I don't enjoy beating the bosses because everything is so random

I don't enjoy beating the bosses because everything is so random.

Oh I guess one slash took the entire energy bar of the last form and I win... why? ... random!

Oh this time it worked although I did the exact same shit as last time. Why? Random!

Oh and delayed dodge is cancer. Whose idea was that?

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Excellence is not an art, it's a habit. (You) are what you're repeatedly do

The only random thing is what attack the boss will do next.
Also, dodge is executed the moment you release button.


Is this actually true, or is OP just a whining shitter?

No the only randomness is what attacks a boss might do, could be 2 slash and then an AOE, or 3 slash and then AOE. The randomness only fucks you over if you're going for top speedrun times.
And the dodge executing when you release the button is a good thing, lets you charge it up and get some melee hits in before you release it.

OP is shitter. Play the game it's amazing.

It's time to to play our favorite Furi track.

OP's stupid, the game is great

I didn't even realize you could hold down dodge button to delay it and jump farther until completing the game once and seeing my bro play it. Same for the right analog stick charge in melee phases.

If this is true then you really are a brainlet

Furi is for brainlets

Actually it's not truly random either. The boss checks for few things, like distance (ex. the chain favors melee attacks if you stay close to him), what you are currently doing (the scale launches shockwaves if you are charging a shot after he finishes or is forced to finish his last attack) and timer on their abilities used (chain will shoot you after 2-3 melee attack patterns on phase 1).

This boss really stops Furi from being top-tier.

The only really random garbage is the amount of time The Burst spends running away, the worst part of that boss fight pretty much.

Because the last forms are bosses giving it their all in a last desperation attack where they focus on offense. Its always the last phases which are like that while the rest are consistent. More importantly though, who gives a shit? Health is an abstract arbitrary mechanic to begin with. Delayed dash is a bit annoying but you literally can't do a dash you can charge up in any other way, and being able to control the length of your dash in such a way creates an interesting timing challenge you don't see in other games with similar dashes. It adds enough to outweigh the inconvenience of having to learn it.

It's not random, you will always get her if you attack while she is reloading.

She only runs away if you are a shitter at manipulating her attack patterns.


It's literally just a game about pushing the buttons at the right time because you memorized a pattern. Zero opportunity for player expression/creativity. It's the opposite of what a good action game should be

Wrong word. "Completely" is the case. No RNG in games is truly random.

Nah if anything you can do far too much boss manipulation to the point where it stops becoming a challenge. Also you DMCfags and your muh creativity shit. Action games are meant to be exciting and challenging, if you want creativity go play minecraft or some other shit for autistic kids.

It's a fucking rythm game, idiot.

>It's a fucking rythm game, idiot.

My point is it's barely random at all.

there are 0 wubs in furi's ost

It is. I haven't found any clues of what attack conditions for the Line are.
I meam, sure when she frees herself and ran off, she'll do grab attack. There are otger condituonal things all over the game and each desperation sequence is always the same. But basic attacks are mostly random. There is no precise order or something.

pretty sure you're the retard here, retard

It's a mix of danmaku and rythm game, actually. Each attack is heavily telegraphed with sound and visuals and even danmaku sequences have a strong visible rythm. And bosses deflect all direct slashing: you have to play a parry(or dodge) rythm game before you can strike.

I hated that part until I realized if you parry, you turn to her direction, which makes it super easy to track her down

But she uses a visible laser sight.

>Each attack is heavily telegraphed with sound and visuals
Thats literally the only way to telegraph attacks in games, guess Bloodborne is my fav rhythm game

that's not the sniper.

You are missing the point here. And being a massive faggot does not help it one bit.
In Bloodborne you can actually mash dodge or attack buttons and get away with it. That's not the case with the FURI

Burst was fun. That guy is just long and boring.

Will i like Furi? I like nothing more than extreme but fair challenge, mostly play fightan, shmups, rythm, etc

You do more damage because you charged up. Wtf do you mean random

yeah there's no bullshit involved, just pure skill.
the only thing that's missing is a harder difficulty mode honestly

All the attacks can be avoided which is why you have plenty of zero hit runs. Git gud, faggot. It’s not happening by luck, the attacks are reactable and telegraphed.

are you fucking retarded? because you sound like it.

you're boring. the line is great.
probably, it's not that hard, especially not until you play on furier which you have to play on normal to unlock.

For everybody who says "oh he just can't play". No, I even oneshotted some bosses. But it's annoying how random it is.

There is no way to know in advance when you're allowed to attack. "Oh the Boss wants to do another attack this time so I get punished for attacking although I parried his previous attacks."

The game should give you some kind of signal that shows you that you can attack now without being punished, but it doesn't.

Oh and the delayed dash is absolute cancer.

I want to fucking know what my winning strike will be. If the fight just randomly ends, it's retarded and I don't feel accomplished at all.

That was never the point, idiot.

First phase is boring as fuck. You can just stay in one place and shoot that faggot until you finally hit him.
And if you managed to die, you have to start all over again.

Your winning strike will be very obvious if you look at the boss's health. There will be one final stage where you can't damage them and then you'll move in for the kill. It's the same system for every fight in the game.

