which one?
Which one?
zero ultra
ultra red
Type 2 diabetes
Ripper is best.
Zero Ultra if you care about sugar.
Never drink the standard fucking sugar-free one, tests like rancid cunts.
Also vidya
Ultra Violet
Purple punch
top left
Doesn't even have the two best on there. Zero ultra I guess.
I like Rehab, Lemonade and Pink Lemonade.
these drinks make you retarded
drink green tea instead
More of a chai/earl grey guy
>getting ID'd at self check-out machines for buying fucking Monster
fuck britbong
Green original's the best tasting but I've been into the Java bean one.
Monster tastes the way I would expect air freshener to taste. I don't know how anyone can possibly enjoy this garbage.
Now that the kids have ordered, what do the adults want?
>drinking beetus sips
>what do the narcissistic hipsters want?
Yeah, I want to drink something that makes me shit 10 minutes later. I swear to god that’s why office workers really drink coffee
an earl grey and two sandwiches
Coffee sucks just give me the most chocolatey one
got my dollar poverty sips
>tfw I quit drinking soft drinks just before the energy drink fad came into fruition
what do they do.. exactly?
I don't understand how can anyone like Zero Ultra. It tastes like antacid and smells like bath water with soap. What the fuck.
Fucking this
Either the doctor or the peach tea one
Tea please!
homemade v60 coffee.
monsters are ok, but they're somewhat expensive. so is store bought coffee. make your own coffee
They have a shit ton of caffeine and other shit to make you "energized and focused".
King Sip coming through
the doctor tastes like fanta
Regular, Rehabs, and Ultra Sunrise. their is this new Juice one too, mango flavored, that I'm liking as well.
A can of redbull has less caffeine than a can of coke, you know.
For me, it's the McChicken.
Monster Java isn't there
What is that? never seen it here.
never met a person who wasn't a total twat that consumes energy drinks regularly. Do they put something in it that makes you dimwitted?
I guess that's Taurine you mean. Redbull doesn't really have that much caffeine compared to... a cup of coffee.
>Caffeine in a cup of cofeee: 40mg
>Caffeine in Coca-Cola Classic: 34mg
>Caffeine in Redbull 275ml: 30mg
>tfw told as a kid by my Mom to never drink Energy drinks for some reason and even now I still haven't drank any.
Should try one sometime. How bad is this shit for you?
I'm calling horseshit on that one, bud.
250ml can of RB has 80mg caffeine (plus Taurine and B-vitamins, etc.)
250ml can of Coke has 24.3mg of caffeine.
My nigger*gets banned for toxicity*
Drinking 2 in one day literally causes heart attacks
As bad as a regular can of coke, its only bad if you drink them alot due to the taurine
Fake news.
A can of redbull has 80mg, and monsters have 140mg.
Vr46 personally
>Crushes the only calorie, sugar free one in his hand.
you're scaring me bro. i don't wanna die.
if youre going to buy monster buy the ones with juice.
>Americans always complain about shitting after drinking coffee and eating mexican food
nice bowel genes, mutt
Just have one a day, and if possible go for the zero sugar monsters.
For what ever reason, Monster is the only people capable of making non sugar drinks that actually taste good.
>all these babies ITT
its 2 am i might ask my mummy at 6am to run down the street to get me a SIPPY
>Monster is the only people capable of making non sugar drinks that actually taste good
How? They can't even make their sugared drinks taste good.
Redbull has 30mg per 100ml, not per can. So a can would be 80mg of caffeine.
Still, a can of coke has too much caffeine to be any good too.
When I was working stressful shifts at work, I once drank 5 in a single day. I shit you not, my vision was flashing like when you get punched in the face. But I was totally awake. I closed my eyes and everything started flashing. I thought I was gonna die or have a seizure.
They're also very bad for your kidneys.
Usually, these threads are filled with 'I ONLY DRINK WATER' type shit.
I make sure I'm hydrated with water before I go for the sugary caffeinated sody-pops.