Rate my gaming setup Sup Forums

Rate my gaming setup Sup Forums.

That's a 70 inch 4k HDR TV.

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It's alright. Get proper surround sound.

screen is too high

>gaming setup
where's the computer?

I don't know how sound bars work. Can someone explain? Are they surround sound?

At most it's 3.1 with a sub somewhere.

literal shit. Only one console and no pc. It's like you hate games. And what do you even sit on?

PCvirgins not welcome here

got your pin # hack incoming

nice setup james

>He fell for the 4k meme
>He uses a Soystation Pro
>Not even getting any 4k games

Whoa; so this is the true power of the mutts.

Pro is probably for his PSVR

Stfu console poster

From where you sit, does it look big enough? Thinking about upgrading to 70" as well.

So much cancer in one post, he even fell for the most obvious bait

I sit about 7-8 feet from it and it looks fine.

Needs a 1X and a Switch. Also 5.1 surround sound minimum. Also get one of those mannequin heads for the PSVR its aesthetic af.

Otherwise good setup.

There's no fucking way that is a 70'' display.
That looks like 60'' at most.

>I don't know how sound bars work

They don't.
A speaker setup, even without a sub woofer, beats soundbars any day of the week.
The only advantage soundbars have is that they usually take up less space and can be mounted right below the TV if you're hanging it on the wall.

I hope that's an OLED or at least has local dimming. If not you've wasted money.

>Actually bough a PS VR


I'll give you a 2/10, best I can do.

It's 70. For size comparison, that's my old 51 inch TV hanging on the wall.

Newer TV's look smaller because there's practically no bezel.

Ditch the sound bar, get a proper surround sound.

Games like Monster Hunter are incredible when you can hear stuff behind you.

Install bias lighting behind your TV to reduce eyestrain and soak up those ugly ass shadows.

Here's my setup with 65" 4k, 4k AV receiver and 7.1 surround. Hard to get a good pic during the day.

Huh, sorry my bad then.
Yeah it's probably because size-wise your TV is probably about as big as my old 46'' Plasma which has huge bezels.

How much was it?

>Install bias lighting behind your TV

It was on a Black Friday sale at Best Buy for $1199

LED strips that you attach to the back of your TV/monitor and plug into an open USB port for power. Usually come with a remote to control power, color, and various effects.

Those bezels are fucking hideous.

Isn't that part of the fake 4K LGs that TV has out? They're cheaper and use a weird trick to look like 4K but quality is utter trash.

You have enough space for a proper 2.1 system with tower speakers, why the fuck do you have a soundbar?

Yeah RGBW pixels

>Get proper surround sound.
Sure, as if his living room doesn't look autistic enough as is.

just ordered this gem, first memeK TV
mainly for when I don't want to use the projector

Less than $200? Either the quality is laughably bad or there's been a serious drop in the price of 4k tech.

I thought LEDs only came in red blue and green, and any other color of LED was just a mix of the others. What purpose does a white led serve?

Why would actually spend any money on that trash?

Good job OP.

Soundbars are a space saving device, yes, but they blow panel speakers out the water. Any 2.1 setup will probably be better though.

My setup

Consoles and steam link are behind the doors

>Less than $200? Either the quality is laughably bad or there's been a serious drop in the price of 4k tech.
price mistake/last year's model

>I thought LEDs only came in red blue and green, and any other color of LED was just a mix of the others. What purpose does a white led serve?
cut costs, lowers effective resolution, same shit that blighted OLED for so long

>buy 70in tv
>sit 40 feet away from it

Why do consoletards do this?

Who /HDMI/ here? I hope this doesn’t flip sideways

>I thought LEDs only came in red blue and green
nani the fuck

>No sound
Do what did instead.

>talks about proper sound setup
>posts that shit
user, just stop.


>I hope this doesn’t flip sideways

>Bought a 4K TV
>Literally has no 4K content
>Using a fucking sound bar
>Actually bought the worst of all the VR gimmick headsets

"that shit" is fucking miles ahead of the sound bar OP posted.

somehow reminds me of a video of these japanese rich guys who live in a tiny apartment because they spend all their money on the most expensivest audiophile shit

Black Panther Fan/10

>finally set up hyperion with a raspberry pi and some RGB LED strips
feels good

I can't dispute that.

So do they not count the whole RGBW as a pixel or some shit? Because the effective pixel would be bigger than a standard RGB pixel. It's why those old RGBY tvs didn't catch on.

I'm going off of knowledge that I picked up once on a Youtube video about blue leds from LGR, so I may have forgotten some of the details. But from what I recall, there's really only RGB for the diodes, and manufacturer's add them together and change their intensity to get different colors. It's why white LEDs didn't exist until blue one's did, because they didn't have the full color gamut to make white light.

been hanging there since before the movie was even considered for producing

one of them is slavic, even

How the fuck? I want it.

they replaced every fourth subpixel of the normal RGB count with a white one

other manufacturers have white IN ADDITION TO the RGB subpixels for better brightness

by by replacing every fourth subpixel with a white one, LG has a 25% decrease in the number of separately addressable RGB subpixels.

How's it doing that? Does it check the colors happening at the edge of the screen and reproduce it?

