Aw man i cant wait to listen to uh, uhhh, well who could forget that amazing song umm, well uhh, surely classic hits such as um, uhh...
Aw man i cant wait to listen to uh, uhhh, well who could forget that amazing song umm, well uhh...
Other urls found in this thread:
>3 piano tones over and over
Truly a masterpiece of our time
>the best song in the game is a remix
What kind of statement is that.
Every town has it's own distinct theme that's great.
The game has a lot of ambiance music which is absolutely fine and fits the tone, theme, and atmosphere of the game.
There's tons of recognizable music in Breath of the Wild, you'd need to be retarded or tone deaf.
Just because they don't have some loud high energy theme blasting for each little different fucking area of the game doesn't mean that the soundtrack has no songs, nor is it any less good. It's incredibly well composed, and it does what it's intended to do extremely well, and it's still a phenomenal soundtrack.
There's also absolute nothing wrong with the slow piano music that plays with sparse notes. It helps creating the atmosphere the game is trying to portray, a large open wilderness. It sets the tone well, and isn't intrusive to take people out of the experience. When you get into towns, dungeons, and combat, the music picks up, and it all flows in and out naturally. None of the towns have high energy stuff like say, Dragon Roost Island, or Clock Town, or Windfall Island, but it doesn't need to be. Simplicity isn't a negative, in music knowing when to have sound is just as important as when you need to be quite. I'm not gonna go full autism into musical theory, but Breath of the Wild has a simpler soundtrack that is extremely well done. Just because it's sparse and has a lot of rests doesn't make it bad or lazy, its incredibly diffcult to use rests in such a way compared to making a melody.
>3 piano tones faintly in the distance
Wow you are upset
I loved the music in BotW. It further enhanced the atmosphere and feel the game was trying to create. Sure, it was minimalistic at parts but that's not a bad thing at all.
Favorite was definitely the Lost Woods theme. So eerie.
This nigger is right. The soundtrack's objectively good, no matter what tonedeaf plebs with the attention span of a hamster keep gargling about it.
Good post. Complaining about the game not having energetic tracks the same thing as daying the game doesn't have a lot of energetic moments, which is a legit point.
This track was dope, my favorite part of the DLC, especially after a couple terminals are activated:
based non-shitposter
>he doesn't like 3 piano notes followed by nature noises
are you saying you didn't like the stone talus theme?
A official version of this would be pretty sweet
>boring derivative orchestral shit that you forget seconds after playing
OOT and Majora's Mask had better music.
I posted this one last time, and now you haven't received any (You)s either.
Why is this song so underrated?
All the village themes, the boss themes, Guardian themes, Hyrule Castle, Dragon encounter, Observation Post, the Forest, all the little themes for shops/NPCs, etc.
Just because the music isn't blaring at you every thirty seconds doesn't mean it's not there. But you don't actually want to be proven wrong you'll just make a greentext list of why everything I listed isn't technically music or you don't like it so fuck you in advance for that
Speaking as someone who shits on BotW in every thread, the Divine Beasts tracks are pretty good if a bit similar to each other
>That Spirit Track esque opening
Botw unironically has my favorite soundtrack in the series.
I guess it's just the brainlets on this board can't appreciate anything other than bombast romantic pieces in a fantasy game. The minimalistic approach was god tier. The only reason the game doesn't have any tracks as iconic as past games is because all of the non-atmospheric pieces either only play once, or are the town themes which arent has loud as in past games so as to better blend in with the ambience.
I can understand disliking it overall, but if you listen to tracks like beast ganon phase 1 and tell me it isn't pure fucking kino then you just have shit taste.
I just finished the DLC and its dungeon and boss had pretty fantastic music to be honest
Breath of the Wild doesn't have an amazing OST, but some tracks stand out above the rest of the generic stuff
Besides things that have already been posted, I really liked the Korok Forest theme. Especially when going there for the very first time (and it isn't night).
I generally like the OST in BotW but man that standard battle theme is fucking terrible.
