Why do games pander to faggots today?
Why do games pander to faggots today?
That's quite a good looking girl.
Because like the tourism, restaurant and fashion industries have noticed already we have more money than broke neckbeards and families with lots of economical needs for their children
Because fortunately straight people are dying out.
Naw they don't. You are just projecting your feelings ultra fucking hard to them get all upset about shit to then get all mad and overly emotional like a little bitch boy. Simply to revel in a sick sort of recreational anger simply for that bit off adrenaline hit you get for doing so.
Personally i have a bit of a rule when it comes to such shit. That aside from 2 dudes or chicks sucking, kissing, or fucking and whatever foreplay shit. Stuff like that crossdressing shit is really only as fucking gay as one is. Which is to say that really the interpenetration of as to just how gay something simple as a drag played up for laughs. Really is left up to one and their own feelings really. So honestly m8 why you projecting faggotry so hard on to shit that aint really gay so much for? Is my real question all in all
I must admit. I would fuck Zelda, but probably wouldn't fuck 'Zelda'.
ur mom gay
Bigger question, why do games pander to gay pedophiles?
That was a good doujin
>The exact same image and question every time
Just fucking say "I SUCK COCKS" and fuck off, OP.
I bet he makes you hard and you feel upset about it.
Most fags have a lot of money.
>create fujobait characters, that spawn more gay doujins than straight ones
>they aren't doing anything lewd to eachother in game
What the fuck
crossdressing has always been a thing in Japanese games and media in general.
And for the reason it happens is because nips find it funny to dress up a guy and nothing else.
Fuck Islam and fuck Mohamed
because they want to make your peepee feel funny so you get confused and buy more games
how many literal hundreds of times has this image been reposted on this board?
Japan loves faggotry though, have you taken a look at their games?
roughly three hundreds?
who this qt?
クラウド ストライフ
do you even play video games?
Why is nu-Sup Forums so easily triggered today?
You mean fujoshis
It's not like he was triggered. he just want to see more link drawings
I love Link!
The left won't admit it's to destabilize and divide the country on party lines.
Blacks vote overwhelmingly democratic, but do you think it's because they are staunch supporters of homosexuality?
Why would you complain about that?
Don't you want to be pandered to?
There's actually some truth to this though
>no family, probably disowned
>no children because gay
>cannot adopt because gay
>Very prevalent in office, hospitality, and service industries because seen as non threatening but don't come with the extra bullshit women do
The gays are a cash cow, why do you think big corps always bankroll gay pride? To sell them shit. The LGBT community is slowly figuring it out and it's hilarious
No but beta whites and women sure as hell want to group together all minorites to seem bigger than they really are
I just downloaded that new Linkle mod that got dropped. Suddenly every instance of Link being a fairy homo is good now.
Is that mod for the Switch?
It brought back nostalgic memories
too bad you'll never get to feel a vagina. i would blow my fucking brains out if i were you.
Japan has a long tradition with traps.
>closeted faggots still pretend Cloud was "le girl (male)" in that scene because they want to get mating pressed by Don Corneo
No amount of soy could make Cloud into the uguuu~ anime girl you want him to be homos, sorry.
You do like understand how homosexuality works right? its not that he can't its that he doesnt want to, unless hes one of those "bi" guys who settle for guys since they can't get women
his sexuality doesn't change his biology. the vagina has various functions that make a penis feel much better than ass or mouth ever could. if i knew that i could never enjoy the one thing that i was meant to enjoy, i would just end my life.
i see
>i would blow my fucking brains out if i were you.
i think you're looking for an excuse
>brb gotta buy my HIV medicine
I'm glad your people have such high suicide rates.
We're only talking about crossdressing here, soyboy.
Vaginas are fucking nasty
>not recognizing a Link thread
many blacks voted for trump and you're dead wrong on blacks liking gay shit, it was funny how some leftfags were complaining about a town that shut down some LGBT initiative, only to find out thta it was mostly blacks who didn't want any of that shit in there, silence ensued
Then why the fuck do guys always want a blowjob.
I thought that was BLM just chimping out cause they wanted black people to be the main focus of the parade.
not as high as the numbers are going to be, when we have slaughtered most of you.
>his sexuality doesn't change his biology
That's not how it works.
When i was a repressed teen I tried having sex with a girl and my dick was just a noodle.
ITT: gay pedophiles
Real men don't.
skidaddle skidoodle
>literal fags in the thread
Yeah you guys are a real loud 0.3% how about stfu because were just making money off you
They are easily pandered to user..
yeah because you didn't know what the fuck you were doing. everybody has trouble getting it up their first time, especially if they use a condom.
La Aberración
>current year
>not being gay
How about we don't
>not being bi
>being surprised about gays
>in Sup Forums of all places
I didn't when I had gay sex the first time.
True, being bi is just superior
What's the problem? They pander to waifufags all the time.
Either pander to both, or don't pander to either. Don't be a little bitch hypocrite who only wants MUH MOMMY CUMMIES. You're like one of those retards who hates homosexuals, and then talks about how hot lesbians are.
>t. Blowjob virgin
>gets buttblasted by things that don't affect him
>calls everything pandering yet excuses when it comes to himself
whitoid male logic
Is this trolling...
>being as suicidal as incels
Since when?
Every bi guy I've been with is horribly insecure in bed
>t. vagina virgin
>implying i'll ever have sex with anyone
i just like the variety in porn
Then you had some bad luck user. Mine were pretty fun.
>everybody has trouble getting it up their first time
that's some nice projection, but very illuminating
Tell about your bisexual experiences.
The Japanese are obsessed with traps and crossdressing
i don't have any, i'm just a looser who has crushed on and gotten rejected by both genders lol
Is this gonna be one of those threads?
True but from what I hear from bi guy they say guys are more pleasurable. That all agreed that blowjobs were the best.
Why has cross dressing ever been in games, Sup Forums? It's funny. Juxtaposition is amusing. It's got nothing to do with pandering, you dribbling cock.
Never mind the fact that historically all actors were male and played men and women, so cross-dressed AND NO-ONE CARED! You know who wears a dress? THE POPE!
I'm vers, so when I got dominant they got pissy. Also wouldn't do down on my dick. meh
Some cute bea. We played around with each other and he treated me nicely. He told me he liked women and if I ever wanted a threesome with a woman. I declined and he understood.
Oh pick that up
I want a Gerudo gf.
Tried to make a bara thread and jannies insta deleted it in less than 2 min. I have to be super subtle now.
>implying you wouldn't be obsessed with these
what's shooting out of his legs?
You bara fags are the reason gay threads are always deleted because you always post furshit. Take that shit elsewhere.
i believe it is the liquid males ejaculate during orgasm in order to procreate.
mmimmzel is simply the best.
bis are just queers afraid to admit they're homos
No I don't. I actually understand that bara threads are hard to come by so I hold that shit. I only post furshit on fur threads
>post yfw trap Link is going to be an alt in smash along side shirtless Link and shirtless Mario
considering i've jerked off to girls my entire life and only found out i was also into guys recently i'd say no
and i'm more attracted to females than males in general
They can still keep it up for women so I'm not going to argue.