ITT: Games you are ashamed to like

ITT: Games you are ashamed to like

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Why are you ashamed to like it? Its Telltale's best work by far on the best use of the Borderlands IP overall.
Episode 5 intro made me cry manly tears.


> Its Telltale's best work by far
That's a low bar
>best use of the Borderlands IP
That's a low bar
>Episode 5 intro made me cry manly tears
That's embarrassing

Why ashamed of that? Aside from being your average, "all paths lead to the same destination" formula Telltale games are known for.

Fuck you, I liked it. It was fun, and I even played it solo.

Looking forward to BOIIII

Me too. I love it and I think it has some of the best comedic dialogue and timing ever in a game. But then there's also the classic Borderlands humor like
>I'm gonna kill you... so much... until you're dead
The times I dislike it is when I'm reminded of Gearbox writing



Tales of borderlands is genuinely good though. It managed to put TPS to shame with its writing.

This was the best Tell Tale game even if it did start the "play multiple characters" meme

>It managed to put TPS to shame with its writing.
not a hard thing to do tbqh.

Why is the embarrassing?
I did it solo too, gunzerker up to level 70 on my own

Everyone loved this game. Sup Forums only retroactively hates it because of the SJW boogeyman

yea, i mean the first "chapter" was great. Stopped playing when i realized the second "chapter" was just the same missions but harder. Taken as a standalone the first part has the best gameplay of the entire series. Unfortunately its the weakest characterization of "Snake" in the entire series. Guy barely talks and fucking Kiefer Sutherland sucks ass.

I still think the animation quality was great. looked way better than most shitty anime cashgrab fighters like the DBZ fighting games of the time

shame the gameplay was simple as fuck

It's great though
I wish I worked at Hyperion

zombies were on point tbhqfam

True. It make the difference between great comedy writing and shit tier Tumblr all the more stark though.


My friends made me buy this and play it with them.
I hated it

Wife encouraged me to play it.

Probably in the top 10 for best written video games, if you completely ignore the sister of the second protagonist.

>giving a shit about the story of a diablo-like

I enjoy almost everything about this game, even the story and especially the gameplay.
However, I did try to do a 100% playthrough recently which is impossible without a guide, which I followed step by step, and realised halfway I still missed 0.1% somewhere and dropped it.

I was a similar case and hated the tower defense aspect of it, but enjoyed the character shooting. Letting my friends do all the building made it an alright game.

Why you'd be ashamed of something you enjoy doing unless you're hurting someone or something? Such a weird fucking concept.

Why? It's fucking great.

To be fair, I wasn´t aware back then. I wasn´t aware...

I'll never stop being mad at Christians for what they did to Spore

It was surprisingly decent, but it still had all the Telltale issues

I really, really wanted to like this game
I spent half my time on this earth running around looking for graffiti that appears for 5 seconds per day, and every time I ventured off to an area a strong monster would push my shit in

I couldn't tell if the game was designed around new game+ cycles or just savescumming and looking up guides, but it was just too frustrating


>black girl shows up
>dont call her a filthy nigger baboon
>game decides this means I love her and ships us together

Thanks Telltale

>everyone posting the shitty offcenter grug, because it's the first result in google

Tales from the Borderlands was great. Wish they'd make a season two.
The opening of Episode 4 is pure kino.

Wasn't guilty pleasure at first, and now it is.