El Gigante

El Gigante...

el ogro de las americas.....

moldy std's....

ok, this one actually made me laugh.

Technically it would be el ogro de las europas

Del Lago....

Dios mio...

He's a big guy....

Was this the first boss of the game? I can't remember. I recall thinking it was so fucking cool after I killed him

porco dio


unless you count the Doctor Salvadores as bosses then yes, he is the first boss in RE4

El tenebroso

Why did the spanish zombies kidnap the president's daughter ?


Protagonist of RE8 is Jill and Josh's baby. Don't ask me how I know because my dad works at Nintendo and it could get him fired if he tells me anymore than that.

The game goes downhill after that, nothing come close in terms of coolness and scare factor.

I actually read all the "la creatura" posts in the RE4 villagers' voices, so this was a good post.

angry mob is a first boss

They were mad Trump built the wall

Te voy hacer pedazos

Why does the mom have such a cubic head?

That's italian, you idiot

The Right Hand?

But those are yuropians.

It would be better written as "la criatura", as creatura is gramatically correct but no one uses it out of the meme.

muere muere muere muere muere

This will never cease to be funny.

I think the Spanish being utter shit is part of the meme, actually.

ay caramba dios mio el monstruo....

Spaniards are white, not sub human mexicans

Europe is usually pretty concerned with what goes on here

la luz extinguida...

dude so fanny HAHAHAHAH

Awesome thanks bros. anyone else feel insanely awesome as they were doing that fight for the first time. I remember getting back to shore and thinking "geez that was sick, I must like a quarter of the way done with the game"

morir es vivir
morir es vivir

Whoah calm down, buddy.
Ease up on that soy.

Nah. Literally no one cares.

Spaniards are the product of 800 years of Moorish crossbreeding/rape. They are los ogres originales.

Nah, at least not for me, maybe the regenerators but Del Lago is the only VideoGame thing that managed to make me feel anxious.

Look at this fucking retard, nobody gives a fuck they are americans they only laugh at them because they're ugly.

>not liking Ugly Americans

Village has the strongest horror elements for sure. I find the castle the most fun gameplay wise, but it turns into more of an action game where you're slaughtering monks by the dozens apart from a few areas.
I guess the same could be said for the island as well, but that has some pretty good spooky areas as well.

I guess the protests against Trump that occurred in European countries must have been because they didn't care. My bad.

El goblino de los poland en el britania...


Looks like somebodys been watching his fake news

These things fucking terrify me to this day. When I feel like playing RE4 again, it's this fucking enemy that stays my hand.

I need to replay the game, it's the only RE I actually enjoyed.

La creatura de judio

I was dreading it because I thought that it would be more like fucking a turret section.
thankfully it was surprisingly easy and rather painless.

I thought that the village was going to be the whole game. RE4 was surprisingly a pretty long game. The castle way overstayed its welcome though.

How would one say "No way, fag" in Spanish. Asking for a friend.

>t. pure Bavarian phenotype
Pic related.

el mongolico...

Ah fuck, I could have worded that better.

la soñaste mariquito

Mexican spanish:

Ni madres, puto.

Spaniar Spanish:

De ninguna manera, gilipollas la concha de tu madre.

la creatura...

El holocausto judio abuelita

detras de ti imbecil...

el abominacion....


irreparable blowout

>la concha de tu madre.
That's Argie.

They would say "joder" at the end.

Un forastero...

For me it's Sienna Guilleroy in Resident Evil Apocalypse as Jill and the McChicken

>Sienna Guilleroy in Resident Evil Apocalypse
terminal shit taste

Seriously, the game just keeps on going and going, it's awesome! I loved all of it, although the island at the end was a little strange.
Mexicans really have a great thing for being incredibly vulgar. At the same time proper Mexican Spanish is almost the cleanest form of Spanish there is in the americas.

Genuinely good thread OP, thanks for the laugh

Los ogoros

la dongas extenguidad...

Welcome to Sup Forums, buddy

Lo siento, no comprendo el meme.

Maybe this shit is funny to people that don't usually understand spanish or something, idk. Maybe i'm just too jaded to find this funny at all, just looks retarded as fuck

If Jill was in the canon cg movies I would think differently and Excella is actually the best girl

>not liking Voth

You're a special kind of gay

t. la creatura gigante

rip Luis

It has to be derived from Pabloposting since he is the one that started the whole thing.

Quatro you

el amorfo...

el jefe de aldea plagado de parásitos...

t. El diablillo chicano

Ugly Americans did not deserve to die.

el hombrecillo salazar...


No it didn't and Moonbeam City had a great artstyle just shit humor though. I'd rather have Ugly Americans than South Park with season long story shit.

el gran queso...


I'm doing my first run of RE4 (not underage, just a 123fag) and I was hoping he lasted until the end

Pretty cool dude even if he just willingly left me with this stupid bitch because I'm "better with the ladies"

I hate her.


el gran queso...

la creatura...


she isnt that bad

el enojado enano...

alright i keked

Play Dead Rising if you want retard ai, Ashley and Sheva aren't nearly as bad as them.

cuidado... el monstruo esta enfurecido...

Was he supposed to be Napoleon?

la puta en el vestido rojo...


lágrimas de hombre...