Nintendo basically sold Wii U owners a fucking 60$ demo?
So let me get this right
More like they sold a $300 piece of shit paperweight
Nobody bought that crap but collectors.
But imagine a little kid getting the newest Mario Tennis game only to find out there’s only one stadium and no game mods or anything at all.
And then 2 years later the real version comes out.
Nintendo should give Ultra Smash owners the new one for free.
I think it was 50, but yeah.
Let me reiterate myself.
NOBODY bought that crap.
This collage was better and had more effort put into than the entire game.
It sold half a million worldwide.
It moved half a million units to stores*
Mario sports games have been shovelware garbage for a while now, I don't expect aces to turn much around
>Be retarded
>Damage control when called out
>I called the game shit in the first place
one of the worst games nintendo has ever made, beyond a shadow of a doubt
any drone you see defending this is an obvious falseflagger, though I'd honestly be willing to see just HOW it could be defended
Literally not an argument, Nintendo sold a demo and many people bought it, just fuck off brainlet.
>No soy
I sleep
Aces is getting me legit hyped. They dropped the garbage mechanics that plagued the two last games, they introduced new ones that seem to actually make the game have some more depth, but even if they fuck up those, there seems to be a simple mode that trims out ALL the bullshit. And they seem to be putting actual effort in terms of content and game modes.
>the mega mushroom in this game won’t be in aces
There goes muh giantess fap material
I could have sworn the game was $40 at launch. Either way, nobody really bought it except collector's since it came out when the Wii U was long dead. Got it and Color Splash for free from Target when they screwed up my shipping so I can't complain.
>Call a game shit
>Shit on the game multiple times
>STILL get called a shill and a defender
What the fuck did I just witness?
it's opposite day in contrarian land
I wouldn't even want this shit for free.
Yeah, and they still sell a tech demo for $50 on the Switch
The WiiU was a rollercoaster of bad decisions, Nintendo Land had a lot of potential but they abandoned it for no reason at all, splitting Smash dev time and allowing the 3DS version to dictate the limitations of the game, the name of the console, lack of marketing, forcing dual screen modes when Off TV Play was enough, sequels getting ports on it with no fanbase at all and way more mistakes, such a great Console buried by Nintendo's inability to accept their mistakes.