>enter server
>it's full of Sup Forums posters
>set up camp
Enter server
>enter server
>it's full of Sup Forums posters spewing Sup Forums memes and meme arrowing
>enter server
>it's full of Sup Forums posters
>leave before they start crying about someone being "toxic"
that kid is gonna be fucked growing up
would you rather get shot or stabbed
i'm here just watching all your wonderful videos
wtf. Why the fuck would anyone do this?
why is this so interesting? the way he died is so interesting not even edgy
absolutely shot
>they call you names
>they bully you
>they steal your shit
>they're unproductive
>they never say thank you
>they just want to fuck around and spew memes instead of playing the game
you're probably going to have to learn this lesson the hard way. stupid frogposter
it's treason then
you just described all the people i've ever known in my entire life
at least Sup Forums has a sense of humor about it
when you grow up you'll see
How do you spot a Sup Forums poster?
do you have any idea what its like living near a playground? You pray for autumn and winter to come just so these fuckers will stay inside during the cold. The noise levels are off the fucking charts
why the fuck would you move in next to a playground
if they are below the age of 18
Sup Forumseddit steam groups
could this be organ harvesters?
What a retard. No shit he wanted to die, he's an idiot
Sometimes in life you have to take what you can get. It was either that apartment and staying in the city or moving back to butthuck nowhere
>404 not found
>404 not found
>404 not found
dont you have better things to be doing on the weekend janis?
The Sup Forums SCP Server is unironically the best online interaction I've had. Everyone is up for meeting around and being silly. It's just fucking fun.
>people having fun in place they are allowed to
>lol better hurt or kill them instead of soundproofing, asking administration to add barriers or moving out
Get the fuck out sociopath, don't even like the kids. Absolutely mental.
>tfw all your tabs suddenly 404
rip fun
>server full of underage memers
>best anything
This fucking shit.
>tfw the you realize that this will be the future for humans, when AI takes over
>he plays on memesystem
>so this machine over here seperates the crabs legs from their heads for further production
>ah i see and what does this one do?
>oh that one basically just fucks them up
at least it will be efficient
>enter server
>leave on the first sign of Sup Forums
>host own server and invite my goons
>acting like niggers
>when you grow up
I'm 30, dude. It doesn't stop. You get bullied all your fucking life.
At least I don't have to put up with people doing it to me online. I can always go somewhere else.
majority of humans becoming obsolete. RIP
Where the fuck do you get bullied outside of video games? No one does that in public no matter how much they dont like you since they are gonna get looked upon by everyone else. All the bullying stopped for me in highschool when i knocked out some asshole. In video games you cant do shit about it,its how morons act online.
i'm 30 too
but ur wrong
there's nowhere on earth where it stops if ur not alone
the final straw for me when was when i found out my father had stolen over ten grand from me
>the majority
there's nothing a human could do better than a true ai couldn't do better than us
my gf works the phones for the government. She's always tired and upset when she gets home talking to retards all day. AI will do it 24/7. There's a warehouse near my house. Shit like that is gonna be ran by 1 dude and the rest will be robots. This will happen in 20 years maybe less. What the fuck are humans going to do? We'll get culled I imagine. WW3 or some fucked up disease.
gas the normalfaggots
m-maybe they'll be friendly and only want to help us
>think about the video game market after ai takes over
it's gunna be a great time
people are going to have to do something all day after ai has taken all the jobs
playing video games will be the new "having a job"
>playing video games will be the new "having a job"
I saw dudes at MIT or whatever. They were working on VR. You'd be at home on your VR headset controlling robots who are working at the shop. You'd be training them or some shit.
New Objective: Seduce the hydraulic foklift loli!