Splatfest muthafuckas! So how are you all doing this morning?
>Main weapon
>Favorite stage

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Enjoying the cum vs pissfest.

>Main weapon
Splat Brella
>Favorite stage
Goby Arena

Hasn't been a cum ink color since Ketchup vs Mayonnaise. Enjoy it while it lasts!


Friendly reminder that if you choose chicken you are incorrect.

Totally forgot there was a splatfest right now. I've taken a break from Splatoon for awhile. Still salty about losing my S ranks.

Tell that to my 16 wins for Chicken (so far)
It's not really that memorable, or exciting, a topic this time around. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna miss another one after I was humiliated in the Money vs. Love fest.

I'm losing pretty horribly on team egg.

>takes his Switch™
>goes outside

only brainlets go to chicken

tfw team chickan and getting destroyed

>Main weapon
>Favorite stage

I only lost a game because one guy was afk (fucking cunt)


Team Eggy. It's been about 50/50 so far from my perspective. The real winner here is the connection errors.

I think Nintendo is biased - the ink colours are the colour of an egg


>The real winner here is the connection errors.

As always.

Am i the only one who stands up and dances around to the music once a game ends?

amen to that. I had one match where half my team disconnected and ALL of the opposing team disconnected. It was just me and my remaining teammate wandering around the map at our leisure spamming booyahs. a pretty fun match though, all in all

Shifty station is always the best.
I do love when some faggot hides inside thunderdome and paints that back when everyone else has jumped away.

I want to splat inside Marina

>tfw mum's name is marina

pls stop with these words

I might try that, it's a good tactic

Chicken. It's going terrible so far, I had 3 teammates that couldn't kill one squid.
>Main weapon
>Favorite stage
Moray Towers

>Moray Towers
may I ask why?

Arguable. It takes some time while your team will 3 vs 4 so I never go for it. It's just fun to watch.

Just got Egg Queen and quit, what a fuckfest this has been Egg Team sucks so bad.
The new Shifty Station is high-tier though, I had a lot of fun moments in the "phase 1" boxes.

Because I'm a charger fag. Never stops being hilarious splatting squids who try to get close to me. It's especially satisfying because those flanking faggots always killed me before and now they're just target practice.

Is your mom hot though?

she's a beautiful and kind lady, she doesn't do disgusting things like sex

>playing as a female toon (girl(no penis))

Is Splatoon fun? The Nintendo Direct actually makes me one to play and I can't believe it really. Just looks interesting in that new DLC.

>Deco Slosher
>Snapper Canal
Camp Triggerfish will immediately replace Snapper once it's back.
Octo Expansion looks fucking awesome.

I've played 35 hours of just multiplayer and am still enjoying it.

ALso just realized you can scrub gear and customize load outs am a retired


>female toon (girl(no penis))
Oh you

>Marie will never sit on your ass

I got over 200 hours into it so far, if you like shooters and/or competitive team-based games, then Splatoon is for you.

You should have her cosplay as Marina and then fuck her, user.

I meant your face.
Fuck I can't even shitpost correctly, I'm a disgrace

>hitting an enemy squid
>he starts shooting at me way later with the same weapon
>I die
>he lives


He might have ink resistance clothing boosts.

How do you play around the new Shifty Station? It seems like whichever team gets the middle under the dome auto-wins every time. There doesn't seem to be a way to compete when the stage literally works against you. Just ink the insides and then leave and it's gg.

How come sometimes when I use the splashdown someone kills me before it explodes ?

Because you can kill them before they get down. Splashdown is one of the weaker specials in the game.

They shot you in the air.

You can still win if you don't get in the thunder dome or the two rectangles on the side but it's really difficult.

I'd recommend making sure you secure the rectangle closer to your side when it's sectioned off and hope your team mates do the same.

well fuck, I guess I need to step up my game

Me and my friend want to join a game on Splatfest but it seems like you can only do it if you have 4 of you.

How the fuck do we play together on team Egg?

Team egg
Splatter Shot Jr.

Going for top 100 like always but I lost my last placement game because it was a 3v4. So that’s not happening.
Anyone here ever make top 100? Or happen to know what a rough estimate for the cut off would be?

you find 2 other eggheads. It has to be a team of 4 or else it's all solo. It sucks because my two other friends who have the game are team egg as well as me but since it's only 3 of us then we're fucked. The solo randoms are such shitters.

>octolings enter Inkopolis
>over the few years of Splatoon 2's lifespan, they become accepted members of society
>inklings and octarians finally getting along as true equals
>then comes the final splatfest
>the sacred fax machine boots up and prints out

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oh shit, that would be way more exciting than squid sisters vs off the hook. plus it sets Pearl and Marina against each other in a very interesting sort of way.

It'd be funny if Pearl represented Octopi and Marina represented Squids lol. Really push the buttons of the indecisive.

I just bought Splatoon 2 days ago, and I'm still at lvl 7, still getting a feel for it.