>move in for the kill
That's not guarantee to be a OHKO.
Furier strap takes a combo to die

It's still the same situation. You would have to go out of your way to fuck it up.

>First phase is boring as fuck
good thing it's quick as hell to get through if you know what you're doing.

>The game should give you some kind of signal that shows you that you can attack now without being punished, but it doesn't.
yeah, like a bright orange ring when you pull off a perfect counter or other colour based clues easily explained to you in the tutorial boss, they really dropped the ball

>t. twing twang pleb

The Line isn't even close to being the worst boss. The Scale is pretty bad.

>Only has one attack on Furier through all his phases that isn't completely trivial to dodge
>That attack only even happens 50% of playthroughs on Furier
>His last phase is kind of tough though so you waste a shitload of time fighting him if you lose
>fucking ATROCIOUS watery effect all over the screen if you get hit making it a pain in the ass to judge distance at all
>completely forgettable other than these annoying bits

I'd say the Edge is pretty bad too but the presentation of the fight is excellent and on your first playthrough it feels cool because you will probably get fucked up a lot before you win. But on repeat playthroughs it's a pretty shallow fight because the parry mechanic is shallow. I like that the fight is there though to take that mechanic to the extreme.

The Flame is also mediocre, he has some cool attacks but he's too easy for a DLC boss. Bernard is the reason to get the DLC and even he is a little annoying just because the fight is so fucking long.

The Scale gets a little easier when you remember that you can parry everything including his projectiles and the projectiles that create walls.

The Star is the worst.

>half of your moveset is taken away for fucking projectiles
>projectiles have bloom out the ass
>zoomed out so far that you can't be sure of whether you're going to hit a projectile
>drags on forever because you need to charge your beam every time

Fuck that noise.

The Star is just babies first bullet hell boss

>quick as hell
Charging shot does not really help, though. And dashing all over the place to shoot through breaches is just a bother.
It will take at least half-a-minute. And each second is a suffering.

Except not fun.

there's zero dubstep in the Furi OST.

It's not extreme but it's fair challenge.
Think twice before saying anything is bullshit because literally nothing in the game is, it can all be controlled and mastered.

>everything is so random.

You are fucking garbage, stick with garbage games for kids from Nintendo.

The Edge on Furier is just a test of how fast you can parry counter. I don't even parry full combos, I just parry every first hit of his chains and counter immediately.
On his last phase though, you can parry counter between every hit in the chain and he keeps going, very quick fight.

just completed furi and holy shit what a piece of shit it was, how can you plebs defend this piece of shit light show?
this just shows you how casual gamers have gotten, get on my fucking level you fucking degenerates

charge shot only when you get to the last tier of shields, but before then. you can switch up your directions of movement while shooting to eat away a gap in the shields. each row moves in a different direction.
if you whittle a small hole through each layer you can just get a quick shot to him and end the phase.

>Person has a ton of criticisms of a boss that mostly have nothing to do with it being hard
>Reply explains why its not actually hard
Like clockwork in these threads

Reminder that if you haven't beaten Bernard you haven't completed the game

>only reply if you disagree
I'm just trying to start a conversation.



This track hits my soul very hard.

He was my favorite. But so was Bed of Chaos in Dark Souls so fuck me right?

No, you misread the game's UI, it tells you how many phases are leftfor the boss, and once you're in the last phase the boss will turn invulnerable and throw everything he can at you, if you survive that, you can hit him once or win (or it just send you to the last melee fight, I forgot).

This one and the warmup track before the boss are my favorite ones.


Only his first phase is bad, really.

>The game should give you some kind of signal that shows you that you can attack now without being punished, but it doesn't.
I figured this out on the tutorial boss you reddit spacing mongoloid. Don't like the bosses counter attack? Just parry it shitter.



I honestly felt bad for The Beat, I really wanted her to at least try to put up a fight to give me a reason to kill her.

She did just that.

And in the end she's the only one that really manages to change your mind.

Yeah she is the only reason Rider turns against The Star in the end.

The Scale's second to last phase on Furier was bullshit though. He would multiply himself and they would all start spamming waves that would kill you in 5 hits. It killed me everytime, the only way I beat him is when he used those homing balls instead.

>she's the only one that really manages to change your mind.
>Yeah she is the only reason Rider turns against The Star in the end.
did you guys completely miss all the talk and the bonus scene with the architect throughout the entire game?
he is goading you to kill the jailers all the while saying that his plan is basically doomed because of how much of a doombringer you are.
the times when you show remorse or hesitation is when he admits that the plan might actually work out, much to his own surprise.

I kinda fuckin love this game.

True but it's the only time that's it's really "in your face" instead of implied, the only time where you really feel like the bad guy.
Most bosses before her are either absolute madmen or people speaking in riddles and neither sound 100% trustworthy compared to the little girl that can't even fight back.

>all these casual shitters ITT
Imagine being so bad at video games you blame THEM for your lack of skill
Furi was GOTY, amazing soundtrack, great gameplay, satisfying as fffffffuck

Attached: 1332227917404.png (152x198, 52K)

Except that the controls are fucked compared to the rest of the game

Like Clockwork

Then what was your point? Just to have a bitch session and spread false information?