New Nintendo Switch model LEAKED! GET IN HERE!!!
New Nintendo Switch model LEAKED! GET IN HERE!!!
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Soyboys would pay 100s of dollars for that
This isn't cringeworthy to me. I'm not sure why anyone cares.
no they wouldnt
The longer you look at this the less dumb it seems. It's just a way to control the game.
>he longer you look at this the less dumb it seems.
No user, that's just you.
>people actually thought nintendo would do away with their retarded gimmicks and make an actual game console with switch
>labo happens
Ebin. Simbly ebin :^)
Nah. You're a fucking retarded insecure Sup Forumsirgin. That's just a guy standing there.
What's actually cringy are 15-22 year old boys in their parents house posting on Sup Forums and snickering at an adult at a Nintendo event.
Lol, a cardboard joke. This has never been done hundreds of times before and must have garnered tons of upvotes on reddit
The actual literal state of nintenbros, my fucking sides.
About what, silly?
Nintendo is winning :)
See the problem?
>no arguments
Switch really broke this fucking board. I'm so glad Nintendo completely BTFO everyone
winning what
tfw my chin is like that. how can i fix it?
Unless you can go back in time and stop yourself from walking around with your mouth hanging open 24/7 as a kid, you can't.
Say it with me:
And you are crying about it lmao
>Get BTFO so hard they can only post /d/egenerate anal vore and scat fetish picture.
>Calling Nintenbros soyboy when So(n)y is so SJW it's shit out Horizon Zero White Male.
>After getting called out result to screaming Nintendogaf when it's a proven fact that Neofaggots browse this board.
>The absolute state of So(n)ygger on Sup Forums right now.
This can only get better by Bamco annoucing a new Rider game exclusively for the Switch.
>mad because of shitposts
Found the switch owning soyboy
you are like little baby.
>He thinks I'm mad.
*tips soymilk
>no u
Bruh kek
t.SJW So(n)ygger
What does Sony has to do with this?
You just got btfo why you still at it
>no you lost and i won
How old are you?
They are the poster boy for SJW in game.
The absolute state of soyboys
>So much of a soyboy he doesn't even know about Danposting.
But literally no one brought up Sony, do you have some sort of persecution complex or something?
And what does this have to do with toddlers being balding soy consuming manchildren?
The fact you are using Kamen Rider for your consolewars makes you a horrible human being
Even /m/ is sick of it
Work out. People think working out is for gaining muscles in your arms or chest, but working out alters the shape of your head as well.
I feel like calling Nintenbros soyboy while completely ignoring how much SJW So(n)y is getting seems silly.
I bet you like Ghost you massive faggot.
Sup Forums is Sony Territory. Reddit is for xbots, soytendos and pc
>Sup Forums is Sony Territory
>Not Tumblr
>being this thin skinned about internet bantz
>actually taking bantz to heart
wow that's honestly pathetic
>I bet you like Ghost you massive faggot.
Not like Ex-Raider is any better
>mfw some big balding retard walks up to me with a bunch of cardboard on him
>mfw he expects me to have an argument for his lack of self awareness
>mfw he paid 80$
this, we're on ps4chan
>sony isn't tumblr
What did you mean by this?
Funny you say this given most "art" from Nintendo franchises comes from tumblr
It's quickly changing over to a Nintendo board.
No matter how much shilling and false flagging you do, you cannot stop this.
Can you feel it, buttmad sonybois?
It's happening. Your board is becoming ours. :)
I love playing Crash Bandicoot on my Nintendoâ„¢ Switch,I can play it wherever I want!
Stop being a thin-haired, beady-eyed, weak-jawed, receding-chinned eternal anglo.
Look at this fucking soydefender
He literally posts the same shit in every thread that insults his precious cardboard. The absolute state of autism
I'm too vocal of my opinion to not point out bullshit when I see it.
I like Build.
>SJW Tumblr bulldyke.
>Not Sony primary audience.