>music is only good if it's le epic music that i can hum in the shower
>katy perry is the pinnacle of music
>who the fuck is debussy?
I fucked ur moms debussy
Except it really isn't.
The music shares a similar tone because it's intended to be that way, you can listen to the various different atmospheric songs that play on the soundtrack, and if you aren't a tone deaf idiot you can easily tell they're distinct and elicit different moods and help set a different atmosphere while keeping the themes of the game intact.
Not upset, I'm stating a fact and making an argument.
Like he said, minimalism works, you don't have to have huge complex orchestral pieces to have good music. It's much more impressive to be able to do more with less with music. It has one of the best soundtracks in the series when it does this. Like I said, it isn't always minimalistic, and it most definitely ramps up into full orchestral pieces when it needs to, and it succeeds to doing so.
The biggest thing to realize is that while we're used to big huge fancy orchestral soundtracks, they're often not exactly the greatest. Generic isn't exactly the right word to describe it, it's more that it's meaningless. There's no nuance or reason to why they have this music, it's there to check boxes, since having a big fancy soundtrack is expected. Breath of the Wild's OST serves a purpose, it exists for a reason beyond simply having music, it serves the intention of eliciting certain emotions, developing an atmosphere and tone, helping to portray the game's themes, setting the mood of the setpieces, helping to generate a certain level of energy in the player, among a bunch of other things.
I like the shrine theme
I like those 3 notes that play sometimes.
you would be very stupid to compare BotW to debussy
>he makes a better argument me so I'll just call him mad
not everyone has ADHD and requires turbofueled anime songs in their games
Even Mario fell to this meme, but it was pretty dope:
Call me gay or whatever, but the battle theme for standard fights were pretty good.
You are gay or whatever
it's why I call bullshit on people shitting on Odyssey's OST
also has the best rendition of World's theme
Look, I get with the whole minimalist music because the whole theme of the game is that Link has failed and everyone dies, my only problem was The Staff Roll theme of BotW is an insult of the past games' themes. They didn't even bother to make a medley or even remix the themes. Doesn't even need to be majestic like SS but come on, they literally just put each of the champion's theme and the main theme with jarring transitions
Break Free was great and worked really well.
Odyssey is a very high energy game, and for the climax of the game, and basically what that entire scene is, it fits perfectly.
This. Considering how much time you spend just exploring the overworld, any kind of "real music" would get boring real fast.
You're gay because the Lynel rendition is obviously better
This. It seems like people with autism need very loud fast jap songs to even consider a soundtrack.
I wonder if there's research into this phenomena?
Maybe this is why Red Dead Redemption felt so Immersive
Its why Demon's/Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Monster Hunter songs are memorable.
I only remember monhun cooking and mission complete theme
Literally not a single souls track
You are mega gay if you don't remember the saucy pickle's theme.
Only the beginning fanfare so it doesn’t really count
I didn't even know monsters had different soundtracks...
And this is coming from 2000 hours in the series...
After playing XCX for more than 100 hours AFTER finishing BoTW I agree with nintendo with the choices they made for the music in BoTW.
You might have some form of brain damage
Is not having autism considered brain damage by you window-licking fucks?
This one was great.
That's entirely fair.
The only other them I can remember is Jaggi theme, specifically SANIC FAST High Rank Baggi
Oh, shit! I've been looking for a proper OST download for it. Do you know when it's out?
Best news today. :)
Each Map has it's own combat theme
Most monsters use the map's theme
Some monsters have their own unique theme, Deviljho for example.
Seriously though I have no clue how you would've missed that.
You could've gotten your intent across and not look like a dumbass by saying "Breath of the Wild has no memorable music tracks"
But that would require you to not look like a complete tool.
The amount of samefagging in this thread holy fuck
only the main theme, villages, elephant dungeon had good music, the rest was quite forgettable
sounds like you're dancing with a teletubby, how can anyone like this?
so just the regular shrine music with cellos and chorus and a few minor instruments, bravo...
What the fuck is wrong with this generation of gamers.
