Who here is hyped for GOTY 2018? What do you think Zombies will be like this time?

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american education

> Roman numerals are created by addition, subtraction and multiplication, I have been told by the British Museum duty curator for Greece and Rome. Often addition (IIII = 4) was preferred to subtraction (IV = 4). The subtraction notation - also called the subtractive notation, which is moderately cooler to say but I'll admit it's a squeaker - was not used exclusively until the 13th century, in fact - and it was not universally adopted in the Roman period. ('Exclusively' is not quite right either, of course - modern watchmakers in particular remain fond of IIII.)

Did they really have to ask a fucking museum about that? How fucking retarded can a person be?

are ironically or unironically shilling this game?

zombie standalone when
zombie mode is genuinely good

can't trust the internet anymore, user

>it's fucking real
holy shit, I kept thinking this was a bad fake and people were posting it as a joke

That's how it's supposed to be faggot.
eat shit