Mario Tennis Aces Collage

It's time for a vidya mosaic. Claim your tile and then post the edited version when you're finished.
List of memes that will probably be rejected:
>funky kong
>& knuckles
>pussy & ass

me d5

claiming d1 for myself

>rejecting staple meme for collages


i'm taking a5 fags

it's most because they're usually low-effort unless they actually edit something besides slapping the logo on, I'm fine with it if you try, unlike this shit which I'm rejecting don't fuck up bruv

can't wait to see this shit

d1 finished

>List of memes that will probably be rejected:
thats what you get for making a shitty reddit thread with "rules" lol idiot.

I'm taking 7A



Taking 6B

a7 finishied!

Somebody post MH3U


>inb4 someone makes the tennis ball pickle rick

claiming a4

i did my worse

I will do 4A

sorry, you got beat to it

this is fucking awful

i didn't want to open photoshop so i used paint tool sai lol


I'll use it unless posts something

this entire thread is horrible

this isnt about what you used, the tile wont fit with the rest at all

true, already ruined
shit thread

seems like a bit of a waste to me
post a tile fgt
the aheago face alone without the reaction images probably fit in better

I was gonna help out, since I usually do in all mosaics, but this one is just fucking shit from the get go

what the fuck are you autists even going on about, we're 3 tiles in

false flagging to kill the "hype" of the thread

i guess i will do b4

>low effort meme tiles and clusterfuck tiles
You and everyone else in this thread know where it’s headed.

OP has 0 quality control, mosaic will end up like MonHun 3U

I'm just gonna assume that a4 wasn't by the actual poster because its filename is 4a like that other guy posted.

a4 done

I did 6d OP

nice epic I like it

here. less le random (same poster)

B6 Complete

it's even fucking worse nigger


7C done hope you like it.

make sure you claim before posting next time!

did you not realize or

2b and 2c for me

mostly just wanting to move the thread along
at least have the decency to claim in two separate posts so you can pretend to be two people, start with 2b

Give me 3D.

Claiming 3 A


gonna do D5

I mean i will do d4

lmao who are you

here it is




I actually claimed 3A, you marked some other. Here it is, please accept it, it took me great effort.


b1 ready



>want to do b5 but wage slaving until 6pm

I love that Sup Forums isn't shitting on this game. I'm pretty excited for it myself. Now show me what you've got, you meme-loving fucks.


I fucking loved mario power tour on GBA.
Fucking golden sun engine and motoi sakuraba soundtrack in my rpg tennis game.

Claiming 6D



I was rolling my eyes to the trick shots but zone speed and the parrys saves it.

unclaiming 6D. I dont know how to do this shit

I also loved Power Tour. I hope the story mode in Aces is at least decent.

Trick shots remind me of defensive power shots in every game since Mario Power Tennis for the GCN, but requiring more skill, so I'm hopeful that it will be neat.

ok faggots ill claim d7

claiming 6A

hey I'm back

Attached: tennis collage progress.png (922x1010, 1.26M)

i claim C2

done i'm sorry

Attached: 6A.png (141x131, 33K)

Attached: 1503931666613.png (906x855, 432K)

Never really got into sports games beside some of the Mario ones at friends' places and some SSX games, but this looks like a lot of fun, mostly because it has fighting game mechanics (and playable Chain Chomp).

I think trick shots are almost like taunt shots, they're never better for hitting the ball than just going to it yourself but they reward you for getting them just right.

i also claim C3

Attached: c2.png (145x134, 39K)

Attached: tennis collage progress.png (922x1010, 1.25M)

c2 and c3 done

Attached: c2+3.png (145x270, 83K)

mark b1 as finished i know its not of the highest quality but im not a drawfag

Heres d7. i give up with this trash. I cant do it faggots.

Attached: d7.jpg (300x281, 33K)

please don't use this.

I can't really, he fucked up the resolution