The PS5

Will it be 100% backwards compatible with PS4? I'd upgrade if it is.

honestly if this shit is true im throwing my ps4 away and buying a switch + upgrade my ps4

Yes, or 99% like the launch PS3 with emotion engine / graphics synthesizer because some weird random game will have some bug or something that limits functionality

PS4's install base is already so large that it would be extremely unwise to not offer backwards compatibility with the PS5. Sony wants you to buy their console over an Xbox Two, that's gonna be an easier sell to PS4 owners if all their games still work.

Maybe it'll actually be able to do the things the pro promised

Lol no. They will continue selling you remasters.

There will be some sort of backwards comparability for sure, unless they go full retard again and abandon the x86 architecture for the PS5 in favor of some proprietary shit.

Get your wallets ready for remastered versions of Bloodborne, Dad of War, Last of Us 2 and pretty much every major title coming at the end of PS4's lifespan.

"4k" remasters will be the norm next gen
also knowing sony full bc would be locked behind PS+ or worse, its own monthly fee service

backwards compatibility and remasters are not mutually exclusive, Xbox One continues to get remasters

If it isn't, they're fucking done and nintendo is going to wipe the floor by being cheaper and having (like 10) games.

Backwards compatiblity should be fairly easy compared to the Ps3 and Ps2, so they have no excuse if they don't do it

better be real back compatibility. not that pseudo bullshit xbox has.

likely since they're both x86

if the ps5 isn't backwards compatible then they've just shit all over 5 years worth of digital customers.

the digital model would depend on those games being playable going forward

they'll do it alright but it'll be digital only so they get all the dosh + server maintenance fees for the bc titles because now you can sell your ps4 and give us that money again goyim

nah I'm waiting for the haxors to pull that shit apart

Isn't current gen just a PC with custom OS, would it be hard to do backwards compatible?
Xbox done it, even with Xuge games, so I guess why not

Because when PS5 comes out your PS4 permanently shutsdown?

This, i think that if they learned their lesson and capitalize on the ps4 success to come in directly with the backwards compatibility argument, this might be huge. And i'm getting a side switch without hesitation

The PS4 uses a x86-64 architecture, it should be relatively easy to have backwards compability if the the PS5 uses the same architecture.


I don't think they're this stupid. They're trying to sell you a lifestyle now.

>PS4 can't play PS1 and PS2 games even though it's powerful enough to do so

It's not happening, Sony just doesn't care.

99% sure it will be, since it'll probably not use a vastly different architecture, just an upgraded one.

PS4 was Sony's ONLY console with no BC, it's the exception to the rule. Although barely anyone cares about BC in reality and it's only an argument used for e-peen points.

Nope. Who cares anyway, don't you want all the PS4 classics remastered at stunning 4K and 60 FPS?

Not that as much as they want you to rebuy the games digitally every generation. Which is laughable as their PS2 election on the PS4 is almost non-existent and rarely gets updated.

Fun tidbit: a few months ago the homebrew folks who cracked open the PS4 discovered it can play most PS2 games. Sony could literally release a filmware patch to make consumer's PS2 collections playable on the thing but simply choose not to.

I own every Playstation (even including the Vita, got it last week), and I just wouldn't buy a PS5 if it wasn't backwards compatible with PS4. I have way too fucking many games on my PSN account to even consider putting them aside for the sake of one generation. We let them off with no PS3 backwards compatibility for PS4 because the system was too difficult to emulate and 720p looks like fucking ass on a decent TV so ports/collections are acceptable (as long as they are cheap), but there's no way they can justify no PS4 backwards compatibility.

If PS5 is backwards compatibility, I really hope they don't pull that shit where the older games are gimped where the games don't have as many system features as a PS5 game would, it has to feel like my PS4 games feels just like a PS5 game. I don't know if that makes sense the way I explained it, but if you ever played a Xbox Original game on a 360 you'd know what I mean.

That isn't completely true.
Most ps2 games need tinkering in the emulation settings and no way in hell will sony allow consumere into their software like that.
That's why many ps2 games on ps4 actually needed and gotten patches.

The PS4 disc drive doesn't support CDs, which would've made the entire PS1 library and some PS2 games incompatible anyway..

Everybody knows it, even Crapgamer knows it. That's how Sony has already won next gen

If I can play ps4 and ps3 games on it I'm sold
and any chair engineers thinking this is impossible is retarded especially since adding backwards compatibility is easy as taking a shit in the tech world

educate yourself about the cell processor in ps3 and you will understand why ps3 emulation won't be happening.

