You may not like it, but this is how peak of western character design looks like.
You may not like it, but this is how peak of western character design looks like
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Oh I do like it though
You are supposed to use that phrase ironically.
I want to rut her. But I have one concern
I mean, I guess the dick just makes it better but...
she has a dick?
she is a fawn
blossom mains are the biggest faggots
Her musk soaked, wet, winking hole is going to bully my fat dick, isnt it?
>Deer pussy
if it has a name it has porn
Everyone competing with Overwatch in the character dept. knows the type of pandering Blizzard is afraid to do
literally nothing wrong with liking her
She has antlers. Female deer don't have antlers.
Put 2 and 1 together and you get balls and a cock, user.
Why isn't this considered as furry by the mods?
artistic liberty
how else are you supose to tell she is a deer
Guess what else female deers don't have? Opposing thumbs, magic staves and human-like intelligence.
Maybe her hooves or the fact she's covered in fur. Enjoy your dicking.
She's not even in the top five Battlerite girls. That'd be Lucie, Freya, Alysia, Destiny, and Poloma.
Would you let her fuck you in the ass
>human-like intelligence
lets not exaggerate, she is female
>ywn have a qt deer waifu
why live
I want more deer butt
deers are the only animals with hooves and fur?
>touch myself
>come to Sup Forums
>«what could possibly go wrong on a blue board?»
>one of those threads again
>back to step one
I want to FUCK that deer.
a shame she's stuck in a dying game
Is cassie still the only worthwhile damage character?
Good games aren't supposed to live forever. A true masterpiece must be enjoyed in its prime and die with glory.
t. Proud Owner of Lawbreakers
I wonder if she has a horse penis
Haha that would be really weird
New Lucie is a disaster, she looks like brian wu
>horse penis
Do you need to unlock her or anything? And how viable is she?
Even with OB67 the matchmaking in Paladins is absolutely killing me I could do with a break.
pretty sure we just established the opposite
She'll occasionally be F2P or you can easily buy her with your tutorial cash
Is she pretty easy to play? And is she actually good? I've played 9 hours of Hyper Universe and maybe 10 hours of Gigantic, that's about it as far as my MOBA experience goes
MOBA experience doesn't transition into this one.
Shame she has the worst VA of any female character in any video game
She's not hard to play but I dunno what the meta is like since I haven't played the game in quite awhile.
I think the game relies more on your actual skill and character knowledge rather than how much you're willing to spend whittling away at hordes of generic mooks for ages while constantly having to deal with some asshole in a part of the level potentially coming out and one-shotting you.
fuck off cliffy b
Are you in heat?
>Female deer don't have antlers.
Female reindeer do.
I certainly am
I really want to make sweet passionate love to the deer
Thanks guys, I load into a few bot matches and try the game out.
Just lost another match in Paladins where 2/5 of my teammates didn't bother to buy items while our Sha Lin brought wrecker on against a team with no deployables.
I'm not even a furry but Blossom looks so fucking cute.
Thank you user you made it oK to masturbate and ERP with this
Oops, Meant bulldozer.
>how... looks like
>Not erping as a femboy deer
step up your game
>the only good thing that came out of this game
Where's the dick? Is it hiding behind the loincloth?
Are there images of this?
>femboy deer
Most refined taste there ever can be
>tfw no good porn of bakko
>Tfw no porn of pearl
you don't need it
> normal bra instead of fur
Needs work
Too bad that's girl. But still it was cute enough for me to cosplay as a similar character.
>quit porn
>slowly realize its impossible without quitting Sup Forums
and here i am sitting with a raging boner having a really hard time to decide if i should just go back to being a degenerate deadbeat or keep fighting
all i have, not even close to porn
i'm triggered
>not a centaur
>Pandering blizzard is afraid to do
>Half the females in D3 are half naked
>All the main females in SC2 are stripperific with loads of ass shots
>HotS is lewd outfits and giant asses everywhere
>OW is fully of skimpy outfits, people just keep clinging to the "Tracer pose" fiasco even though they replaced the pose with another suggestive pose
>Even Hearthstone has lewd character art
The only blizzard game "afraid of pandering" is World of Warcraft because the dev team is afraid of women.
>have to beg my team to play better so I never have to hear SIIIIIIIINGING
>blossom in our team
>alt+tab instantly to not hear her greeting lines
Keep fighting, it makes the orgasms better
What does green thumbs up mean on certain champs?
I thought that artist stopped doing warcraft art.
I'm retarded, Says its beginner friendly
That's a really neat feature to have honestly.
Reminder to play the game as Blossom and support Daddy Bakko with a buttplug up your ass
I want to snuggle with Blossom because she looks soft and cuddly.
>soft and cuddly
but that's Poloma
I miss inhibitor. I miss having a fun game, since this one ain't it.
enjoy the ride while it lasts
Paladins girls are cuter
what game i want to fap
I'll never stop being assdevastated over how they nuked BLC. They just don't know how to keep their games afloat.
just give up any hope
You're god damn right I'll enjoy it.
No love for new girl?
I like her a lot
But I'm pretty sure bringing her up in any capacity will just bring in a lot of nigger jokes which I'd rather do without
Isn't that just port of an old one?
as far as i understood she is a weird mix up of old and new ideas.
>quit porn
>quit Sup Forums
>two days later, get the flu
So here I am, looking at deer ass with a bunch of Sup Forums tabs open.
why did I laugh