
its actually terrible
you were right

>a game about hanging out with the bros
>Sup Forums hates it
I will never understand you guys.

More like twinks, faggot.


>faggot boy band discovers what life is like outside of the walls of there homeland
>daddy dies! oh noes! hey man you take such sweet photos bro!

Really Japan...? This is what you consider top-quality plot and character development? fucking terrible, what a joke.

You came to the wrong board. Sup Forums likes it, kid. Your false narratives are useless here.

XV is good though.

What did you expect? 90% of Sup Forums doesnt have friends

>Why did the final fantasy games go from medieval themed to gay shit with the characters?

The characters were always gay on FF games. Lighting is lesbian.


>how dare people want actual characterization and development instead of 90% meaningless and repetitive fluff banter

Faggots these days are so easily impressed.

Media pushing the soy agenda

>false naratives
Calling him a liar?

Its just that one faggot who calls everyone XV-kun again.

Its always him.


indeed and the sales back it up, AAA with marketing selling only 200k and going down on top sellers while the fun but buggy mess KC:D stood on first place for a nearly a week

Or maybe they do have friends so they don't have to play a game that simulates it

Did devs literally forgot to include the first half of the game where game takes time to develop supporting characters? Because I think game wants me to care about prince friends from the get go but I don't really know why I shoud.

>boygroup simulator
No thanks

I hope the next FF will be a girlgroup simulator instead

You're in the wrong series for that shit man. FF has always had mostly weak character development with a few stand outs.
It's far from terrible. Probably mid tier. I could name at least 5 or so FFs that are worse. FFX for example.

It really is crazy how low the standards have fallen for Final Fantasy. I blame both Square and the retarded fans. Especially the fans

Naw. They spend millions making side stories in anime, comics, movies, etc. That gives you SOME understanding of the plot and characters and is mandatory.