*Rage Quits Secret of Mana
*Rage Quits Secret of Mana
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He's right, it's one of the most overrated shitty games. The combat system is awfully repetitive and boring, and every map is flooded with way too many enemies that makes getting around a chore. It's just completely tedious to play.
who? this is now a diff thread
What game did you most recently drop, Sup Forums?
ff13 here
i thought for sure he would have quit at spiky tiger. i missed the fight so i'm going to assume they either gimped the boss or he was overleveled for it.
When will he rage quit life?
>big Internet piece of shit draws in another big Internet piece of shit to go on a psychotic sperg fit
What games do this?
Phil's too much of a pussy to actually kill himself.
DSP is a legend
what the fuck I tied the knot correctly bugged rope mechanics
He walks up to the final boss with 1 FUCKING MP and no item to replenish them and then proceeds to blme the game because he doesn't want to redo the final dungeon, why hasn't this piss poor excuse of a manchild been killed yet ?
I beat this when I was a little kid.
>press buttons
>do nothing
What the fuck dood?
why was DSP's youtube name in all lowercase for so long? he's not ironic so is he retarded?
Has this guy finished a single JRPG?
He's too much of an egomaniac to kill himself.
>press buttons
>get gf
He's the underdog of youtube, voice of us gamers. Haters need to cut him some slack.
That's his stance on the ragequitting of secret of mana
was there anything he could have done to conserve or recover MP for the final fights?
I dont like DSP, and I am assuming he was just playing badly
but it does sound odd that you can autosave yourself into an unwinnable situation
id rather be wizard than have her as my gf
aka persona easymode
There is an autosave just before the final boss but as he didn't take any healing or mp healing items with him before getting into the final dungeon, he screwed himself, and then blamed the game
did he ever finish p5
Well he got to the final boss of Persona 3 and this was what happened
He was playing on the easiest setting
>made poor decisions
>can't win easily enough
>too much work
>and it's all the game's fault; shit design ack ack ack
Christ what a baby.
That's a dude wearing a wig right?
Top kek what a bitch
I dont think so
mostly because of the Atlus mandate
and he clearly doesnt have enough time (or love) for games to want to finish it since its not making him money anymore
>finishing playthroughs that he made a career doing is a waste of time
okay phil
Every fucking day there's something new with this fatguy. One day he does this then tomorrow he does that, god jesus on a cross.
ugly chicks worship your dick tho. Uggos are so happy to have found a man that they'll cook, clean and swallow your seed for fear of losing you.
Isn't this like the third time he's ragequit a game on the final boss just because anything remotely punishing happened?
you can only hold 4 items if you dont change it?
why the hell did he think that was a good idea?
So did I on the SNES which didn't have autosaves
That's not even "something punishing" HE screwed himself over, he's responsible for his own stupid decisions, yet he blames the game. He never takes the time to understand the mechanics of the games he plays, he just want the easy-cheesy way , and as soon as something different happens he start screaming about how the game sucks because he can't win, and how the game has a will of its own and just wants him to lose. He's the perfect definition of a manchild, looks like a man, acts like a child.
>waves of repetitive respawning enemies
Isn't that just mana series in general?
i prefer a penne
Somebody STOP ME
(Which means cock on spanish)
Crono trigger is really easy to get into, but if you missed the boat for mana serise or even ff and try to go back to it now its a chore to really get into it
I really need you guys support I need it. I need everyone to rally, come out to the streams, stop being lazy, if you're going to support the stream and help me pay my big tax bill then please tip so I get it instantly. If you've been gifted a sub then you'll be called out on not being as supportive as you could be, okay? *snorts* sound good?
They call me Cuban Pete
I'm the king of the Rumba beat
When I play the maracas I go
really wish someone saved vootage from that fundraiser at the end of february
"You guys talkin' shit about me?"
Phil doesn't have an entertaining bone in his body, plus
>constantly calls people idiots
>finally turns his mic on to play VR Chat and gets absolutely booty blasted by a child calling him an idiot
I hope Phil ekes out a long, pitiful existence stumbling through desperate unfunny bits
That thing was such a fucking disaster haha
I'm glad he took a lot of shit for how he reacted to that kid. A 35 year old man getting called an idiot by an 11 year old and flipping his shit.
>using Ken and Koromaru
Based DSP, how will the haters ever recover?
holy FUCK
It's a kind of macaronni in Italian, my dude
Deep down, do you really think he believes his detractors are jealous
But it's also the same word for cock on spanish, they sound the same (at least on the american way how DSP pronounce it)
This guy's a bitch
Okay I'm not dead but I swear to god I wish I fuckin wuz
Oh, is he in a financial crisis again? It seems every time this fags threads start popping up is when he needs some attention (money).
>The later introduced characters are always better than the original four!
He's so far up his own ass that there's a good chance he really thinks that.
He's actually got decent taste and is pretty articulate despite the memes
> "haters"
Whether you're serious or not, you belong in a gas chamber.
imstilldadaddy is dsp if he was actually loveable
the patrician choice
Parasite Eve
Persona 3
Secret of Mana
There is probably another one. His Parasite Eve playthrough was funny as fuck.
kill yourself fuchs
But that's not even remotely what he said.
He ragequit at the end of PE?? Was it on the ship? What a funny little man
It's "pene" in Spanish, just one N
say what you will about the dude but I'm glad he doesn't delete his failures
Well, he’s trying to maximize profit so every video counts. If anything he knows his failures are what catch the most traffic.
>calls himself King of Hate
>actually has thinnest skin on the internet
What did he mean by this
Has this motherfucker gone bankrupt yet? Hearing him talk about his taxes and his stupidly expensive car gave me a giggle but its gotta be getting sad now right
Why does this look so goofy
I would make an honorary mention of him pulling the ethernet cord out of his PS3 during Old Monk in Demon Souls. Even if he finished the game, he basically cheated that boss
He just stopped playing out of nowhere right on the ship
Because he's fat. Fat people can't turn properly, they always look like penguins.
>the DSP cycle continues
>don't want him to go under because he (unintentionally) provides me with hours of entertaining quality khantent
more toxic more toxic more toxic over dramatic drama queen toxic
back injury dood
can't work that's what daughter wives are for
he deleted his fundraiser tho, didnt he?
toxic toilet juice
I love snort burnell videos, Phil sounds like more of a troon than usual
What did he raise funds for? Drinking his own piss like LTG?
snort burnell is a genius
taxes, dood
because he nearly fails at folding his arms
I love that leak because of the one DSPfan who honestly believes Snort Burnell uses someone elses voice for the DSP clips
god bless the people that make these compilations
signs of balding on the back of his head?