>tfw Todd likes Zelda
Tfw Todd likes Zelda
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That actually gives me hope the next elder scrolls will draw some inspiration from BotW.
>tfw when most fans and game journalists who praise BOTW for how revolutionary it is praise it for things Morrowind did a decade and a half ago.
Shit combat?
Todd is based so it figures he would have great taste in games.
Todd just likes games where he can climb mountains
>walking through Tamriel
>see random NPC
>"Hey dude wanna buy some Sweet Rolls"
>"Aren't Sweet Rolls amazing I love Sweet Rolls don;'t you?"
>But not as Sweet as you Death will be!
>*evil sound jingle*
>*puff of smoke*
>NPC is now wearing Dark Brotherhood Assassin that lagged like a half second behind while you could visibly see the model reset and the armor equip sound as he changed into the Dark Brotherhood armor
>"You never should've come here!"
>fight and kill him
>You break 3 Daedric Swords but he had a Dark Brotherhood Dagger that he dropped
>and some Sweet Rolls
Of course. He is my favorite game dev.
small mini dungeons and dialogue choices reduced to yes and no?
Great, so now the map will be even emptier and they'll introduce weapon durability and you'll hear your character go BRRRRRR when it's cold and he's fucking naked.
I wouldn't be adverse to weapon durability if they let you repair your shit.
That too.
Notice how he's never brought up The Witcher 3. Could it be because it's not a very good game, that didn't revolutionize anything, and that everyone already forgot about? No, couldn't be.
This. I would have loved it if you could repair broken or damaged weapons in botw.
Can't wait for Bethesda to make its own attempt at BOTW formula and blow Nintendo out of the water.
> We invented open world
> Zeroes borrowed from us
> Skyrim has a "flow"
What a load of crap.
That is actually pretty humble thing to say.
he also never brought up you mum. does it mean it was never serious?
Imagine being THIS fucking mad that TW3 succeeded.
>>What a load of crap.
Were there any 3D open world games before Elder Scrolls? Keep in mind that the series dates back to 1994.
He talks specifically about Skyrim though.
I liked weapon durabillity in BOTW, but the fact that not a single Black Smith in the whole world sells weapons or shields is completely fucking retarded and makes no fucking sense. THAT is retarded game design
Of course he likes SkyrimZelda
Nintendo is literally the best game dev out there right now
>the next elder scrolls will draw some inspiration from BotW.
that's a bad thing
nintendo fell for the dull open-world meme with BotW
lmao he thinks botw borrowed ideas from skyrim?
I can see why
Todd has to admit it's good because you can actually climb that mountain.
If nothing else, shrines were vastly superior to copy paste Skyrim dungeons. With actual puzzles too, even if they aren't much harder.
It's just going to be Oblivion III
Yeah, I highly doubt Nintendo looked at the most popular and best selling open world exploration game with swords for ideas and inspiration when making their open world exploration game with swords.
you also could in Skyrim
the real power of the dovakin were not absorbing dragon souls and farting in dragon but wallhugging
Arguably Might and Magic, though the early ones were quite crude and I'm not sure how open world they really were.
It probably did. The original Zelda was also derivative of the first open world gam ever, Ultima back in the 80's.
Are implying that Todd's games is not dull enough already?
Zelda had open world gameplay and swords many years before Elder Scrolls even existed
Yes Ultima.
Literally the series that Elder Scrolls stole everything from, while implementing it all worse.
Even today TES is far behind Ultima gameplay-wise.
Even those glorified daily routines from Oblivion have already been done in U5, back in 1988.
The only game that really compares to Ultima is Gothic 2, which came with its own bag of problems.
>>Japanese games make linear games for decades while western games are mostly restricted to PC, which Japanese developers had virtually no exposure to.
>>As soon as western developers start having a strong console presence starting with the Xbox360 and start releasing lots of open world games, Japanese developers also start making open world games.
Yes, I'm sure it's just a massive coincidence.
>>B-b-but the original Zelda was open world!
No, it wasn't, it was more like a Metroidvania. And that game was actually heavily inspired by Ultima, according to Miyamoto himself.
ok name one thing they borrowed from skyrim that wasn't in other zeldas before. you can't
in terms of world design you autistic faggot
admittedly as a 3D open world there was only Ultima Underworld
But that's not really an excuse for TES cause they stole everything from that too
Experimenting with ingredients in crafting. Making more potent recipes with more/different ingredients.
>B-b-but the original Zelda was open world!
>No, it wasn't, it was more like a Metroidvania.
You've never played a Metroidvania game, or know what open world means.
I am aware of Ultima's existence. I was referring to 3D open worlds. Unless you want to count the Underworld games, Elder Scrolls was probably the first.
yeah morrowind had shit combat
Please give us new commander keen.
That's been around for decades and isn't something skyrim invented
ultima 1 and zelda have barely anything in common you retarded faggot
>>ok name one thing the legend of zelda had that wasn't in ultimas before. you can't.
This is a retarded argument. Zelda is an archetypal medieval fantasy game. Of course its going to have tons of things in common with other medieval fantasy games.
When it comes to 3D Zelda's, BOTW was a first in many respects. The ability to freely jump for example is a first.
name a game
that's why i said Elder scrolls great achievement back in the day was the procedural generation of a whole lot of nothing as a gameworld, as compared to UU handcrafted world
>>ok name one thing they borrowed from skyrim that wasn't in other zeldas before. you can't
Open world not separated by loading screens (and no, the hubs in previous Zelda games are not open worlds).
Non-contextual jumping.
How do you know they didn't get the idea from Skyrim though? Just because it's been done before doesn't mean they didn't get the idea from this one popular game.
It's impossible to say what ideas they got from Skyrim but my original point was that you'd be a moron to say they didn't look at Skyrim for inspiration. If you're planning to make an open world game that actually sells nowadays, you'd be mad not to look at Skyrim.
The only crafting in Breath of the Wild is cooking.
Which is very much "do what you want with what you want", rather than the tight rigid recipes in Skyrim with crafting.
All not things invented by skyrim
>Miyamoto has cited two influential videogame precedents for Zelda's play style: Black Onyx and Ultima.
Both of these are games made by western developers. Link to source:
>"do what you want with what you want"
Not really, some ingredients won't do anything. The game has set recipes with modifier ingredients.
They ripped off Daggerfall's climbing.
Black Onyx is Japanese.
that link doesn't work
Originality is irrelevant. If I play Skyrim and see that the game has an autumnal zone and then decide that my game will have an autumnal zone then I took the idea from Skyrim.
It was made by western developers. It was an early attempt to introduce the RPG genre to those uncultured Japanese swine.
The Black Onyx (ザ・ブラックオニキス Za Burakku Onikisu) is a 1984 role-playing video game released in Japan, developed by Bullet-Proof Software, with development led by Henk Rogers.
Just place the quote in quote marks and google it, you should stumble on the source.
>Are there elements of the open-air role-playing game “Skyrim” that you would like to inspire?
Eiji Aonuma: "What really got me more in Skyrim is when you walk and you enter a new city, there is a real shock. “Ah, there’s a city here! And, oh, she’s so different from the others! ” This is the first time I’ve felt this in a video game, so I wanted to duplicate it in Zelda , albeit in a slightly different way."
"That’s why you can climb a little everywhere, and once up there, you can say, ” Well, maybe there’s something over there … What if I went up that river?” ” . Then you take your flying wing, and you will explore the world after spotting it. This pleasure of discovery, I wanted to take it back from Skyrim , for I had never felt it elsewhere ."
>believing his lies.
Weebs BTFO