>romancing girl
>starts talking about having kids
Seriously, is there anything more offputting?
>romancing girl
>starts talking about having kids
Seriously, is there anything more offputting?
Your face.
>actually reading the social links in Persona
You just mash through it to get to the real game faster
>Not wanting to spread your genes via offspring
Same level as coalburning if you're a woman.
> spread your genes via offspring
This is illegal
Wow, just like real life
>wanting to spread your genes
Real life is shit tho
Nigger detected. Not everyone is terrified of the idea of children like your subhuman brain is, just because you think the kids will murder you and your deadbeat ass when they come of age.
>Don't want to do this bad thing
>You must be scared of it
Nice "logic"
Would you mind elucidating more on your relationship with your father?
I mean, it's weird to start talking about that when you're just dating, but it's not like I hate the idea.
She's not getting any baby put in her until we sign a prenup though.
It really depends when she starts. It's offputting if she starts talking about it on the 1st date. Impatient women are garbage
Nothing is more hot than a girl that intimately makes it clear she wants you to cum inside her.
>Wanting your genetic existence to stop
>implying it isn't great
Most women don't want any kids at all, if one wants them, especially young, she is a keeper
>implying impregnation isnt the ultimate vanilla corruption fetish
seeing a woman warp her body to carry your child out of her own volition. Bueno
>tfw my brain is absolutely screaming at me to make children
>tfw eternally single and horrible genes
shut the fuck up brain
Define young. She's a keeper only if she never got in the cock carousel. No matter the age, women are keepers if they want to settle before they have had a hefty amount of different penised inside them
>nu/v/ finds a woman who is literally asking to be impregnated "offputting"
what a bunch of faggots
the end objective of romace is procreation
Just play SMT then
How do you get away from that conversation but still keep the girl without fights?
>Finding your genetic purpose for existing offputing
..without agreeing to have kids and avoiding to have?
Testosterone pills
Problem is money and time. Not test. Got too much of that. Hairy as fuck, cum buckets every time..
Get the kid to work the fields
this. prego women need more representation
Speaking as a 26-year-old, I would fucking love to have a girl upfront about wanting kids when you first start dating. Let me be a dad, goddammit, it's all I want.
It's good to get that out of the way fairly early, desu
I've known several """strong""" couples that didn't broach the subject until much later, and those that disagreed about it broke up every time.
I cannot fathom having such terrible taste that a girl talking about how many times she wants you to breed her is """offputting""".
26 here and wanting to get the fuck on with getting a qt preggo. Society is just too fucked atm compared to when the boomers had it.
Imagine the ease of jobs, less kikes and niggers in society and being able to play vidya and be a man in society while having a family.
*slams bucket*