You're comparing emulation to actual hardware

educate yourself fool

What retarded gimmick can Sony invent that would steal back it's market from before the Switch? Sony has no proper franchises other than The Last of Us, so they certainly can't market on games.

What good PS3 games haven't had a PS4 port yet? Demons Souls is the only one I can think of.

I'd say yes because there's no reason to change architecture, but I'm sure Sony will find a way to charge for it or intentionally exclude it so they can keep dumping remasters.

Kojima always wins baby

Yeah they are totally adding ps3 hardware into the ps5 so it can play ps3 games

No, they'll want to get as many PS4 remaster sales as possible.

Their new ceo is actually doubling down hard on first party development, so expect ps5 going for actual exclusives again

I never said they are I just said it would be great to have it otherwise why spend another 400 or 500 on hardware that is will be outdated to a 1070 , even a 1060 with the library consisting of more remakes and remasters


>if the ps5 isn't backwards compatible then they've just shit all over 5 years worth of digital customers.

They already did that with the PS3 to PS4.

If it also had a thing like how the xbone improves 360 games, I'll but it in a heart beat

Considering Sony's track record, I'm expecting another failed mascot. They should really double-down on Ratchet & Clank, or nostalgia-bait consumers (like Nintendo).

No why buy another console that is a equivalent of being a remaster for the previous console

why spend money on cow shit over horse shit if theyre both shit

The PS4 should be simple enough, but emulating PS3 is going to be a nightmare, hence why the PS4 didn't do it.
The Cell Processor was just a bitch to program for.

Honestly I'm just expecting Sony to change Playstation Now into a download based subscription service, where you download the games instead of having to stream them. If they did that they'd corner the market. I know Microsoft are doing that, but they don't really have the exclusives to draw everyone in. Sony (despite what Sup Forums says) have the pulling power to draw in millions of people, especially if they offered PS1 and PS2 games too.

There is nothing to nostalgiabait with, everything is multiplat now and both naughty dog and insomniac rather make new games than sequels to their old ones.

According to Sony using Boost Mode on PS4 pro will break some games designed for the original PS4. If Sony can't manage 100% backwards compatible with just a bump in CPU clockspeed and some GPU changes, Sony won't be able to manage 100% compatibility when they're moving to an entirely new CPU.

>The PS4 should be simple enough, but emulating PS3 is going to be a nightmare, hence why the PS4 didn't do it.
Luckily PS3 emulation is moving smoothly and by the time PS5 launches the CPU should be way better making software emulation of PS3 more feasible.

I only know of one game breaking and that's soma.

No idea why

There hasn't been a single game confirmed to not work with boost mode. The only times it could realistically cause issues is when a game has an unlocked framerate and it already runs at 60fps on regular PS4. They just say that so they don't have to warrant that it's perfect in the rare event some shit dev forgets to cap the framerate.

only two games have issues other than that it is okay


of course not. don't you get it? son'y strategy here is to release a new console so they can remaster the successful games from the prior version to get easy cash

doesn’t Ps Now use physical PS3 hardware though? how would that work?

>and ps3


Yeah, the servers have custom boards that include the Cell and RSX so it's not being emulated entirely through software.

If they stick to x86 there is no reason for it not to be.

If they have back compat they should do it like Xbox one does it. Full feature back compat and it even has a lightweight 360 dashboard included in every emulator so those games which might have required some OS features like the save menu opening in the operating system rather than the game can work fully now.

not all 360 games are on the xbox one though

Let's be honest, there are people that will defend a PS5 without BC and will buy any remaster they push.

But yeah, PS5 needs and is going to have BC anyway

This is really an issue with the developer, not Sony. Any intelligent dev is going to code the game in a way where shit a change in IPC or clockrate upwards isn't going to break the game, but we live in a world were people tie physics to framerate because they want to half ass it.

There's over 1000 games on there iirc with more added to the store all the time. The back compat is the best non-native back compat I've seen. You get full emulator upscaling, the actual 360 OS included in every game (which allows for stuff like LAN play) etc. This is the right way to do emulation rather than having a generic emulator which can play games. Some might play well some might play absolutely trash which takes away from the reasons of having a back compat feature in the first place. As far as I know every Xbox one back compat game runs better than the original. Back on the 360 where they had og back compat via a generic emulator, a lot of the games were broken.