Which one is the best and why?
Which one is the best and why?
Other urls found in this thread:
>reasonably fair
>one is fan art and CG render
>one is CG render
Horizon is American made though and Poland is part of the EU, you can't do anything right can you?
Guerilla Games are based in the Netherlands and staffed exclusively by Dutch employees. Has been since the very beginning, when they made the first Killzone.
>Horizon is American made though and Poland is part of the EU
Horizon was made by a dutch studio, and historically speaking, Poland is a part of Slav.
Well I look a bit silly now but based on your own image it should be the Netherlands flag for consistency
And Slav is now EU.
I bet you will say Turks are European if they join the EU.
>Not EU
Hate to break to you there part of the EU. Also basically all of the tech industry in poland supports the EU. So most likely CD RED is a bunch of EUPHOBES!!
Poland is part of the EU.
if they are part of the EU why dont they take refugees?
Because they don't want to commit suicide.
Because it's an economical union.
>posting this disgusting lesbian roastie with daddy's issues and juvenile maximalism when there are far more superior waifus like Priscilla, Iris, Cerys or Vivienne
I'd pick Tracer over Ciri at this point, and I fucking hate this cheerful britbong with my guts
Because Poland got fucked by Germany before and they're not going to let it happen again.
Japan > EU > USA > Poland
The American
fuck you tracer is one of the few good things blizzard has done
Korea #1
nobody wants to go to a shithole
Aloy is the only right answer here.
Im gonna be the first one to answer. Poland is best because it combines American Realism of Horizon with Japanese beauty.
Wow you have shit taste
polish one is really ugly. as are most of the females in bitcher 3, desu
but they went to france of all places
because they're not gigantic cucks like the rest of us
Did Priscilla appear anywhere else after getting her the ingredients for the medicine?
Ciri > whatever is that animu girl > Tracer > shit > Aloy
Also, why is there EU flag next to Aloy? Guerilla Games is dutch, did you not know what dutch flag looks like or something?
The problem with American and Western European women is normally their personalities.
I'd take Asian and Eastern European every time senpai.
>leave their homeland to wash toilets
>we wuz not cuckz ya filthy westerner
slav mentality always amuses me
No, I think she stays in hospital even after the end of the game.
OP is prob american, theyre not known for their geographic skills, so I assume he thought European Union was a country
Reminder that both Tracer and Widowmaker are based on Japanese manga characters, and one erotic LN character.
qt slav > qt nip > burger boy > manface yuropoor
Fucking cherry picking: the thread, yet again
This art design choice comparison needs to die already because it's pedantic and never addresses the actual production or direction of these games
And Xin Xianying is barely in DW9
it may as well be. even products from EU countries start to have ''made in the EU'' logos instead of specific country. even muh based boland
>doing a job to make a living is worse than bending to a non democratically elected federation's will
Japan, only attractive one
I'm amused by the fact that you think you had a choice. of course your country doesn't get much in the way of refugees when you yourselves leave. issue is overblown by retarded '''''''polish'''''''-americans who think they wuz poles now that it's hip to be one and have wrwrcrz in their name
>poland not eu
Aloy is so fucking ugly
>All these salty krauts angry at Poland for not worshipping mudshits
Poland may be poor and drunk but I'd go there instead of Germanistan any day
ciri is 100x better than all 3
t. '''polish''' ameriswine
sure you would
ciri is ugly
Swing and a miss. Shouldn't you be bowing to mecca or something Hans?
>t. homosexual
>le mutt memes
always amusing
nigga i ain't even polish
desu i love the cheery britbong
i’m a filthy m*le though, sadly
>Bottom right
That's a man, baby.
I asked my Jewish friend and he said the Euro's is the most attractive.
Haven't you been following world events at all? Germany wants to fine Poland gorillions of dollars for not taking in more refugees, and poland said "pay reparations for ww2 nazis" and then it's at a standstill.
>and poland said "pay reparations for ww2 nazis"
Really? That's pretty fucking funny.
llmao, fucking owned
I love how you can basically cripple germany by calling them nazis
It's like jinxing someone when you were a kid so they couldn't talk
you'll cripple most white men by calling them nazis
>Germany wants to fine Poland gorillions of dollars for not taking in more refugees
Isn’t that a massive violation of sovereignty?
I mean how can a country fine another for taking its own decisions?
historically speaking America is part of yurop
Leftist ones sure. The sane ones laugh that shit off.
I just imagine the pole EU representative or whatever just going “pay renbaratioms fuggin nasis :-DDDDD kurwa” and then the entirety of the germans there just froze in fear and stopped functioning
this is more real every day
T.Gorilla Lover
IMO, in order:
Top Left = Top Right > Bottom Left >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bottom Right
Poland doesn't want "refugees" because they're already full of hohol refugees, which pretty much no one else wanted btw, funny how that's never mentioned
Poland is EU you retard, and some Witcher 3 DLCs even received funding from EU.
If Poland is so great, then how could this happen? I thought the UK was a shithole bros?
They try to justify it with being in t EU means that everyone shares the same responsibility.
It's total bullshit since there was never a legitimate vote if everyone should trake ion some rapefugees or not.
The best part tough is that even if poland would traker sime in, they'd leave within a month towards germoney.
Shit happened areound 2013/14 where poland took in a dozen christian refugees from syria, genuine refugees who would've died otherwise and had to prove via church records that they're christans.
Yet every single one of them wanted their status revoked after a month or two to move over to germoney and reapply there.
All that the EU does is making the polish goverment more likable by the population by pushing refugees onto poland.
they are prettier and less violent than mudslimes so it's fine
daily reminder to go home ami
>poland; slavic cutie
>japan; asian cutie
>us; american cutie
>euro; said western "cutie"
Overwatch was designed by a korean who worked at capcom afaik.
>poland gets it's own category, for some reason seperate from europe
>but some kanker studio represents all of europe
Really makes you contemplate
why do you keep making political bait threads on Sup Forums
why do you keep derailing threads with politics on Sup Forums
why are you obssessed with politics on Sup Forums
I wonder who could be behind that post?
>us; american cutie
She's a caricature britbong though.
>this thread
More like Sup Forumsand
More accurate
>Poland is a part of Slav
Why is every single male character so fucking generic holy shit
because poland is poor they don't need more poor people
>poland isn't EU
Seems about right. Slavs can't into human.
white europe, yes aka real europe
>all in europe
>3/4 in EU
have you ever seen a map
Are you a idiot or just American?
>poland isn't EU
i wish
looks about right, there is no difference between germany and turkey at this point, might as well let them join
this map is wrong, Romania and Bulgaria joined after the first eastern expansion
She does one last show. I think thats it.
Poland of course
tbqh, bf1 aka niggers in uniforms, was made in sweden. I can strawman, too
Because mods allow political threads on Sup Forums, you are only prohibited to post about TFH and SCP
Whiter than you will ever be
>inb4 mongol
Nothing wrong with some mighty Khan blood. STill better than Somalian.
>CIS is EU when it fits the agenda
>CIS isn't EU when it fits the agenda