based idort
Buy furniture.
Can anyone explain this picture. It almost looks like a person trying to show off a 1070 (lol) a non X version of the X1 (big kek) and a switch (cardiac arrest)
Who's retarded enough to buy an Xbox One X when they have a gaming PC capable of 4K?
You aren't doing 4k 60fps with a 1070
both games wont even output native 1080p
Well known of them are out right now so really it's more like this.
They come out in 2018 retard with Red dead releasing in October.
Did I fucking stutter? They're not out yet at all, bitch, no one has anything. Don't buy fucking consoles before the games you want on them are out jesus christ this is simple shit. If the game's not out, the game's not out. Who cares what it's gonna have in half a year or more? What does it have right now that's worth it? Fuck KH doesn't even have any sort of date, though 2018 is more likely than not.
Im not doing 4k until display technology gets better
Red Dead Redemption 2
Kingdom Hearts III
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Monster Hunter World
State of Decay 2
Code Vein
Mega Man 11
Soulcalibur VI
Octopath Traveler
Fire Emblem
Super Smash Bros.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Honestly, we're all winners (besides the shitbox)
I do not want to play literally any of those games
Sup Forums has fucking shit nufag taste, I'd rather just replay bg2 over and over
Wow big boi in the house
Yeah man cuz all these consoles just released in its first year.
Fuck outta this some broke bot mentality. What difference does it make if you buy them now and later in the year? You that short for cash you actually have to save up till later? Can't relate.
Why haven't you bought a wheelchair yet? You're going to need it eventually anyway. You're not poor right?
i genuinely want to know know what kind of games people like you like, if any
get a load of this faggot
Who's retarded enough to buy an Xbox One?
It currently is the only modern system that can play the best action game of all time
Fuck MS, seriously. I have PC and bought Xbone to play Halo and other games with old 360 fiends and now they release XboneX that is better that Xbone in every way? I feel really cheated. Put 3 more layers of blur on PS4 version and that's how Xbone version will look like.
>now they release XboneX that is better that Xbone in every way?
Yeah what's the problem? The OG xbox one is flat out garbage and a huge giant brick, before the xbox one s came out they told you Scorpio was coming out.
The only one who played themselves was YOU
>old games
I bought xbone before even S model was announced.
im an idiort, idiot. not everybody is a console warring faggot, faggot.
>finish bloodborne
>can't play it anymore because it's an old game
I still do yearly Fallout 1/2 playtroughts, old games are leagues better than streamlined shit companies trying to sell to mass market today
>there's some overgrown zika toddlers that think adults care about fucking kingdom hearts.
Nintendo doesn't need that kind of garbage.
bitches are all about the Kingdom Hearts, dude