Why are fighting games dead?
How do we resurrect it?
Why are fighting games dead?
How do we resurrect it?
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Smash was announced two days ago my friend.
Thems fighting herds should have saved them but they made it way too based around combos.
ive been playing fighting games all day. the kinds of people who call fighting games dead don't actually play them.
>Smash was announced two days ago my friend.
Talking about fighting games, user.
DBFZ is still new. Leave Sup Forums sometimes.
I never understand why people don't categorize smash as a fighting game, like the main point of the game is to fight other players.
>Why are fighting games dead?
They were only alive when they were played by clueless kids against their clueless friends at arcades.
>How do we resurrect it?
Story mode that someone might actually care about, and a kiddy pool that skilled players can only enter on a temporary invitation.
Melee is a fighting game. All the other faggot shit is faggot shit.
add rap music
it worked for 3rd strike...
Smash 5 was just announced. But if you're talking traditional fighters, they die quickly because they appear hard to get into.
melee is mechanically much more similar to other smash games than stuff like street fighter or guilty gear.
They've always been dead though?
SF2 was a fluke.
Now and then you'll get the occasional flare-up like SF4 or DBZF, but for the most part, the genre has always been on life support.
>Why are fighting games dead?
they arent, theyve never had masses of people playing repetitively like an online shooter or rpg. just casual play and a small group who obsessively dedicate themselves to it
>How do we resurrect it?
crossplay is all they need to be in a solid spot. you dont need huge populations for fighting games since its 1v1
>$120 on launch
>game either dies within a few months or requires another $60 season pass
>a multiplayer-only genre, single player is nonexistent, and the ones that are worth playing alone are shitty as proper fighting games (Soul Calibur)
>you've seen everything the game has to offer after one vs. match, all you have left after that is memorizing combos in training mode
It's a niche genre by its nature, and it has already been artificially stretched way beyond the audience that should be interested in it.
You gotta soy sauce it up:
>Take For Honor concepts of team play, game modes, cosmetics grinding, lootboxes, etc.
>Use a proper fighting game developer to make good core gameplay.
There you go. For Honor has had more players yesterday than either SFV or DBFZ.
Ya'know I can accept that, melee's my favorite anyway
>uchuu, labu labu DBZF
Wait 10 years and make a nostalgia pandering piece of shit
>Soul Calibur 6
>Virtua Fighter 6
>SNK Heroines
I think it'll be fine
When will she get a sequel, bros?
It took 1 reply for somone to post an off-topic reply. God I hate Nintentoddlers.
I want to try out some different fighting games is this bundle worth 9 (7 technichally cuz I have monthly) dollarydoos? humblebundle.com
>virtua fighter 6
you made me think sega had actually announced something for a second
no. You're getting outdated versions of games or games no one plays anymore.
wtf dark souls is a fighting game now
>arcades die
>fighting games become e-sports
>capcom becomes pants on head retarded directed by clowns and children
let it die