FFXV confirmed to be the best looking PC GAME ever.


Consolefags need not apply.

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best looking doesn't mean good, and this is coming from a pc gamer


Xbox One X

Already beat this game a year ago.
When will pc people get with the times?

Nobody is trying to argue about whether the game is good or not, you fucking fedora tipper. If this game is for you, then the PC version is objectively the best, and so it "wins".

What's up with this game? I keep hearing that they're still adding cutscenes to story. When will the game be finished?


ps4 pro

Dusace looks insane on PC with it's foliage density

salty consolefag spotted. go back to your containment board


Tomb Raider did the same thing in 2015 & that was a cross gen game

Watch the OP video, hairworks is starting to look insanely good if you crank up the resolution to 4k and use vxao and shadows on high

and it's wasted on a such a shit game. tragic

>Eventually there will be people who grew up on FFXV saying that the game wasn't that bad just like FFXIII

I fear the day.


Game is amazing. Now that it is on PC and can actually be played with more than 18 fps and a proper resolution it really shines.
Whinny sour grapes consolefags need not apply.

FFXV is the new crysis, I hope you enjoy the next 10 years of FFXV threads.


>Grass has TECHNOLOGY & will flatten when you walk on it & slowly stand back up over time
>Square fucked up the coding & made it so fast that the player can't see this happen, making all of Nvidia's work go to waste


>13 fps


>the desert part of the game is the best looking
>also the smallest
how they fuck things this fucking bad holy christ

>Three different monitors
This is fine
>Three different monitors playing the same game
This is not. There's three different fucking color schemes going on there.

>those random rock arches
the fuck was with all the JRPGs coming out around 2015 - 16 with this shit? wasn't there a compilation image at one point with like 6 different games that all had them?

ps4 exclusive that wasn't gimped down by pc port
multi-plat gimped by pc

Devs should abandon that obsolete PC trash and concentrate only on console.

>It's the horizon shill again
Why can you at least post gameplay or something interesting about the game? Is it because all it has is graphics?

>seething consolefags

Shiva will cover everything in snow when you summer her
She's also not a goblin like Aloy

Well graphics rapes anything you will ever see on your overpriced PC. This is graphics thread that why game has been posted.
It's really embarrassing how 200$ hardware shits on PC in every aspect, not only graphics.

>silky smooth 30fps

Shame about its shitty attempt at action gameplay.

is that your pc or somebody else?

>Horizon's graphics can't even catch up to Crysis, a 2007 game
>On top of that it doesn't even have a fraction of the physical interaction Crysis has
>Doesn't even have water ripples
Crytek may be shit now, but they've created one of the greatest games in Crysis.

I was glad when I left the desert though, it has no real landmarks or vistas.

Here famalam


Remember. This game would never be possible on PC. At least not without significant downgrade...

>finally one game looks better on my $5k machine
>finally my self destructing hobby is validated!!!

>The Ai mirror each other & smashes into each other

Would be neat if it was actually dynamic, but you can clearly see they are mirroring each other so it's somewhat a bug

Where are my Iris pics? You pc faggots! I want to see her character model without her looking like complete ass like in the PS4 version.

You do know that Sunhi adds Post-Processing, right?

>mfw I have a SLI setup

>Static grass
GG are shit, through and through.


Oh look a retard that babbles on about things he doesn't know, yo dude you got that dynamic enemies that hit each other

What a twat


>2 year-old console port is pc graphical benchmark
>state of pc graphics in 2018 is comparable to 2 years old console multi-plat

Really make y...

Compared to XIII, XV is masterpiece.



>2 year old console multiplat on PC looks better than anything released on the strongest modern consoles

MGSV a last gen game has better rock textures and geometry LOL

pictured average ps4 performance

>those sour grapes
Oh now you suddenly like MGSV again after "it didnt feel right" on PC for you?
That being said even digital foundry agrees its the best looking game ever, you're just some user on Sup Forums and they are basically the authority when it comes to graphics.


>2 years old console port looks like joke compared to game released a year ago on ps4

I fear what graphics will bring next ps4 exclusive and the amount of praise that it will receive form technical staff across the globe.
Meanwhile pc will be stuck in benchmarking 2 years old console port that wasn't even that good looking for console standard 2 years ago.

