It's 2018

>It's 2018
>Nintendo still has yet to top this moment for pure hype

Can they do it this year? Is it even possible?


I doubt it. The level of hype for Brawl is something that hasn't really been matched by any Nintendo game since then.

They definitely can.

only niggers care about goku

man what the fuck would his final smash even be, how many power ups and forms does he have

I dunno, I feel Mega Man would have been even bigger if it were shown at some live event/E3 deal.

Nintendo has nothing to offer the world. Everyone pretending excitement is brainwashed.

He get his shit kicked in by jiren

It could just be a genki ball.

Spirit Bomb



Too late. Goku is still relevant.

Wow what a cute girl.

Fuck off with your weeb anime bullshit. Don't want any anime shit in Smash Bros


Too edgy.

Doomguy, Dovahkin, and Seth Rollins are all from Switch ports so are all possible characters.

the collective pants-shitting the world over that would happen over this

not that i even support it, but just, can you fucking imagine

just picture this site after that, were it to happen

How can you say that with a straight face when half of the roster is anime as fuck?

They are Nintendo video game characters so I begrudgingly accept them.

The internet as a whole would implode for days. It'd be a huge blow to Sony's conference. Nobody would pay attention to anything else after that.

My favorite Nintendo character is Cloud Strife.

metal gear solid is way more weeb than dragon ball, sorry bucko

Nigger just leave

>Tfw undertale gets a literally who character
>Tfw minecraft lords it's autism into smash
>Tfw skyrim is in the switch and there will be a skyrim themed stage at the very least

All three of these hold huge in game potential, minecraft Steve offers a lot of tool based movesets, no idea what they would use as a final Smash, the dragonborn would be a great addition, a shout as a final Smash. And undertale seriously, as autistic and Tumblr tear as it is, if it really is coming to the switch, they might as well nod to it.

literally posting from the other thread because still relevant

snake is the only reason i liked brawl. i exclusively played him. his playstyle is just so fucking good

This. Snake's announcement completely destroyed the limits of people's expectations back then, but even now there's still a bit of logic to most discussions. Cloud pushed it a bit further, but at the end of the day they're all still videogame characters. A character originating from somewhere else would remove that last little limiter to the Smash speculation nonsense. Goku is people's go to one, but I'm sure there's a more appropriately internet wrecking one they could pick even if it escapes me at the moment. Something completely unexpected but makes a certain degree of sense in hindsight. Goku just strikes me as too memed now.

Whatever Minecraft Steve can do, Villager already did.

>no idea what they would use as a final Smash
Probably something boring like diamond armor that makes the player invincible.

not that user but he appeared in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and Theathrhythm Final Fantasy. I know he isnt originally from either but he's been on nintendo platforms at least. they have to have appeared in at least 1 nintendo game to appear in smash.
I fucking love dragon ball, but he's not a vidya character no matter how many games he's been in. the second they add goku is the second they lose all credibility

>there have never been two Smash characters with similar movesets

literally kill yourself

That would be pretty cool actually.

>he's been in video games for the past 32 years
>he's not a vidya character

>he's not a vidya character no matter how many games he's been in.
>oh, but Cloud is totally fine as a Nintendo character cause he had a cameo in a game published on a Nintendo console once or twice
Nice double standards.

you know what the fuck i meant. he's originally from an anime/manga. he's an anime character, not a vidya character you fucking spic

Nobody is calling Cloud a Nintendo character, and he doesn't need to be. But he is a video game character. That's what matters.

>>[Goku]'s not a vidya character
>>Cloud is ... a Nintendo character

You're the one making the double standard, sweetie.

Yes, by including someone who's show didn't get cancelled.

Had James Bond gotten into the final cut of 64 I wonder how weird things would be today in terms of non Nintendo additions

Both are literal garbage

Didn't originate in a video game.

>the second they add goku is the second they lose all credibility
>lose all credibility

I would say Mega Man trumped Snake pretty hard.

Fuck off anime fags. I don't want that shit. Cloud is not anime because I liked Final Fantasy 7. It's literally the only good Final Fantasy game.

pls no bully I just don’t want a shitty clone of my main

>hates anime
>thinks Final Fantasy 7 is the only good one

i think cloud was about as hype as snake. it just didn't seem like a possibility.

Both IP's are with Namco which makes it easier hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Fuck him, I can't stand him after Super.

Neither did Mario. He was originally a replacement for Popeye the sailor man.

Nothing will ever match this, because
1) We're older and less excitable in general, 2
2) This is the first and most shocking case of Smash including 3rd-party characters. So when they announced Megaman in Smash 4, it wasn't impactful because we knew they'd be adding 3rd-party characters now.

It will never be topped. Not even Sonic in Brawl was as big because Snake was the first third party inclusion announced.

