You turned into the butt of the last video game character you played as
How fucked are you
You turned into the butt of the last video game character you played as
How fucked are you
what the fucking shit
What the fuck?
> the story of a pendejo
Tfw the maker of that used to make cute gender bender stuff
>alexstrasza in hots
Tfw turned into chicken wings again
Big if true
>Nier Automata route A
There was a thread like this months ago
>mfw the stories
>They don't clean the stalls and use the manure as fertilizer.
>Letting the horse just sit down in it's manure.
>Just letting stallions mount the mares whenever they want.
This is some pathetic farm upkeep.
lol what crazy posts haha these are such whacky ideas are there any more? haha imagine if thee was more. where would you find these. i want to read more lol. as a joke haha
>Troll hunter ass
i'm fucked.
Spend your time and effort caring for and nurturing your child.
It grows up to be a sick piece of shit. That must feel so disappointing.
I wonder if such people existed before the 21st century. I can't imagine a guy in 1828 dreaming of being a horse's butt or being transformed into food and eaten.
There must be some radically destructive element in modern culture that makes this possible. This is some mental illness of an unimaginable level.
I wish my ass called me 'master' and was pleased to excrete my shit. My current ass doesn't show any gratitude at all
>every piece of your body is made of another animal
>this animal is completely aware it is your eye/heart/left nut and can do nothing about it
>this includes some random people
This is a weird outlook on life.
post characters you want to be anal vored by!
>a line
I am buttless. Guess I'm doomed.
You need to feed dildo regularly to your ass to make it pleased.
NO, go to hell you piece of shit.
I fucking hate you sick degenerate turds.
I'm pretty lucky
God isn't dead. We chained him to the radiator downstairs and beat him mercilessly. He is a broken shattered shell. We torture him every day until his body can barely take it and then inject him with medicine and nutrients to stay alive. God isn't dead at all, but fuck does he wish he was.
Kramer's hentai adventure.....