What is gaming like for you?
Question for poorfags:
i hear that poorfags can only afford one platform
so they engage in these things called "console wars"
it's so sad
What a disappointingly shitty anime.
Eh? Nandate
It can be fun sometimes but I really hated that annoying loli nun
Sena wasn't a nun or a loli.
Soldat. UO freeshards. Dwarf fortress. Dungeon crawl stone soup. Emulators up to the 16 bit era. Piratebay.
i played bloodborn at a friend's house and there is literally nothing else on any current gen console worth playing
everything i want for pc i pirate
probably about the same as it is for any other PC mustard race fag
You heard wrong. I have a PS4, PS3, Vita, 3DS, Switch and a good PC and I have Sony, Nintendo and Steam wojaks saved to shitpost with.
Alright, does this qt have fanservice moments?
I might pick up this anime if she does.
I sold my PC 3 months ago for Cemo treatments.
I sold my current gen systems and games 2 months ago.
I sold my retro consoles and games 1 month ago.
I play Final Fantasy Record Keeper on my work phone.
Its ok because Ill probably die soon as I can no longer afford Cemo treatments.
Affordable thanks to piracy and sales. If you can't spare 20 bucks occasionally then you have bigger problems than "oh no I can't afford much vidya"
League of legends sure is fun when its all you play every day
Always 2-3 years behind because of €10 rule.
Really fun.
Dota and the Gamecube emulator treat me really well.
I also play Hearthstone. I enjoy Tavern Brawl every week and only buy Classic packs.
All my decks are aggro.
Also the rotation of free games on Origin is amazing. I got Dead Space without paying.
I think in the bds she's naked with no censor
Mostly just watch people play games I want on YouTube or twitch
ku ku ku
When I was younger and poorer it was doujin games, older PC games, and emulating.
I'm not in the same situation and wouldn't say I would go back but being poor let me experience a lot of cool games I probably would of never touched if I had the newest stuff
>All my decks are aggro.
I would like to kill you, asshole.
>high end pc
>every console
>buy more games than i can play
mfw poorfags have console war threads daily and complain about dlc they cant afford
>would of
kys retard
Recently played through the two Mario Galaxy games on an emulator with a PS3 controller. It worked well enough, I mapped shaking the nun-chuck to a face button for the spin and mapped the pointer to the free analog stick so for the most part it was like playing Mario 64 with gravity gimmicks
before this I played through the entire Half Life series, all of the games are old enough that when you download them you don't even have to install anything, just unzip it somewhere and start playing.
now I'm gonna play through RE4 because I got it for dirt cheap thanks to steam.
we're all gonna make it bros.
I saved 700€ for hardware and built my own pc last summer
I can play almost anything maxxed out and for free, god bless online piracy
gaming for a poorfag like me is pretty fine I'd say
If you make it past turn 5 that is, filthy cubelock
>I played those games when I was still in college.
Ive been out of college for 10 years.
they're really great, you had good taste even back then
I am not a meta-deck playing faggot
also my midrange-druid crushes all of your puny little fagdecks
I just buy secondhand games for my Gamecube.
Sadly though, the prices have been going up.
It's free, I only have it as a hobby because I can pirate.
Play free games on pc and mobile.
There's a huge selection.
How do you crack game?
it's pretty nice
a pc that can play any game i want costs about 300 bucks
i can pirate almost any game i want, sometimes before it's even released
i don't shell out money for meme hardware like VR but if something has a decent catalog of exclusives it only takes a few months to save up for
and if it's not worth it for just one or two games chances are high i'll be able to emulate it on my pc within a few years
they come already cracked
I pirate or emulate everything. Hundreds of games for free throughout the years, pretty good.
I'm a poorfag.
I don't own any consoles or handhelds. Phone is still a galaxy s4.
PC is not a toaster, but its aging, a 4670k at 4.2 with a 770gtx.
If I got a bit of money together, i would buy a new GPU, samsung CFG70 and perhaps the new vive when it comes out.
>the one time they doesn't go for the little sister incest route
>she was the only good girl
I have mount and blade warband. Is that a good game to experience?
Decided to get it because people said it was good.
I've actually played ds1/2/3 last year as well. I didn't pay a single cent and played on the craptop I bought for school so I can participate in the arguments on this board about which dark souls is nice.
Life is fine for us I'd say.
I've developed a skill to find the best and cheapest games for pc. Mostly indie stuff below 20 like hollow knight and ftl.
He went for the trap though. Pretty good if you ask me.
Wasn't a trap.
Even when not being a poorfag anymore i still act like one except i have money, so i can afford new hardware and shit but still pirate as much as i can or avoid spending money when i don't need to.
Wrong in multiple ways, Yukimura is confirmed to be a girl later, and while she and Kodaka do date they eventually break up.
The beauty of aggro is I just play overpowered cards. I never netdecked once in my life.
I just slap Vicious Fledgeling on the board on turn 3 and win half my games with my Blood Knight Paladin and my Milhouse Manastorm mage.
Kobato does win though, by virtue of everyone else confirming to lose by the end. She's literally the only one left with any attachment to Kodaka.
nee hitotsu dake oshi~ete
Oh yeah? so how does it end?
I know this is a poorfag thread, but I didn't actually expect it to be depressing. Please get well soon, canceranon.
Here lies user. He was a cancer patient that was scammed into buying cemo treatments, instead of chemo treatments.