>but he's not a vidya character no matter how many games he's been in
His games sell better than first party Sony studio games combined. How is he not an icon of gaming at this point?

FF7 didn't have voice acting so the anime wasn't apparent.

I'm actually okay with this.

People over 18 who like anime are man children.

>SCVI threads talking about how there will obviously be a Dark Souls character in the game
>Smash ends up getting one first
I don't particularly care if one does get in to either, and doubt it'll happen. but I'd love to see the aftermath.


Because his games are always second banana to the Anime/Manga.

Because he's not. It's just that simple. People buy and get hyped about his games, but he's not a gaming icon any more than Pikachu is an anime one. They primary association is still with the work that spawned it all. Though in this case it's a bit odd because most people associate him with anime and not so much the manga in the west. I don't know what the perception is in Japan. He's not an icon of gaming because it's not the most important thing about him and no DBZ game will generate as much hype as a DB show.

With the Olympics coming up Goku could definitely get in.

I'd say Pikachu is primarily an anime icon rather than a gaming one
In the games he is a fairly mediocre, somewhat rare electric type without anything making him stand out (disregarding yellow course)
most of his popularity comes from his anime version

Geralt soon

What's the point?
He can literally fart and everything on every smash map would turn to dust and everyone would die.

Goku is a person that beat a person that destroyed a planet with an attack he cooked up from his index finger and is now thousand to million times stronger than he was back then.

>Pikachu isn't an anime icon
haha dude what
The anime is the reason why Pikachu's popularity took off.

The entire black community would steal Switches for years to come if this happened

We are all missing the most obvious choice they’re going to go with

You're all forgetting what being a video game character means. The common denominator across every single playable character in Super Smash Bros is that they appeared first in a video game; this is what it means to be a video game character. Super Smash Bros 4 broke a lot of conventions such as including Cloud who has barely even appeared in a Nintendo console (such as Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for GBA), but originated in a video game regardless so it is a video game character. Someone like Goku that has appeared in more video games, with many of them being on Nintendo consoles, has next to no chance because he's not a video game character in the sense that he did not originate from a video game, but rather from a manga. Even oddballs like Bayonetta (a third party character from an M-rated game), Solid Snake, and Ryu share a common denominator with things like Mario, Pikachu, Link, and Kirby: they first originated in a video game, so they qualify as video game characters unlike Goku, Naruto, Ichigo, etc.

>not his very fuckable sister

Master Ultra Instinct which then turns into a Spirit Bomb or what ever move Goku uses to beat Jiren


>crash gets in
>he's the most utterly useless character in the series' history

What video game is ROB from?

Gyromite, Stack Up

ROB isn't in either of those games.

>tfw never owned a nintendo console (bar a dslite) and would buy a switch just to play as my boy in smash

It's kind of impossible to top it because before Snake, everyone assumed no-one but Nintendo characters could ever be in, and Snake opened the floodgates. is close though, because it'd mean characters from outside video games too.

How bout this?

unfortunately, there's no way that characters from jump comics will be in smash

>yfw pic related is in instead of goku

It's impossible. The only way to top that for me is bringing back Snake.
But then again, Snake opened a door to endless possiblilities. Not even Cloud surprised me after the Brawl reveal. Even if they announce Goku, I wouldn't be as hyped as the Snake reveal.

Only something really fucking stupid like Shrek could surprise me at this point.

honestly that would be the best redherring ever
>present a labo-themed stage
>mario, link, inkling fighting like normal
>suddenly one of the boxes starts moving

Come on now, you're just grasping at straws. Can you seriously tell me with a straight face that Goku originated from video games more than ROB did?

If you want to go that route, he's at least first party so he can get some leeway. Also numerous cameos in 1st party games, like Mario Kart, F-Zero, and Wario Ware. He's fully owned Nintendo and actually gets credit for allowing the NES to be successful in the face of the video game crash, so he has a legacy to the company. Goku not so much.

>Doesn't count as anime because I liked it
This... This is...

so? everyone loves him and he could easily have a fun moveset.

Personally, if Smash did allow character that originated from anime/manga,Kid Goku would be the better choice.

And pic related comes out of the box.

>Need him to actually play those games
>He's not in them

kirby can also crack planets in half with a punch, he's still in
or if you haven't noticed after all this time: those aren't the actual nintendo characters you're fighting as, just living figurines

There are no rules for getting into Smash, Goku could easily get in

the megaman reveal trailer for 4 made me feel pure childish excitement desu

A joke. Good job.

So, how big would the sony anal pain be?

Stand down saiyan, your souls are mine.

It should be naruto instead

He goes SSJ4GUIx10KK and uses a fart to erase the world the stage is on

If we follow that thinking process you might as well rule out Captain Falcon from having originated in a video game because you could only play as the Blue Falcon and not as the Captain himself.

pls this year