>hey guys, give me a console with no games, a $400 price tag, shit graphics and a logo that looks like it was made in MSPaint... oh, and make sure to release it 2 weeks before another console that's $100 cheaper, is easier to develop for, has a better controller and doesn't look fucking retarded
>say no more senpai
Hey guys, give me a console with no games, a $400 price tag...
Other urls found in this thread:
>hey guys, give me a console/overpriced tablet/reskin of another failed hardware that look fucking retarded with no games, shit graphics and a logo that looks like it was made in MSPaint
Say no more senpai
>oi, ji-san give me the best console of the gen
>say no more oyabun
>Give me the best 32bit game ever made
>Here you go son
>WTF my Playstation doesn't play it!
Fuck you buddy! I'll be playing Sonic 4 in no time, and a new Streets of Rage and Toejam & Earl!
I'll be splashing around in Ecco The Dolphin 3 and using my super secret password from Ecco2 to unlock secret shit while you're still waiting for your shitstation to boot up!
The Saturn has better looking games than the Playstation and it's more powerful. The Saturn has a lot of great games, too, especially when you count Japanese exclusives (not even counting RPGs/text-heavy games). Sega just needed to not release it early and make it $300 or $350. And the controller is better for 2D games and is still hailed as the best of all time. Its 3D controller is great too.
Now to be fair, the Saturn looks fucking awesome
Saturn had the best ads fuck you
>The Saturn has better looking games than the Playstation and it's more powerful.
Imagine being this retarded. Quake 2, a fucking multiplat, looks better than anything the Saturn ever produced. Pic related.
>The Saturn has a lot of great games, too,
Legitimately less than 10, and I'm not exaggerating.
>Sega just needed to not release it early and make it $300 or $350.
But they didn't.
>And the controller is better for 2D games and is still hailed as the best of all time. Its 3D controller is great too.
Hailed as such by Sega fans and literally nobody else. And the 3D pad is dogshit because there's no second analog nor any way to use the dpad + analog at the same time, completely undermining the point.
>sega announces a $400 price tag for saturn at e3
>sony employees attend the press conference
>just a few hours later, sony drops the price of its PS1 to $300 and steals the show
They did it with PS1, they did it again with PS4. They can't keep getting away with this.
While i can understand the Dreamcast getting some sort of cult following, the Saturn is a piece of trash and its bombing was completely justified.
Sony seems to at its most successful when the competitors are fucking themselves over
>No games
>Shitty tablet
Nice bait faggot I almost fell for it
If you like 2D games and is able to play japanese titles, the Saturn is a pretty good console
Fuck off, retard.
>Hailed as such by Sega fans and literally nobody else
Except for the fighting game community and emulation community.
>Legitimately less than 10, and I'm not exaggerating.
Okay, but the PlayStation has nothing worth playing.
Oh shit son you just shitposted on a board filled with nintenbros, now you're going to get a bunch of smug anime faces!
I agree though switch is shit I regret buying that piece of crap
>a logo that looks like it was made in MSPaint
>implying saturn didn't have some of the best branding in the entire industry
Wrong link obviously.
Why'd you have to go and make me sad like that?
just look at the Japanese commercials and imagine if the west got the same marketing push for 2D and JRPG games instead of
>dude fuck 2d games blowstayshun and pooptendo amirite xD muh 3 processors
the marketing campaign in the west was a dumpster fire and squandered what little potential the console had left
Here you go.
But it's true