Am I just gonna be destroyed? I've been doing fine enough in regular matches so far.

>Going between the Splatling Deco and the Octobrush
>I'm honestly loving the current Shifty Station. MEET ME IN THE THUNDERDOME

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Yeah. The free DLC support has been really impressive, I think they've added a new weapon every week or so and a new stage every month or so, plus every Splatfest, there's a completely unique stage that's only available for that day. Last splatfest, it was one centered around cannons you could equip. This one, it's a fucking Thunderdome one that closes off different sections halfway through

I can see them doing that, too. Cute and tragic at the same time

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On a side note, make sure you git gud with gyro controls, it's the closest thing to Mouse-Keyboard speed and accuracy

Best one was with the cannons
worst one was with the inkbrushes

fuck this thunder dome bullshit omfg matches are complete blowouts either way

>Main weapon
N-Zap 85
>Favorite stage
Can't decide but Shifty Station is my favorite of the current rotation

N-zap & Dapple Dualies
The Reef & Prolly Walleye Warehouse

Yeah I'm not really digging that map

For this splatfest in particular,
>Shifty station
I don't normally use splatlings but it's giving me wins so I'll roll with it.

There's a pseudo-ranking system in splatfests (and turf war in general I think) so you should be able to get matched with people of your skill level.

I want to personally apologize to my team egg brothers because I feel directly responsible for our loss this Splatfest

>It's a team member disconnects half way through episode
Do these count against the splatfest total?


>respawn and see base is uninked
>see teammates just rush to center

>doing great
>kills 3 squids and is close at spawn
>last squid killed my entire team
>their entire team focuses on me
Every time

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Noobs everywhere.

Last night I was losing almost every game as a chickan but now we on a spree boys

is there any point in playing after I am crowned the CHICKEN KING?

>rush to centre to slip by and ink up enemies base
>a good minute uninterrupted of inking enemy base
>think I've won us game
>entire map besides their base is covered in their ink

th-thanks teammtes

to keep getting wins for your team, and more importantly since this topic is kinda lame, to scrub your splatfest tee as many times as possible to get the ability chunks, since the sale.

truth, 2k compared to 20k for a scrub is bringing out my inner jew.

Ok Chickan frands your king will grace you with his presence once again

Seriously why did Nintendo make it so hard to get ability chunks? You need so many of them and playing with gimped gear isn't fun

I'd image a game like this being petty much unplayable if you don't have static team mates, since you're most likely to get paired with literal children otherwise.

>Dualie Squelchers
>Shellendorf Institute
It really did seem like picking Egg would be a mistake at first, but after the placement matches I've been doing pretty well. Not even halfway done but it doesn't seem like getting there will be as bad as I expected after reading all the horror stories of last night.

I’m killing it for team chicken today. I think this is my highest ever ranking at 2169.6. S+ training is paying off. Shifty Station is bretty cool this time, too.

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My Switch is in for repairs :((

I think its because unlike Splatoon 1, any gear can have any ability without the need to reroll a million times, so they made it harder to get abilites

>nearly king
>almost break the 1900 barrier
>get 2 fangirls on my team, one level 3 and one level 9
>vs a king, 2 champs and a fiend
>their lowest is 45
why is matchmaking so shit

Last splatfest I felt like my teammates knew how to play the game vs now.

>not being the egg even though it was scientifically proven to come first.

Will everyone that sucks at playing the game please stop playing the splatfest until it is over. I had some fuckers planting beakons on the spawn zone.

Nintendo must think I'm a fucking badass because I swear to god every one of these matches is decided by how hard I can carry and I am not living up to Nintendo's expectations

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Sometimes people do that to remind players to use the beakons

this desu.

I'm the highest scoring on my team every fucking game.

that's not a good thing because i am suck

This is a special case because not only is it the wrong answer, it has the meme ink, too. So you've got all the shitters picking Marina for the right answer, and all the memers picking Pearl for the pearl necklace.

It's honestly anyone's game considering how often the results are skewed to favor the popular team in 2. They can just slap a 51-49 in there and appease two thirds of their playerbase, most of which are the kids.

So the big "major" skill on a piece of gear is always the same for a given article of gear right? Meaning if I like the look of something but its major skill is shit, im fucked?

Use the app and you can get gear with other main abilities from Annie

It's possible to find them with other skills, but they're very rare and only found from the shop in the Nintendo Switch Online smartphone app. Although it's also possible to find someone else that has what you want and order it off of their character.

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their faces when

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I should clarify, it's very rare to find exactly what you want in the app. It's all random, none of the items found there have their actual skill. I worded that wrong.

>Very rare
Not true at all, all the gear from Annie has different abilities

The fact mine is similar to yours in points, but im living in the worst timeline.

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Fucking third world shitters with their shit connection always making me fight 3 vs 4

You're one of those idiots who play stupid in the game aren't you? Just leave and never come back.