Is this a good game?
Is this a good game?
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Phantom Pain. Two words. Cause & effect. Low & High. Evil & Justice. Two words that are intertwined, knitted cheek by jowl, and always associated with the other. Two words that are close yet far as possible. The title's two words is reflective of Kojima's great masterpiece itself. Of course, it certainly is about the psychology of a phantom and the pain it measures. But more than that, the game features exceedingly contrasting views. These views, contrasting and even paradoxical, can sincerely confuse a man. But, these seemingly contrasting views when scrutinized is really just the product of a struggle inside a man's very being. A man's final struggle of whether to finally detach himself from society, from life, from his humanity, or to finally succumb to it. These struggles, or contradictory ideas can be noted several times in the game. We have Venom's Napoleonic belief that he is of the elite, and should step over obstacles without being affected even if blood is involved, as was hinted in his article. Then, later on he would admit to Revolver Ocelot that he was not of the elite since he was terribly affected. But again, when he was in prison he would declare that he was not there because he was guilty of anything but rather because he was weak and confessed. Also, we have his being generous and charitable. He would give Huey's widow, Doctor Strangelove, all the remaining 25 rubles his mother sent him. Then there was his helping of his schoolmate and the crippled father, and the saving of two children in the fire. Here was a man acting as a savior to strangers yet could not even bear to look and much less talk with his mother and sister. Here was a man who believed that anything could be sacrificed for the success of his career, who killed two women yet refused that her sister be wed to a rich man for his sake. Here was a man who regarded religion as nonsense yet read the gospel and asked people to pray for him.
So it’s worth the $23 I’m planning on sending on it tomorrow?
Gameplay is solid as fuck, what story is there is pretty decent. I'd say it was pretty good
Yes it is
Its fun game play. But it reuses a lot of missions, you raid the same base multiple times, obvious rush
It's a great game. My friends who love MGS say its not a great MGS story, but they like it regardless because of the gameplay.