Good choice, OP
I got the same model but 55'
Don't need something that big for a bedroom.

Good thing these only cost $4380 (speaker+receiver) since I went with the entry-level cheap stuff then.

pick not related since it's from the other gaming setup I have.

damn man, that's baller


warning that the links in the description give the author a cut of the sales, just buy the items on aliexpress/gearbest if you don't mind waiting

you just split off the HDMI into two and use a cheapo USB capture card, the raspberry pi samples the edges and can even detect black bars properly, etc.

>70 inch 4K

How much do you actually display anything 4K on it?

IM willing to bet about less than 1% of your usage.

Everything not 4K looks like absolute SHIT on a 4K TV. And at 70 inches to boot? Fucking disgusting.

How much did the tv cost ya op?

Everything in Windows looks stunning with 4x the resolution in fonts and rendering.

Can't play games at 4K? Scale it down to 1080p so it still uses 1:1 ratio and pixels aren't smudged to shit that way, which makes it look exactly as it'd be on a 1080p.

read the thread instead... >>!!

>Everything not 4K looks like absolute SHIT on a 4K TV. And at 70 inches to boot? Fucking disgusting.
It's literally just pixel doubling user. 4K is just 4x 1080p. Tho there is a good argument that a lot of 4K content is just mastered at 2K and upscaled.

How would 1080p fullscreen not be stretched to shit? 1080p native on a 4k defeats the purpose of owning 4K

I'm going to admit my knowledge of display technology is lacking so most of what you just said went over my head.

That's cool. Think I'm going to invest in one.

Are you dense?

You literally just double the pixel size of 1080p to display on a 4k. It's still the same aspect ratio, so there's no stretching.

That's a weird looking CRT.

each PIXEL is made up of THREE SUBPIXELS (red, green, and blue), so pure RED would be 100% red, 0% green, 0% blue. pure WHITE would be 100% red/green/blue, but you can also create OTHER colors. by ELIMINATING a group of SUBPIXELS, you LOSE resolution because PIXELS are now suddenly only addressable as 0-100% WHITE instead of 0-100% red, 0-100% green, and 0-100% blue.

well, I'm dumb.

that's not a 51. And the tv you currently have is not a 70 inch. Where are you buying these from? They seem incredibly small.

How much does this shit cost in total


you can buy a lightpack but it's like 10x the cost of diy, and diy is literally just cutting the RGB LED strip to length, plugging it into a raspberry pi/power supply, and installing some software

hdmi splitter $12
HDMI to RCA converter $12
usb capture card $16
raspberry pi zero $10
5m rgb led light strip $15
micro sd, USB power adapter you should have this already

>Price: around 190€

But as the other user said, you could probably get some of the shit cheaper from AliExpress.

wouldn't that just desaturate the colors?

Is that a photo of your wife's son on the right?

>raspberry pi zero $10
I looked at the Pi Zero W and it's $50, why is it 5 times more expensive?

Is it LED? I honestly want to ask if it's worth it? Unless you download blue ray UHD content and HDMI 2.0 it to your tv you cant even use the quality. Netflix and television services can barely support 1080p and rarely support 4k. It feels like such a waste for future proofing.

I am still using a 10 year old 720p plasma and it's fantastic. I just cannot justify upgrading.

it's $3.14 user

Not in my country.

>in store only
>200miles away
God damn midwest. And they even have stores in IL and KS and I'm still 200miles out.

price match

That is me when I was a wee lad

Rate my setup and also my socks. Thanks.

I already used our countries version of a price matching site and the cheapest is $50 for the Zero W in our country.
That's for the thing itself, not including shipping.

Unless Best Buy or Walmart carries this, or Amazon feels generous, I don't think I have that ability.

>tv in the bedroom

spotted the virgin

>tfw I don't even have a tv or a computer in my bed room.

Attached: 1296082274875.jpg (250x325, 37K)

>he doesn't have a t.v. in his room
Get a load of this poor fag

bummer, how much is a pi 3? it's like $30 here cause they always have $5 off at microcenter
also the zero w is more of a novelty, the wifi is not that great if you're doing a lot of data
the regular zero has been as low as $1 before, so it's not that bad to pay the extra $2 for bluetooth/wifi tho

>doesn't have a tv in his bedroom
>calling anyone else a virgin

Calm down poorfag virgin. Get a better job assuming you even have one, buy a house, tv goes in every bedroom you pathetic faggot.

you look like you could hook me up with Monster Hunter World.

Attached: yEb_Hi2ayeA.jpg (500x375, 23K)

349:- so around $42,3.
Though I have Ambilight already on my TV, but could be nice to have on my other monitor, but it uses Display Port since HDMI can't display that resolution.

Ain't him. But quality of life increases when bedroom is for sleep and sex. Still read there though. I even want to move my desktop to my living room at this point to be out of there more often.

Do it.
Your bedroom won't smell sour and NEETy if you stop wasting time in there infront of the PC as well as sleeping in it.

>But quality of life increases when bedroom is for sleep and sex

Spoken like a true poorfag. Master bedroom should have a tv, walk in closet, full bathroom with a shower, tub and 2 sinks, 2 walls with windows etc. Stop being such a degenerate like that other poorfag.

LARPing this much isn't good for you.