80% of mass shootings are done by people who aren't gamers...


80% of mass shootings are done by people who aren't gamers, despite the president blaming school shootings on violent videogames.


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>obvious bullshit is obvious bullshit
Who woulda thunk

Your "God Emperor" thinks otherwise. He thinks videogames are responsible for places like Detroit and Chicago being violent shitholes.

100% of mass shootings are done by men...

its the easiest thing to blame, gamers have been fucked over in the media for a long ass time, we're basically a scapegoat at this point

Why do you assume I'm a burger

Why in Gods name would someone shit down a chimney?

How cute.
t. gun owner

>gamers have been fucked over in conservative media for a long ass time

Fixed. CNN and other liberal outlets are defending you guys against Trump's bullshit claim.

I hate The Sun

Why is your "right" to own your little gun more important than the life of a child just trying to get an education?

You can't have both.

Australia, plz. This is ezpz bait, you're better than this.

>everywhere in the world has the same videogames
>only america has these shootings

Makes sense to me.

>only America has gun crime


You know what they're going to say next right? "Then video game violence causes 20% of mass shootings and games should be banned". Ect ect.

School shootings by students?

avatar fagging is against the rules user
>these shootings

Why dont americans just spend more on mental health/mental research instead of just blaming guns?

>the president blaming school shootings on violent videogames.
he never said this

brits like to shit anywhere

Trump knows it's not vidya. He's just doing it to confuse low-intellect liberals so they forget they were pushing for gun bans.

This thread is about mass shootings, not school shootings. That's what the statistic is about, most people who commit gun crime are not videogamers.

>only america has a massive gun problem as a ""first"" world country

Because one is easy and the other isn't

americans DO want this
liberals however do not, they want the guns gun because a disarmed population is a weak population
if people can't protect themselves it opens the door for living in the nanny state nightmare the UK has become
a liberals wet dream

>niggers in chicago shooting each other for their shoes aren't gamers

What a shock.

>This problem has only started happening with the rise of the Politically Correct culture

>Only America has mass shootings
Where is the lie? Warzones don't count, they are warzones. Gang violence doesn't count, they are warzones. Very rarely are non-combatants killed in gang warfare. So, where is the lie?

What do you need to protect yourself from? Minorities living a normal life in your area? Students trying to get an education?

Letting you know now, if he ever showed at my door, I would shut it in his face

for shitposting purpose I don't argue that.
>americans have a mental breakdown because they can't insult people without consequences and kill other people.

this. it's a 200 iq play. he has family in the violent videogame business. he wouldn't do anything to videogames.

Why aren't we allowed to point out that pretty much all of the mass shooters in recent times have been white people? I don't even remember the last time I saw a non-white person being the shooter.

This isn't racism, it's an observation.

You're scum.

someone trying to break into my house
sometimes coyotes and bears
lots of reasons

The president is a idiot. Next.

>liberal media is now defending the bigoted, sexist and evil gamers


Why would someone want to break into your shitty trailer, Cletus? I think you're a little bit paranoid and probably not mentally stable, you seem to have a hard on for the idea of taking a life.

bait but the last shooter was Hispanic and the V-tech shooter was Asian

Don't you mean non shitposting purpose? Seriously though, Columbine happens, MSM starts showing these people's faces on the news daily, this awful culture of everything you do is racist die shitlord, and the number of school shootings have stepped up dramatically. Correlation != causation, but it certainly cannot be coincidence. Access to weapons is more difficult than ever with extensive background checks, and some shitty states even outright stopping you from buying shit.


if someone lived in a trailer its probably MORE likely their home would be broken into, not less likely, because they probably live in a low income area with a lot of blacks and drug users

nigga u dumb

>the V-tech shooter was Asian

Look at how many years you had to go back to find a non-white example, that says it all.

>the last shooter was Hispanic

His ADOPTED parents were hispanic, not him.

Then you'd have to acknowledge that they're like that because they're being force-fed ritalin and called racist for even existing, not allowed to express their view of clearly observable facts like that blacks commit the vast majority of violent crime in the country.

100% of men created by women...

>blacks commit the vast majority of violent crime in the country.
>in a thread about whites going on killing sprees

You guys can't help but deflect, can you?

I'm pretty sure the dozens of people who shoot each other every single day in Detroit and Chicago among others aren't white.

Seems like you hate white people and want them to lose their lived to random acts of violence.

