Post vidya images that you have saved but never have a reason to post.
Post vidya images that you have saved but never have a reason to post
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I hate forums so fucking much
Why's the king so god damn baller, it doesn't make sense.
It must be the weirdish green-brown skin.
el creaturo....
It's been a while since I've seen a post worthy of this image reply.
After a sub 2 minute first blood, this is always what I think. I never act on it, but I'll be damned if it isn't going through my head.
>you lost somethin there carl?
>yeah i was just uh, looking for some PEACE AND QUIET
To this day I still don't even really get it.
This takes me back...
Miyamoto is a complete fag that will do anything to sink his old diseased claws into any nintendo project and destroy it, just for the satisfaction of then having creative reign over it.
Guy is the kind of overgrown child that only the special brand of corporate culture native to japan can produce, kinda like Miyazaki with Gibli. Both are old assholes that should have died or quit a long time ago and can only find pleasure in tyranically preventing a younger generation of artists from taking over.
Kurt Cobain? More like splurt no brain.
>I get an answer after all these years
Thanks user.
Yes, because we all know Eromanga Sensei and Darling in the Franxx are a lot more artistically significant than Spirited Away or any other Ghibli film.
Didn't Miyamoto suggest the guys making Goldeneye for the N64 that they implemented a final cutscene where Bond and the enemies he "killed" meet in hospital and shake hands or some shit?
No, that didn't happen
no one even knows this romhack exists
amy is a slut
black yoshi is a fucking pussy bitch
I'll never understand why this type of pic makes my cock diamonds.
nothing ghibli has produced can be considered artistically significant except their adaptation of bokurano
let's not
>Tails' face, obviously reacting to the horribly clashing spritework
Here user, I fixed it for you.
i have also fixed it
What's the most humane thing to do to black Toshiba? Clearly the social experiment to integrate them into Yoshi society has failed, and they are not happy, so should we gently euthanize them? Sterilize them and let them stay until their numbers dwindle? Or ship them all back across the sea and pretend like they never existed?
Which course of action is the most ethical?
>What's the most humane thing to do to black Toshiba?
install gentoo
shoehorn them into every office job and media
There's a FF thread on /vr/ where that'd be a useful image.
Thanks. What does the _master denote?
it's scaled down, but that only applies if the original is over 1200 pixels in some dimension
Thanks for sharing this user.
It means it's not in the best possible quality.
bubbling is great though, i want my bubbles back
Inflate their population using government programs until their population is too great for the other yoshi's to support. Then let the economy collapse and watch millions of them die slow horrendous deaths from a combination of starvation, in-fighting, and lack of healthcare.
Googled it, didn't get much. It's kinda like an alt version, like a thumbnail? Like when you save a sample instead of the full image? Any particular websites do it?
Same reason why women wearing erotic clothing rather than being flat out naked is more arousing. It adds a degree of imagination and teasing.
it's from pixiv
their system lets you upload multiple images per gallery post, and they're scaled down to fit the browser if they're too large, but you can click to see the original
t. manually saved 4000 pixiv images to my computer within the last 2 months
the thread was a mistake
if girls like you enough then she'll have sex with you on the first date.
This guide should help you.
but how is she gonna like me in only one date?
Just be yourself sweetie
This is only true for black yoshi. Courtship and foreplay just doesn't exist for them. This is actually a curse however, since black yoshi females are statistically 3x as likely to carry HPV, hepatitis, HSV, HCV, HIV, and also get pregnant if a non-black yoshi so much as looks at them.
It's a major factor for why so many black yoshis are hatched from single mothers.
>make at least two videogame references a minute
>drop hints about wanting to be put in chastity
T-thanks user!
Yeah, but you usually need more than one date to figure out whether or not you actually want to put your dick in her.
NEVER stick your dick in crazy.
>[American anthem stops]
>[American anthem gets louder]
>[American anthem but bass boosted]
>NEVER stick your dick in crazy.
If she's crazy you'll see it on a first date.
let me guess, ?
I miss rune factory threads
Whats wrong with /clg/?
Everything that comes from there is either extremelly cringy or plain disgusting