RPG punishes you for leveling up

>RPG punishes you for leveling up

What were they thinking? This is like making a Mario game that punishes you for jumping

it barely does, ffvi is the real shitty game that punish you for it, esper system was awful

I never felt any sense of punishment with this game. Its literally the easiest, and worst FF next to XV.

>is shit at games
>decides to grind to beat all games
>game comes out where you can't do that

>spend 10 hours playing cards before even going to the first dungeon with Quistis

Whoa, very nice game you got buddy

implying that's not fucking amazing being able to break the game and have 3000 hp before the first boss if you understand the game mechanics

I played the game normally and had no problems.

>not using oblivion as the op picture

It works well on open world games with a lot of freedom and replayability

Not on long linear RPGs where you're most likely not play a second time

There is this strange area in between both extremes where you just draw magic and junction it normally. Even as a kid I had no real problems with this game, especially near the end when you figure out how to limit break every turn.

honestly I have no idea why squenix haven't done an online triple triad tcg. they'd make a fucking mint selling boosters and could wedge themselves in to gwent/hearthstone territory quite easily with pc/console/mobile releases

That's on you. Don't want to play cards? Then don't. Games is still beatable and enjoyable.

Right, I guess I haven't replayed the game close to 10 times over the years.

Only if you're autistic. You don't need 100 of every spell right away unless you want to be over powered.

They did an online card game along side the FFXI release. I forget if it was based on VIII or IXs card game though.

Enemy stats scale way less than player character stats as you level up, you still get an advantage from it.

You don't have to play it smart to beat the game, but if you play the game smartly your enjoyment of it greatly increases.

You don't even need to particularly junction anything for Ifrit, limit breaks are more than enough. Or at least use Shiva if you like dicks in your ass.

>You don't need 100 of every spell right away unless you want to be over powered.

or to counter the fact you can't level at all

>level up an unstoppable juggernaut wearing heavily enchanted plate armor of the finest quality
>dies instantly to a hobo Sith lord

FFXI had Tetra Masters.
FFXIV's Gold Saucer has Triple Triad.

>FFXI had Tetra Masters
>FFXIV has Triple Triad.
And this is the only reason FFXI is dead.

Learn to actually play the game instead of trying to overpower it with grinding. VIII rewards understanding and mastery, and breaking it by mastering junctions and refining is satisfying as fuck.

Also if you ever looked up a guide you robbed yourself.

>Learn to actually play the game instead of trying to overpower it with grinding. VIII rewards understanding and mastery, and breaking it by mastering junctions and refining is satisfying as fuck.
>Also if you ever looked up a guide you robbed yourself.

if you did this, you would just follow the tutorials and drew from everything

Have you ever tried just playing the game normally?

Fighting enemies that you come across naturally? Refining magic stones into magic to junction? Drawing a few times when you see a cool spell without spending an hour trying to cap it out?

It actually works really well.

Fucking this right here.

Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar would like to have a word with you.

>you gain a total of 20 stats and 2000hp at lvl 100
>autismo grinding lionheart gives 22 str
>full life gives 8000hp when junctioned
>quake(convert dino bones) gives 75 str
>spells not only did shit damage/heals but made u weaker and forced more grinding

woooooow how fucking retarded wooooooow

>Have you ever tried just playing the game normally?
>Fighting enemies that you come across naturally?
I did on my only playthrough because I was not aware of the scaline

>Refining magic stones into magic to junction?
Refining skills were a low priority for me so I rarely focused on learning them

>Drawing a few times when you see a cool spell without spending an hour trying to cap it out?
the game made it seem like you had to draw so I got 100 of a new spell. For each active party member.

no dumbass, a lvl 100 t rexaur/ruby dragon will 1 hit kill you without 200+def mdef and shell protect

the basic bitch ones you fight at level 7 till the 30s are weak as shit even with 0 junctions. they dont even have ruby flame.

I think people overrate a little too much the concept of "punishment because you level up".

>Refining magic stones into magic to junction?

Remove this and yes. It didn't work well at all and is my most excruciating video game experience. there were two bosses that took me two days to beat and one that took two weeks of nonstop attempts after school, where I only reached the boss on every third attempt (the worm Time Kompression sorceress). I made it to Griever and couldn't beat him, because his death attack of Shockwave Pulsar was a total party kill. (I actually suspect it was just a normal Shockwave Pulsar, I don't think I did enough damage to kill him.) (That was one and a half months in.) I replayed the game from the start and beat it in two days, because my stubborn conviction that the developers couldn't possibly be serious about the Junction system was shattered (After all it's work and not fun. Video games are fun.), resulting in me drawing everything that time.