>no gay sex with hats on
shit thread op


Good thread

>no meme tabs
shit thread

You could emulate the originals with the non shit jump and good music right now you know.

Will buy when nude mods for Coco are available

There are no gay characters in Crash Bandicoot.

Maybe people will make mods to fix the hitboxs

this wasn't supposed to happen etc

And then we will have an illegitimate leaderboard based on it?

Shit meme.


For you

enjoy this nutritious (you)




I just preorder mine I had $40 extra in my band card



>Play and finish the game 1 (one) year earlier
>L-Lol dude th-thanks for beta testing
I'll never get this meme


660 is like 6 years old

Like this kind of shit matter in a solo platformer

>10 years old CPU
>6 years old GPU

>play the game 20 years earlier
>wonder why people are so hype to buy a version with fucked up physics

>lmao gamer achievements graffix memes huuurrr

that's pretty lame. I mean considering how many people can just emulate this shit and it looks better emulated anyway

not a smart move by the publisher

>20 year beta test

660/7850 are equal to ps4 gpu

It'll probably run at 60fps too with those thanks to non shit cpu performance

Is this your first fucking console port? They all run like absolute dogshit doesn't matter how good your PC is.

>physics still aren't fixed
>PS1 version are still the only good versions
Sony wins again.

>activision can't make pc games
user it is not a jap port

Please, you're not buying with even if it didn't have denuvo
Look at bayonetta

Same. Feels good.

do you think it will Crash a lot?


how much does it fuck with the bought version? have an old game i cant play anymore because its anti-pirate verifacation is dead

needless to say even as a buyfag Denuvo puts me off asmuch as EA games

>The possibility of modders fixing the jumping mechanics and curved edges.

I'm rock hard already.

>specs from 7 years ago

it's going to be great seeing salty sonygroids trying to work their way around this one

Well, you know for sure Denuvo games won't work anymore in 10-15 years.
Do you really see EA patching a dead DRM out of 10 years old pc game?

Console Wars are the third worst type of posters on this board.

>Game is exclusive to consoles
>"I-It's shit! I didn't want to play that game anyway!"
>Previously console exclusive game gets ported to PC
>?"lol thx 4 beta testing lol :^)"
>Game that was exclusive to PC gets ported to Consoles
>"Wow, Enjoy your downgraded crap with no mods peasants!"
>"Consoles have no gaems!"
>Console has games
>No those ones don't count!
If the goalposts were moving any faster they would be breaking the sound barrier.

>console wars are the fault of PC players

Console players are fine with playing a 20 year old series if it has better graphics, but get mad when PC players wait a year to play it at double the frame rate

Does this actually have denuvo? Please tell me it doesn't, the modding scene would be cool.


Cool stuff, it's a great game. It'll sell on Steam too, unlike the Cuckbox version.

I mean, we already knew this was coming, we just didn't know when. Thanks for the heads-up OP.

Uh... DUH? Who else?

>but get mad when PC players wait a year

No they dont. Do what you like and wait or double dip or whatever the fuck you want to do.

I don't get it, why are they porting shit games to PC? When there are tons that could do much better.

Yah harrrr, me mateys. This be one of the bay.


A computer may not be a console but I'll be damned if it doesn't fuel the fire when it comes to arguing about video games on this ancient roman pottery making forum.
Why do you think there's a PC wojak when there's console war shitposting?

>buying games with denuvo

Why support a practice that does nothing but fucks you over?

literally only because of insecure sonygroids and baiting faggots

Lewd coco SFM porn and nude edits.

Crash has always been shit though, Steam has enough shovelware already

That's nice and all but when's Spyro though

Crash has always been on PC. My PC has crashed two times today just because of the fucking Windows updates.
>disable all updates
>finally free of this shit for months
>suddenly out of nowhere Windows downloads ''Windows update assistant'' without asking
>starts downloading updates when it shouldn't be even able to
>PC crashes

>bigger but and boobs mods for coco
>original body Tawna but with a modern twist giving her a wider waist and bigger hips and ass


>beated all 3 100% when i was younger
Should i buy this?

>get fucked in the ass and die of syphilis a few years later, but you get to play a legit copy of a game on day 1
>safely get a digital warez copy you pretty much own, but you have to wait a month or something

You know that famous experiment with kids, right?
If you offer a kid either
>a single chocolate candy, now
>full chocolate bar, 2 hours from now
Almost every kid will chose the candy.

Vidya fans are mostly manchildren. Do the math

>Of a crash game
Did you even play them?

>thinks getting a game a year later means you won
Kill yourself

I used a guide to collect 100%.

>Crash Bandicoot
>No Crash Bash
to trash

>when i was younger

I refuse to believe you are of age.


I'm 30yo and people were arguing about this shit when the psx came out as well user... Every new console launch was the prophesied death of PC gaming, you could read it in every console magazine. It never stopped, never will.

>no uncharted references
fucking dropped at the speed of light

Why would you shitpost while using the beetle? Have you no shame? At least use the mexican one.

Coming in for your low quality post then leaving, eh saucy?

>nude edits
your welocme

Attached: brother from an other mother.jpg (580x503, 144K)

Getting the platinum relic on stormy ascent was hard as fuck. Good luck with that PC bros.

Nah, I'm around. Just tweaking some vidya settings to get maximum FPS.

is ti even possible? the devs said it was a issue with the engine and built around it

What the fuck happened to deadpan sauce?

I pray for this.
Looks good, but the gameplay is shit compared to the originals