and Kenshiro only needs to hit him once. Furthermore Kenshrio can projectile weaponize his Musou Tenei.
Kenshiro just has to survive getting slapped around until he can hit Jotaro ONCE, and then it's Omae Wa Shinderu
>Sup Forums is awful but I browse Sup Forums, the 3rd worst board in this site.
>I don't remember what Berserk is actually called and watched Jojo
>No schoolgirls, only manly
At least be honest about how much of a normalfag you are man.
But Initial D, 20th Century Boys (manga), and fuck your last rule, Great Teacher Onizuka.