>typin all this shit to defend a childrens toys "music"
what did you say cuntface?
how can anyone like that shitty music?
I can't wait for the sequel
Yeah anyone can like that music. It's a lumbering pile of asymmetrical rocks , not the end of days. Good lord
Slow down Mozart, don't trip on your arrangements
let's be honest here, if the overworld had a proper theme you'd still be bitching about how it's heard for over 3/4 of the game
name one botw battle track that comes close, ill wait
Literal art how the ost fades in and out so people don’t even realize the game has music. Ganon’s Castle, Hateno, Goron City are standout tracks. iTunes release at last as well.
gib options then
Beast Gannon theme and sidons theme were both pretty great. Soundtrack was good but I wish there were some more noticable ones that could occur occasionally while exploring.
Villages play themes because those are places of civilization, if hyrule wasn't fucked up, I'm pretty sure they would've went for a field theme.
Great songs to work or study to.
You are in employment or education user, right?
remember when zelda music was good?
it's a damn shame nintendo never bothered orchestrating TP when they remade it for the wii u
the midi instruments hold back the melodies
The Divine Beasts really had an uneasy melancholy to them.
I actually came to this thread to post a battle song,also that isn't even the best TP battle theme
even if the world was in ruins, they should have made more "important" locales, the temple of time has a theme, and so does the castle town, and they still blend in with with the over world
whats the excuse for the battle music being so crappy then?
the blight bosses sound like you're fighting a pastry chef
compare to TP's battle music
ya, I'm making a point how even average music in TP soars high over all of botw's "battle music"
so sad you don't even have to fight any serious enemies in BOTW except lynels
fighting the angriest pastry chef in hyrule
>tfw the stable song and the bird playing the old Marion song over top
The combination is amazing
TP's music was mostly forgettable, in fact 3D Zelda in general has forgettable music. I only remember a few key songs in each game
>souls songs better than botw
Lmao muh choir music
Souls music is literally the pop music of the vidya world. Bland, boring and predictable. Botw has a soundtrack that is truly unique
That sounds like ocarina of time music now that I listen to it.
BOTW has windwaker vibes to it
Speaking of which, Helmaroc King was dope.
you have a bad memory then
I never understood the praise for dark souls's music, sakuraba is capable of really strong themes, but dark souls is all over the place
even WW had solid music
I could see this song being used as part of a cinematic where you have a cadre of Rutos attacking the Vah Medoh to give Link cover and the sky is filled with explosions and lasers.
Except you could have ambience that still has variety. The problem isn't the simplicity, it's the laziness. Each region could have its own unintrusive ambience, but the only difference is based on temperature. Frankly the repetitiveness of the piano ditties gets in the way of the atmosphere rather than augmenting it, honestly there's a good argument to be made that the overworld shouldn't have had music at all.
really underrated, everyone likes the molgera music over this
it's a good song, but it's not enough to save the soundtrack, 3 cds and there's only like 6 songs that are good
one of the best battle themes in the entire series holy shit i wasn't expecting the music to be this cool when i first bombed a molduga
WW music is whimsical and light like BOTW, less sad though
No one posted this? For shame
Is Zelda music mostly Celtic?
the reason people didn't appreciate the music is because it was too fucking low in the mix.
if you could adjust the bgm and sounds volume no one would be raising this criticism. the music is great. you just don't get to hear enough of it because it's more dynamic than traditional vidya music and generally quite low in the mix.
To be honest I find A Link to the Past's soundtrack a thousand times more atmospheric than anything in BotW, despite working with much more limited hardware.
These tracks get you in the mood immediately and set the pace of the whole game. There's a reason that so many of LttP's tracks became series mainstays.
nah I remember tons of songs from the games I play but Zelda just doesn't really stick in my head for long unless the song itself is very unique compared to other Zelda songs,like the hidden village and this one when talking about TP
Well yeah, that's the tone of the game especially way back when. They weren't gonna make an open dreary Zelda game in 1990s. Zelda's soundtrack will jump from game to game , tailored to its environment as always.