>best looking PC GAME ever.
Too bad the game still sucks

The sour grapes are real

> even digital foundry agrees its the best looking game ever,

Yes he did say that about Horizon, thanks for agreeing :)

And it outsold your shit game too LOL


saddly it was shown in such a bad game.
At least crysis at his time was fun to play

Every multiplat ever looks better on PC. Even if you can only raise the resolution, even if you can only play at a stable framerate, it's better

That's good, maybe I'll get it. I just have one question, have they made the gameplay not liquid dogshit yet?

Nope, still shallow shit

I haven't played a mainline FF game since 12 on the ps2 and I bought the game last week for pc, I'm surprised by the combat. In a positive way. From all the crying and bitching Sup Forums did over the game I assumed the combat is the weakest part, but it's actually fun.

>Go to steam reviews
>All these people giving it negative reviews because "It doesn't run on my system"

Sounds like all of those guys back in the day that said Crysis was shit because they couldn't run it

Get the demo.
FFXV basically is the new crysis. You can scale it up to 8k and watch your titan 4000 bux graphics card melt in real time.

Combat is good. You just don't have to be retarded warpstrike spammer to make it good.

The game was shit on consoles for far more reasons than the fucking graphics. You guys are apes.

I remember playing the PS4 demo well over a year ago and thinking it was like an extremely awful and dumbed down KH (which already has issues of its own). My question is more whether they've radically changed game elements to make it more involved and less clunky.

The toaster audience is pretty mad. This game is a generational leap to what was previously available on pc and consoles.
The ps4 and xbone versions basically run on low to average pc settings. If you max it out to highest youre having something equal to what the ps6 will deliver.

They made the whole party playable now, but the combat is still dumbed down.

have fun with the worst ff game

would my 4790k gtx980 setup be enough for the highest settings

When do I get the ability to switch between character?

>Worst FF
>When 2 and 13 exist

I liked 15 A LOT more than I liked those two

They aint random. They for circles around a place where impact happened and i dunno tectonics sortof like. not saying its verry fucking anime but it aint random.

Pc users are literally the scum of the video game world
>ffxv comes out for ps4
>they release the pc version
Now every day I see like 5 threads about how this game is good

Literally kill yourselves I'm glad pc gaming is 6 feet under

Is there a mod that makes the game heterosexual?

They already have, the fact that they get our games literally years after is proof the pc I buried, why would devs put the games they spent millions on onto a fucking piracy machine

>PS4 fans showing off their game with a female protagonist who looks like a man
>In order to counter PC fans' game with male protagonists who look like women.

That would piss me the fuck off, you guys seriously play with this multi screen shit?

Eh.. Not quite.

IMO, it's better than 12 and 13.

imo, 9 > 6 > 7 = 4 > 10 > 15 > 8 > 12 > 13 > 1235

Fuck off KH-kun you lying scum fuck.

Those games are still faggoty boring piles of shit, though.

>15 better than 13

Nigga, kill yourself with a butter knife.

no notable difference besides numbers on benchmark videos and stutter and bad ports

Good. PC gaming has always been hit and miss. One needs great luck to get things working right, while console versions work right out of the box (for the most part).

>When do I get the ability to switch between character?

it's something you have to buy in the skill menu and it's like 40 AP per character and you have to do it at the start of every fight.

Edit timing from 1ms to 5000ms, compile the file
>update on steam 0.1MB
How hard can it be, SquareEnix?

>Works out the box

>ffxv comes out for ps4
How did you come to the conclusion that this was written by PC players?
Besides, all I'm seeing are threads full of people saying it's shit, and the few defending it are obviously console players who've already played it.

Not like any of this matter, if you rate games based on which platform they're on, you're a retard.

Post your best Prompto snapshots.

>using my picture


Fucking fabulous, Noctis.

this is what a real console looks like, sony always wins baby!

>it tastes like burning
why do they keep saying this?

>PC players once again only care about how good it looks and runs we've if the game is a pile of garbage
Get some standards guys


Ignis: Pretend you're walking to the CAAAAAAAAH

How to play a game:
Does it run good and look good?
Nope? Then it's fucked.