This will be your little sister for the day. Please be nice to her.
I'm a poor NEET so I play games on a optiplex 740 with a powerful 2.60ghz amd cpu that can get 30 FPS on call of prypiat on the lowest settings, I bet your i7 and GTX 1080 can't do that.
I'm getting a cheap refurb soon and putting a GTX 660 in it.
Why is she dressed like that?
So you admit to being a huge faggot? Good for you user at least you're honest.
I want to play videogames with Kobato-chan!
I want to fuck it
america, land of the free, home of the brave
What are your thoughts on not being able to afford the newest games and systems back in the day and seeing what they go for now due to retro gaming hipsters?
I have a similar rule user
Good I play mostly RPGs sincr they are long and take me whole month to finish. I just wish I could buy more console like I want Switch besides my PS4 but I'm to poor to afford supporting two systems especially Nintendo since they don't have sales l.
Switch piracy will soon be a thing though. There's 2 teams working on CFW and 1 team working on a hardware mod.
both PS4 and Switch getting pirating on 4.1.0 (Switch) and 5.05 (PS4)
I don't buy a hell of a lot of games. Those I do, I usually get used/recycled ones. And I don't buy games at release any more, since the current state of the industry has taught me that there will always be a more complete version down the road that's often sold at a discount.
I pirate everything
I hope you are right because my country have Jewish prices for Nintendo games the cheapest being around 70$.
my brothers (male) from another mother (female)
Why is her butt so shiny?
It's gods light
Same here. I just changed my country/region to South Africa. All 1st party games cost 45 euros, still a bit expensive for me but it's much better than paying 60-70 euros. And I'm not joking about cfw and that hardware mod. SciresM posts on /hbg/ and hopes to get his CFW out by this year for all FWs up to now (4.1). Another team is working on 3.0 CFW. And then there's team xecuter working on a hardware mod.
I'd pirate the fucking gpu if I could
I own an xbox 3shitsty and am currently playing all three dead spaces for the first time after finding them for cheap
Never played online with it and My only games so far have been oblivion, skyrim, fallout 3 and New Vegas, and I've played each over and over again until I could not.
I dream I can play Fallout 4 someday and am in full JUST mode from not being able to play Monster Hunter World.
tl;dr It's fucking shit 90% of the time I just watch a playthrough of a game on youtube instead of getting to play it myself and am about 5 years behind everyone I know
and you spend your money on all the videogames and wonder why you're a poorfag
It sucks dick. Buying used games and having to wait for sales is shit. At least I get my money's worth out of games I guess.
a whole lot of fightcade and free to play games
I used to have consoles and handhelds and laptops, but they either get stolen by my brother's piece-of-shit friends, pawned by my piece-of-shit dad, or lost from being unable to pay the pawn shops back. I want to work and held a job for a good while until I got pressured into getting a better job which fell through and left me without a vehicle and a place to stay. Currently, I'm saving up to get my laptop back and the only game I can play is F/GO on my phone. I miss my hacked 3DS.
I quite enjoy it. I don't ever have a backlog and I make the most out of the latest game I buy because I want to get my moneys worth.
If you've ever seen the pilot episode that's how it ends. Kodaka shits the bed by not fugging Rika after she became his "real" friend, and he doesn't commit to Yukimura either so... in the end they're all still the same losers who don't realize they've been friends for a while.
How appropriate. Good way to end it.
I pirate every game.
PC gaming is the fucking master race. I have not paid for a game for years.
Got a 1060 6gb with some internship money and I pirate everything. If I want to get competitive I play f2p games like Paladins and Battlerite.
I am doing the same. But my last WD EX HDD failed, what HDD do you have that will last so I can store games in there?
Old games, mods, emulators, etc.
>played nothing but insurgency for 3 months straight
>found my old ds and r4 in a drawer last week
>played through all of eba for the first time in one sitting
I'm living the dream, OP
This is when murder is justified user, kill them, kill them all.
Pretty much. If you don't stop cancer early you might as well accept your fate.
Chemos didn't do shit for my father.
They might have kept him alive, but living like that is probably worse than just dying. Chemos are fucking poison.
Take a look. Dubnium has lasted me for almost 8 years.
That titcow made the show.
the most popular game right now (fortnite) is free
you dont have to spend $$$ to enjoy games.
I was a poorfag playing f2p games and posting in their respective forums years ago alongside this shithole. Definitely a lot of comfy times but also a lot of
>algum BR????
>jajaja fdp aff porra
>gibberish vn gookspeak
>hackers out of the ass and eventual p2p hell
I patiently wait for games to drop to below $15, emulate a lot, play old gems that I would have otherwise missed, and play on medium settings instead of high settings.
visit humble bundle thread after the bundle drops for first hand experience.
>WD HDD failure
I remember when they were the top budget purchase. wtf happened?
anyway seagate is the way to go now, cheaper and more reliable.
Just for now. Pubg wasn't free.
Gamecube games are expensive now. Wii games are cheap
True but I don't give a damn about Wii.
I stuck with Gamecube because I like it and it's few games.
Hahahaha, no.
but even in terms of gameplay it's a more interesting game.
Well my gaming PC is absolute shit, I can only play 7th gen games at low mid-tier settings on it.
I own a PS3/4, Vita and Switch though, I get a lot of mileage out of them, but I would like to get a job so I can properly play vidya on my PC