Thanks for beta testing, Nintenbros :)
Super Bomberman R coming to PS4
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Who cares, we all played this already.
Thanks for beta testing Crash and Puyo Tetris :^)
Sony wins again baby
why would they rate it as R? because of the bombs?
congrats faggots, now you actually got something to play.
I hope you guys enjoy it. I never picked it up cause I thought £40 for Bomberman was a bit much
Also, made in Unity
I don't know why they included a gay sex scene in bomberman. Seems a bit out of place, but I'm not a game developer so what do I know?
is reading your worst enemy?
>nintendo refuses to put bomberman in smash
>this is the result
This was legit my worst purchase in 2017
You expect people to click on links? Fuck off.
Mine was ARMS
>yfw they banned brown skin from create-a-character because of death threats from muslims
Honestly, what's the point of console gaming?
>Super Bomberman R rated
It's actually a really good thing if it sells, maybe they will make better bomberman games
>yfw you didn't buy a switch
Better played on the go.
lol pathetic
Nice! You're welcome. After the updates, it's a genuinely great Bomberman game.
I hope you all have fun and see you online!
Nintendo just lost their last exclusive LOL.
Why didn't they just port or remake this one, it's like the only one we ever ask for.
See Nintenbros, why can't you all be as nice as this user?
Better played not at all. I feel sorry for sonybros who'll now have to experience it
>w-we didn't want it anyways....
>please ignore all those months where we shilled it for being a Switch exclusive
This game had such an amazing soundtrack.
Fucking SEGA Saturn games are overlooked as fuck.
What exactly is wrong with it? I can understand dissing it when it was new, because the framerate and glitchy netcode were really bad, but after they patched it up and added a bunch of content, I'd honestly argue it's one of the best Bomberman games out there.
Why would you be upset that more people get to enjoy that?
Who are you quoting?
I have a soft spot for this game. It is far from being the best Bomberman game. Hell, it isn't even the best one from the ones I own. Story mode is meh, but the online can be fun, you know, when it doesn't lag (that doesn't happen much). I'm glad more people can play this game and maybe we'll get better Bomberman games as the years go buy. Plus I didn't have to regret purchasing it since I got it as a gift for Christmas.
None of that means shit when the game feel is bad. The controls are sluggish as hell, bosses are complete junk. Can't imagine how you can compare this to past Bombermans
I heard a lot of the original compositions from the classic senior sound staff do not belong to Konami, which is why Super Bomberman R had an entirely new soundtrack and the other Super Bomberman games never got Virtual Console'd. Someone else who knows mune can hopefully look more into this and clarify the legal situation.
I agree with that. Controls feel a bit off and the bosses (ESPECIALLY ELEGANT DREAM) suck. But I still enjoy the game, mostly for the online.
I would prefer Bombergirl.
Not because it's any better but because it at least tried to do something that I didn't play every year for the last 20 years
would be neat if we had crossplay
Welp there goes 1 of my reasons to possibly by a Switch. Why does Nintendo do/allow this? I can remember when the NG3 Razor's Edge came out for the WiiU exclusively and I almost bought a WiiU for it until they announced it for the other consoles as well.