There's nothing to "data mine," it's a very simple page with a YouTube embed and nothing of interest in the page source. All of the image directories redirect and would've 403ed if they didn't. All the old character pages redirect to new ones, i.e.
has become
and I'm not having any luck trying to find what the new pages would be, they just redirect like all the 404s would anyway. The same happens with the character images, they redirect to the */wiiu-3ds/* directory, which is odd because that suggests there may be new renders coming. All we can do is wait.
it's a port of the wiiu smash
No its not
has there been a port that uses a different logo?
not ur personal army
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
The original doesn't have "Deluxe" in it's logo.
this is not what that rule means at all
don't be that daft one user
No we don’t, shut the fuck up and let nintendo surprise us with characters like the good old days.
That's not how it works.
The 8 is a rainbow though and to be fair, Inklings and classic Battle Mode weren't in vanilla 8.
All signs point to port lauderdale
>Tropical Freeze adds a new character
>not a deluxe edition
>Captain Toad adds new stages
>not a deluxe edition
>Pokken has DLC after the fact
>is a deluxe
Explain this bullshit.
portfags are honestly retarded at this point.
pokken adds 3 characters (though technically from an arcade update) and a new exclusive one (which only is just about to come in arcades)
>tfw blastoise is your favorite pokemon, but pokken was too dull for you to buy it plus eshop tip
Why would they tease a port when they could have just announced it flat and simple like any other port announcement?
This is a new game.
Should've been called Tropical Funk.
>eshop tip
lmao change your state
I think he meant the fact that Blastoise is a separate purchase.
Then why isn't there an esrb rating? Game like Mario kart deluxe had a rating when it was announced because it was a port, this smash has a "rating pending"
uh no he isn't, he comes with the pack with aegislash
unless he meant the pack itself?
"Why would they tease a port" indeed.
Imagine being this retarded.
I feel like I'm wasting my life but goddamn at least I'm not creating lists that study the differences between fucking logos.
Bullying needs to be brought back BIG time.
The point is that Blastoise isn't included in the base game.
Bayo 3 was teased, not this
But Charizard is, so who gives a shit?
Are you gonna complain about Chikorita not being in the game too?
Why is there so much doubt that this is a new title?
It's not like they have to put work into a new engine and they can use many assets from the previous versions. I think people do seriously think that for a new smash to exist it must be of superior quality or something. It could be a turd, we don't know.
you do realize logo design difference is a big deal right, especially when packaging games?
>being loss of arguments that he becomes assdevastated
Just stop. You know damn well they were teasing Bayo 1+2. The Bayo 3 tease didn't come until December.
I was just clarifying something somebody was asking. Why are you getting upset?
I don't get your point though - because that tease outright states we're getting 1+2, it wasn't being vague.
Enjoy your port mouthbreather.
I know you're going to buy it anyway.
Then where's the W101 Switch announcement? This image had just as much credibility.
It's a-comin'!
I don't get your point in this one, it's probably coming soon, but probably not a priority. Hell maybe it'd go along with what Kamiya jokingly tweeted.
your tears sustain me
It just looks like Platinum games showing off their Nintendo games in an advert to get followers on Twitter.
Are you just daft?
Are you? That image looks like they're playing W101 using the Switch controllers.
>sakurai reportedly liked Wonderful 101 and he's bros with kamiya
>modelled all the wonders for smash 4
>Smash typically reps the previous gen
>the Smash reveal was the Wii U inklings
Don't worry, baby. Wonder Red is gonna be in Smash and we're getting that 102.
Could his be Ridley? Can't make out the silhouette
But Sakurai also liked Horizon Zero Dawn, so what does he know?
Its still an advertisement for twitch followers.
That being an idort is better than blind allegiance?
those models in smash were just ported over from the game, I'm pretty sure they came with unused textures to indicate so
They use a lot of switches in their Javascript.
Is there any way I can keep in contact with you so that I can smugly rub it in your face when it's a port?
we're in Sup Forums user, just sat "portfags BTFO"
Since ARMS, Pokken and Splatoon are doing it, as well as the rest of the industry, are we going to get "content as future download" for Smash, not just mere DLC but bulky updates?
But I want to search your tears personally
5mash is a new game, and will have a content release method similar to Splatoon and Arms, that's why its releasing so early and the Inklings were the first newcomers revealed. Roster additions will complement the 20th anniversary (2019)
wow the switch has a lot of ports...
this is exactly what i was thinking. like release a new character (for free) every month for the coming two years or so, this will not only keep the game alive as it's getting support from the devs, but also gives new switch games (new fire emblem, octopath, metroid, and anything that might be coming) an opportunity for their characters to be in smash if their respective games do well.
You have no idea what datamining is, do you?
I think so, with the roster trailer being the base roster.
Game will launch in september, same date as paid online.
Regular updates on smash means that everyone will pay to play with the new chars/modes online
remember when people thought Odyssey was Mario Runner or Splatoon 2 was a port?
>new site
new game confirmed
>he doesn't understand marketing and copyright
This isn't Capcom, who accidentally puts unrevealed character renders on their website's coding by accident.
They added Doomguy as a new character and now the rating needs to e rechanged.
This happened with UMvC3, right?
It's literally a placeholder what the fuck there is nothing to question here.
does this mean that all the games coming to the switch, have a chance to get a rep?
the game name is a placeholder, but logos cannot be placeholders
see Octopath Traveler