Post yfw crash n sane trilogy for switch fixs the issues the PS4 version had
Post yfw crash n sane trilogy for switch fixs the issues the PS4 version had
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probably won't fix it being a shit game
Nah it’ll still be a 30fps pile of cinema shit
>implying it won't actually run worse
The issues were gameplay related.
Who gives a fuck about 60fps
the ps1 originals were 30 fps
as was every other game of the 5th generation except for pc
Cant wait for them to fix that horrible 1080p issue the ps4 had
Post yfw Crash will play much better on Xbox than PS or Switch
>Who gives a fuck about 60fps
Like clockwork
The pill shaped hitbox will still be exactly the same so you will still fall of platforms in crash 1 for no reason particularly on the high road levels and a few others, also stormy ascent.
Crash 2 and 3 still work great though.
PS4 version was flawless
You just know it’s going to drop below 25 fps constantly.
PS4 version remains the best one.
Except for the flaw of 30fps
And changing the perfect physics of Crash 2
It's coming out on PC too dumbfuck so no it's not going to remain the best version
>muh fps
>muh physics
git gud
>git gud
>a proper intelligent response
pick one and only one
It'll just look better.
4K > 60fps in MS's mind
30fps is objectively a flaw, it may be a small flaw in your shitty opinion, but it's still a flaw
The physics difference is just me though
Wait when was it announced for Xbox?
>When you get this shit instead of Spyro Remaster
>It's coming out on PC too
Wait what?
The absolute fucking state of sony
What gameplay issues? Shitty physics in Crash 1 and bad hitboxes in a few enemies/levels were the same in the PS1 originals too
So every major system
What did you expect? It's Activision. More systems=more money. That's a good thing though.
It was a shit game anyway!
last Nintendo direct
why the fuck is it taking this long
One year exclusivity deal on PS4 that expires in June.
I know they were 25fps in pal however they could have actually fixed that shit but nooooooo let’s go with conema shit instead for a fucking platformer
Wait I thought the shitty physics were added in the remake.
They were
Nitro boxes jumping way too high is an N. Sane trilogy exclusivity
Hopefully they fix that shit for the switch and p.c ports.
They already said it's made on purpose, doubt they're going to admit they were wrong.
If it’s a direct port, then the chances of fixing any issues it had is unlikely.
a fan mod will happen for sure
>it was a shit game anyway!
i guess you won't be pirating it, right? :^)
>4k hdr
Just like Pro then. Also I dont think game will have 60fps option even on pc. It looks built for 30 and probably physics would break with 60, it just looks like one of those games