>That intro stage you've played too many times
What's her name Sup Forums?
That intro stage you've played too many times
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Looks very comfy. Fire Emblem? Which game?
2nded which FE?
the first scenario in HoMM3's Castle Campaign
Fire Emblem 4 for the SNES. You'll have to find the fan translation, was never released outside of Japan iirc
"Ahhh, the child of Bhaal has awoken. It is time for more...'experiments' ..."
the intro to Skyrim, i've probably played that like 100 times now
>"Welcome to Geonosis Three-Eight..."
Seyda Neen from Morrowind. I try to play it every year thinking "This time I'll like it." About 6 hours later and I still don't like anything.
Lots of ways to either improve or remove this entirely.
doom e1m1
Yeah, now.
I got my ass kicked a lot playing this blind on lunatic.
oh man this
still haven't beaten this fucking game
Every Souls game.
Never beat Disc 4.
At least you're trying. That's more that can be said about the shitposters.
My nigga
For years and years, really.
Fallout 4 intro, Skyrim intro
are you doing the main quest straight away or are you doing the guild/houses quests?
The beginning of Fallout 3
Also Morrowind's early game
I do the side quests in Seyda Neen (I have Fargoth's schedule memorized at this point) and then go to balmora and usually do some Fighter's guild quests. Should I just push my way through the main story?
But really the main problem I have is the gameplay. I don't like how slow everything is, I don't like how the combat is just dice rolls. I HATE the leveling system (but I finally got Morrowind XP to work). Don't get me wrong about the dice roll combat I'm playing IceWind Dale right now, and I'm fine with it. It just doesn't work for me when you have more actiony controls.
Morrowind seems like a better book than a game.
what game?
look comfy
Christ, so many times.
I never get tired of it though
Probably FF tactics.
saga frontier 2, it's fucking hard if you don't really know what you're doing
Fucking Peragus II
Undead Asylum
The escort mission at the beginning of Dragon's Dogma.
>saga frontier 2
any qt?
>getting wood
is that a Daniels reference?
You've missed out on some of the best music in the game.
Different fag here. Do you not enjoy exploring the Morrowind world at least?
i've seen the first few hours of majoras mask like 10 times but something keeps pulling me away from the rest of the game.
>I don't like how slow everything is, I don't like how the combat is just dice rolls. I HATE the leveling system
If you don't like that much about it, I don't think you can like the game. Not being spiteful or anything, seems like the game is just not for you, forcing it won't change your mind
*steals your limeware platter*
anyone know where I can get the original (not """enhanced""") version of bg2?
good old games
gog .com
They got all the old D&D games, I think you can buy them in a bundle too.
I can pretty much do the first level blind, and get to the last level without loosing a life.
memedog forced them to remove the original, they only got the ""enhanced"" version
You've given me a sudden urge to play minecraft again, but I just know I'm going to drop it after a day like I always do
the pirate bay
>Assault on the Control Room
>The Covenant
Only The Covenant never got old
Just use your disc.
Pirate it. Search for Baldur's Gate 2 GOG (or Baldur Gate 2 GOG, as it appears torrents have some issue with 's).
>trying to get in the way and fuck up the scripted assassination sequence
I've played Artisans in Spyro probably 12 times but I've never finished Magic Crafters
>dungeons still look pretty nice
>mfw leave severs and look at landscape
I played this recently. Worst intro to a Bethesda game I've played
Baldurs Gate 2
Silver's for me, on one of those demo discs as a kid because I didn't know any better
Finally played it for real last year, and man do I regret waiting so long
Yes, but if you're not hardcore you won't even get far enough to see them
Though there is a qt in the first generation, but she dies if you make a certain choice, with no indication beforehand
While your combat levels are shit it will be incredibly pronounced
They're all pretty bad, but yeah, for sure
Why are you forcing yourself to like something?
Also, I came here to post this. First thing I do in Morrowind is take the coastal route to Balmora so I can grab the Scrolls of Levity or whatever those things are that make you fly high up into the sky, and kill all the mudcrabs I see to level up my abilities
Morrowind is a real pain in the ass because unlike the other Elder Scrolls games, you have to spend some time doing menial tasks so you can get gold to pay people to train you so you can level up faster
that one Star Wars game on the N64
circling ATATs was fun but mission 2+ were boring
so I restarted the game many times per day
As a filthy newfag it took me a while to realize that the game really expects you to level up through trainers. I'm just not used to playing RPGs like that
That is an ass ton of enemies for an intro level
the hospital section in mgsv, even playing it a second time is too many let alone 4-5 if the optional objective is being a pain in the ass for you
why does this look wrong to me
i dont see the town from this angle really
same here and to this day i regret not playing through the rest of the game sooner.
if you owned it early enough you still have it in your library
I think they fucked with it somehow but I can't remember the specifics off the top of my head
I still have the old installer somewhere anyway, if I ever get non-australian-outback tier internet I'll throw them up as a torrent so check again in like 5 years
never release outside of japan because the gamecube was already out when this game was released.
This gem
>never could commit to a rogue beyond level 20
they're just so fucking boring.
that's not true at all. I'm looking at it on the store at this moment.
I honestly made at least 3 playthroughs up to high levels and almost never used trainers, especially not early game. Da hell?
I'm probably just incompetent, but I've found that really early in the game I had a lot of trouble taking out even fairly low-level enemies
Trainers are easier if you know how to make money.
Even easier if you have Tribunal installed because Dark Brotherhood Assassins will attack you and after you kill them you can sell their loot or take it for yourself
You're awake, how about up?
I thought that was a Heihachi in the pic
What game?
>being a young'un living in my grandparents house in cornfield, ohio, 30 minutes from the nearest town loading up RCT after a long day of listening to a mix of the hottest songs of the summer of 2000 off a CD in the back yard, jumping on a trampoline with all my friends and rolling around the grass
it hurts, I want to go back. I lost the other half of my childhood all the way up until senior year of highschool
FE4 was 96
FE5 was the really late super famicom one and it was still only 99
Morrowind is hard to like unless you played it back in the day.
It took me years before I sat down and played through the game to completion, because I would get bored a few hours in like you.
It's one of those games where it gets good like 20 hours into the game.
I really don't think it's a matter of playing it back then, more just personal preference and patience. I played it for the first time in 2010 I think and instantly fell in love with it.
It happens to me with every big RPG. I pick it up and usually get bored and drop it after a few hours. Pick it again several months later and play it to completion while having lots of fun. Don't know why it happens, even when the games themselves are very good