Have there been good Horror games lately? Will we ever see greats like the Silent Hill series again?
Have there been good Horror games lately? Will we ever see greats like the Silent Hill series again?
Anyone know what game the character is on the far left?
Dark Wood and Lone Survivor, buddy.
There's been a few good ones recently, Darkwood comes to mind. Otherwise it's mostly just shit that consists of "let's rehash Amnesia and Outlast-style gameplay" or "let's have the entire game be the player walking down corridors and into rooms and spooooooky scripted things will happen". Very little effort put into a good atmosphere or story or something unique.
I didn't play it, but she's probably from Evil Within 2.
That's from kraina grzybów, kurwa lol.
RE7 and TEW2 are pretty damn great.
But if you want something more recent maybe try SCP Laboratory, it's a really good free mulitplayer game. and while it can be really funny it can also be legit scary at times.
I know.
>SCP Laboratory
I really wanted to like this but it's so unpolished. 9 out of 10 games I have no idea what killed me in the first five minutes then I have to spectate for 15 minutes
>good horror games
>silent hill series
Pick one.