>years of articles about how videogames make you violent/sexist/literally hitler/etc. from various outlets
>Trump says a thing
>a bunch of articles pop up about how videogames don't make you violent/sexist/literally hitler haha take that mr. funny skin color

>Don't you mean non shitposting purpose?
Nah I meant I don't argue so I can meme arrow shitpost.

Nice reading comprehension, Jamaal. Is that what my parents' tax-money went to all those years?

Nice goalpost shifting but the Orlando nightclub shooting was only 2 years ago and done by a gay Afghani Jew

I'm forty years old and I've NEVER had to use a gun to defend myself. You kids are just paranoid and also like the idea of being some sort of Rambo/Big Boss figure shooting up living beings because you think it's cool.

>making percentages of things that don't even occur several thousand of time yet
I flipped a coin, clearly there is 100% change it's head now.

I've never had a house fire but I still have a fire extinguisher in my home

t. beta loser on Sup Forums @ age 40

Just enjoy it, don't be mad.

As soon as Trump inevitably does his heel turn(His brother owns Bethesda, he's not actually going after games) and says that videogames aren't the problem suddenly the media will flip and blame us again.

Trump is the worst thing to have happened to free speech and logical thinking, but not for the reasons people will yell about. sad.

I just enjoy making holes in paper as close to each other as possible, you projecting old fuck.

The gay night club shooter was Muslim and so were the San Bernardino shooters.
Furthermore, mass shootings are classed as something like 4 or more wounded and the national media doesn't really report on that.

>i've never had to defend myself so there can be no situation where other might have to use guns to defend themselves

>Liberals do not
Last I checked, liberals want to remove guns from everyone period. Conservatives are always the ones yelling the loudest on tv about MORE GUNS

America isn't a first world country, it's a developing nation. Pay attention

So owning guns is just a fun hobby to you, huh? Do you think losing this fun hobby in order to save thousands of lives would be some great tragedy?

You've gotta learn that there's things more important than having fun, kid.

>thread filled with seething libtards who have no idea why it feels like their lives are a mistake

>has nothing to add to the conversation
People like you shouldn't vote



If you kill yourself it would probably save a thousand lives.

>mad libtards
I like how you owned the thread epic style xD

Maybe we should ban trucks too because it would save lives.

Stay enraged, low-iq commies.

Not to mention the guy who ruined the "black people have never done a mass shooting" argument for all the nigger lovers

Maybe, but I think we should go after the thing taking by far the most lives first and then worry about other things after that.

Latest attempt in Alabama was a black kid

>Gamers are violent and cause violence
>Gamers react violently
Well if the shoe fits, you people are violent and most of you always rant about killing people, raping people and threatening people. I hope there's a some form of reform because you people are legit insane, Good on Trump for finally taking care of a problem liberals keep ignoring

>the guy who ruined the "black people have never done a mass shooting" argument for all the nigger lovers

When the fuck was this ever an argument lol? Have they never heard of Detroit?

Just because a mass shooting doesn't get media coverage and a name doesn't mean it didn't happen.

>guntards stifle any conversation about trying to prevent mass shootings with SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

Just ban ammo. 2A doesn't say anything about a right to bear ammo.

>taking by far the most lives
gr8 b8 m8

>I think we should go after the thing taking by far the most lives first and then worry about other things after that.
So we're banning human beings?

is this copypasted from the_drumpf?

Did your dad touch you?

>Living outside of the Us, don't want weapons everywhere and voting none-nazi right wing makes me a commie

Name something that's taking more lives than guns in America then.

Except america's had school shootings since before the 60s.

you sayin' they don't play madden or nba

>lel drump
Fuck off Reddit.

Name some mass school shootings committed by blacks.

But don't conseratives want the poor to have no access to such healthcare? Seems a bit counterproductive.

Where in this thread do you see that exactly?
I'm not even a burger so the constitushon doesn't apply to me

Just google it you moron

Nah, unlike you I never had to cling to a gun imagining I'd need to to fend him off.

And how frequent were they?

blacks don't go to school, not even to shoot it up

I'm gonna go ahead and say something that will probably be controversial in this thread: young kids should not be able to legally buy automatic rifles.

If we didn't let them arm themselves, they couldn't commit a school shooting. No kid needs a gun to defend themselves.


>Living outside of the Us

No thanks, Mohommed.

>muh keeds
fuck off libshit

>not having to pay for useless trash
>saving prison industry and our streets and cities by making them die faster

user, they're fucking heroes, there's no such thing as a good person who is also poor, they're often drug addicts, ignorant fools, or some weaselly minority who blames the whites for their failures. Them all dying would be god's work.